《Legacy》Chapter 9 - Crazy


I don’t know who made the system for magic in this game but he was very thorough. There are actually two systems for using magic. The first is, as Paimon claimed, the voice system.

The voice system is the simplest of the systems. It involves incantations or gestures and all spells are already present in something called the Arcane library. This library hosts all the spells past and present, created and named by their creators so even if someone tries to create the same spell, it will still be named the same way (for example the fireball spell).

The second system is more complex and called the formula system. It involves writing magic formulas, runes and any type of physical representation of the spell and infusing it with mana. After all that is done, if the “world” accepts your spell as complete, you can activate the spell or you can create a new one.

Enchanting an object, works by relying on the second system while mages, sorcerers, witch doctors and any other type of magic class, rely on the first system. This was probably the reason why most people in the beta instinctively avoided enchanting even though it was an incredibly useful skill.

Right now, I’m only learning one spell but because Paimon doesn’t have the spell book for it (or so he says), I have write it manually in the dirt like a five year old.

The good thing is I learned another skill and my stats increased.

Focus + 1

Your attempt at creating a spell has failed. The materials have been lost.

Sewing skill proficiency has increased

Sewing (Passive, Beginner level 2)

If you are wondering ‘what does sewing have to do with learning a spell?’ than I have to remind you that I have three necromancer skills already and I’m working on the forth. So here is a question, what are necromancers famous for?

The answer: raising the dead.

I admit that the connection to sewing isn’t obvious but if you think about it, you need a body to create a zombie but the body disappears after a set time. To write the magic formula for the spell takes time as well, so what is the easiest way to make a zombie in this situation? Make a body that doesn’t disappear and write the magic formula at your discretion.

Right now I’m sewing a wolf back together while Paimon looks as if he wants to explode from laughter. The fact that he’s trying so hard not to laugh pisses me off annoys me to no end.


Because of your constant proximity to corpses, you have gained Death Aura

Death Aura (Passive, Beginner level 1)

The corpses of monsters cannot be claimed by the gods in your presence.

Death Aura and Murderous Aura have combined to create Ripper’s Realm

Ripper’s Realm(Passive, Special, Beginner level 1)

All enemies in a 10m radius are 0,15% slower for every point in Killing Intent you have. Weaker enemies have a 10% chance of gaining Fear, Terror or Faint debuff. You get 3% more experience for every kill. The corpses of monsters cannot be claimed by the gods in your presence.

“Oh, thank you, thank you, and thank you. I will never complain again. Praise be the almighty system in all his glory.”

“Pwahahahahah. Stop. STOP. I can’t take it anymore.” Paimon started laughing like it was a comedy show.

“What’s so funny?” I ask in monotone voice.

“YOU! You kill wolves then cut them to pieces, small pieces, and then sew them back together. It’s like you’re a masochist. You even started praying. You’re a very weird demon.”

“Disregarding the praying part, how else would I get a body to last for more than few minutes?”

“You don’t! Pwahahaha. I have the Death Aura. You could just leave it with me or even better, you could write the magic circle first and then kill the wolves.”

That was the day I realized that I wasn’t the smartest cookie in the jar.

“Are you sad right now?”

“SHUT UP, I don’t want to talk about it.”

Paimon continued to laugh for a while. In that time I was playing in the dirt (writing magic circles and not because I was depressed because real men don’t cry).

Strangely enough, sewing a wolf back together is only third on the list of the most horrible experiences in my life and second on the most horrible experiences in Legacy.

After a few more attempts, I increased my focus to 23 and finally got it right.

You have successfully created a spell - Revive

Revive (Active, Beginner level 1)

You can revive someone within 5 minutes of their death. Mana cost 400

Because you had insufficient mana, your health compensated for it. Health -130


Or maybe not. After I fought and killed the wolf for the second time today, I learned that it was better to wait 5 minutes to be sure that the wolf was truly dead as a door knob before trying to create zombies. Apparently Paimon “forgot” to tell me. Someday I’ll kill him.


Killing Intent +10

While making that promise, I recreated the spell and after waiting the necessary 5 minutes and watching the description of the wolf turn from “freshly dead” to “dead” I activated the spell.

You have successfully created a spell - Reanimate

Reanimate (Active, Beginner level 1)

You can create an undead minion by using a corpse. Mana cost 400. Number of minions possible, 6.

Note: The stats of all undead minions are reduced by 40%

Because you had insufficient mana, your health compensated for it. Health -130

Right now I can’t use the spell because I don’t have enough mana but during the night when I have an overall stat increase of 30%, I can use it.

“Congratulations! It’s undead” said Paimon a bit disappointed.

“Thank you. Now what do we do?”

“I think that we should get you accustomed to being a demon. I don’t think you ever used Demonic Pact.”

“I didn’t get the chance.”

“Then I think this is your big chance. Go and use it.”

“On who? There is nobody in this forest except for you, me and a lot of monsters.”

“Use it on a monster.”

“Does it work that way?”

“You can get a pet if you’re lucky but try it on a demonic monster. That way you have better chance of succeeding.”

“Any suggestions?”

“Try it on a slime.”

With that suggestion I started searching for a slime. Slimes are beginner monsters and have a level between 1 and 10. In some high level arias, their level is lower than the overall level of the monsters in the zone so they give low exp and less loot that other monsters.

After searching for about an hour I found one at the entrance of a cave. I wrote a basic contract with the help of Paimon. It was a simple contract that stated that if it became my pet that I would increase its level and feed it as well as protect it to the best of my abilities.

“Hey little guy. If you accept this contract than I will…ahhh…FACE HUGGER! FACE HUGGER!”


As always this was probably a trick from Paimon to have fun at my expense. The little monster attached itself to my face and wouldn’t let go until I almost killed it.

“Sign…it…Or…DIE” I said with a smile on my face.

You have gained a new skill - Intimidation

Intimidation (Passive, Beginner level 1)

You have a higher chance to make someone do what you want them to do. Familiarity decreases by 5% with every use. People may turn hostile to you if used too often and your infamy may increase.

Manipulation and Intimidation have combined to create Psychological Manipulation

Psychological Manipulation (Passive, Special, Beginner level 1)

You have a higher chance to make someone do what you want them to do. Familiarity and Loyalty may increase or decrease depending on the methods used. People may turn hostile to you if used too often and your infamy may increase.

Killing Intent+5

You have gained a new pet through Demonic Pact

Please name your pet!


Pet Status Window[quart=Pet name,Level] Xeno,1[/quart][quart=Race,Owner]Slime,Frost[/quart] [quart=Loyalty,Satiety]24%,64%[/quart] [quart=Health,Mana]100,100[/quart][quart=Stamina,Vitality]100,10[/quart][quart=Wisdom,Endurance]5,10[/quart][quart=Strength,Intelligence] 10,10[/quart][quart=Agility,Luck]15,0[/quart][quart=Attack,Defense] 1,0[/quart]


Choke (Active, Beginner level 5)

Bounce (Passive, Beginner level 2)

Acid Stomach (Active, Beginner level 7)

“It’s so squishy” I said while grabbing it.

“Congratulations you have a useless pet” said Paimon in a deadpan voice. I think he didn’t expect me to succeed.

“He’s not useless. Don’t listen to the bad man. You are the cutest thing ever. Yes you are. Yes you are.” I have to admit that I grow really attached to pets.

“A demon lord is petting a pet slime.” *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

“You’re just jealous because Xeno is so cute.”

“And useless.”

“He is not useless! Watch.” I took Xeno I my hand and started aiming at a wolf. “ Xeno, Choke.”


Wolf has been stunned.

Xeno used Choke.

Before the wolf could take Xeno off his face I already attacked him twice and gave him a Silence and Bleed debuff. The wolf died in a matter of moments.

Xeno rose to level 2

Xeno’s loyalty rose to 25%

“You are a very brave little slime. Yes you are. Yes you are.”

“You may not be right in the head. Maybe we should take a break” said Paimon with a little bit of concern.

And with that I gained an undead minion wolf and a pet slime. Although I don’t know if Paimon is right or not, I did start to have more fun while playing this game. Maybe I am slowly losing my mind.

“Xeno, give Paimon a hug.”


But I’m having fun so who cares?

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