《Legacy》Chapter 3 - Hey Brother


Chapter 3 – Hey Brother

Dive time elapsed: 9072 hours 14 minutes 2 seconds

Time conversion: 1:4 (R:V)

Date: March 28 2057

Server: Legacy

In the world of Legacy, there are numerous species that have numerous countries on different continents. Right now, there is only one known continent, Atum. From the map provided by Nocturne on their website, Atum is divided into 11 parts.

In the north are the savage lands. The savage lands belong to no race in particular and like the name implies, it’s infested with monsters with incredibly high levels. Nothing is known about the savage lands but it is presumed that beyond them lays a new continent.

South-west of the savage lands is the holy land of Aceso. Aceso has as many churches as there are religions and the people there specialize in holy magic. Out of all the religions that exist, the most prominent is the belief in the goddess Aine, goddess of love, growth and light.

South of the savage lands and east of Aceso is the kingdom of Erebus. Out of all the kingdoms in Atum, Erebus is surrounded by 6 of them and yet it succeeded in maintaining its land for the last hundred years. The reason for that is because of their specialty which is poison and subterfuge.

East of Erebus is the knight kingdom of San Kavar. They worship their deity, Kavar, the saint of the sword and shield. The people of San Kavar have strong bodies and are the most honorable of all human kingdoms.

Demetoria is south of Aceso. It is a republic that stabilizes the whole economy of the continent. It is vastly rich, second only to Boros, kingdom of the dwarves. On the forums it is called the merchant paradise.

East of Demetoria is Mnemosinia, the magic kingdom. It is ruled by a high mage that rumors say he has lived since the creation of the kingdom 500 years ago. Their main export is in magic items and more than 80% of the population knows magic.

Almost nothing is known about the dwarf kingdom Boros. Their vast territory is covered in mountains and their people live underground. They are expert blacksmiths and craftsman and are on bad terms with the elven kingdom Doridon.

East of Boros lays Doridon. The elves respect nature and life, and most of their land is untouched. They are at odds with the dwarves who exploit the riches of the land and believe only in their technology.

Further east is Heraverde. This land is occupied by warrior orcs. Although they live on one land, the orcs are divided in several tribes each with a chieftain. Because of internal discord, they never succeeded in conquering San Kavar or Doridon. They lose millions with each attack every year but because they have a high birthrate, their population never decreases.

Lyssa is south of Mnemosinia. The people here are the strongest physically out of all the human territories. The land is filled with warriors, swordsman and weapon masters. This is the birthplace of martial arts.

In the southernmost part of the continent lays Ladon. Ladon’s land is 56% surrounded by water and trades with every kingdom or state that has a port. It’s infested pirates but because it has numerous beaches and attractions it gains more money out of tourism than trading.

In the kingdom of Erebus, in the town Nightwood, there is a store called ‘Pots, potions and peculiarities’. The shopkeeper is a man that looks bored and dejected which doesn’t match well with his handsome traits, making him look almost unapproachable. The name of this person is Frost. To understand why he is so dejected we would have to go back in time almost a week, to the official launch of Legacy.


Dive time elapsed: 8904 hours 57 minutes 12 seconds

Time conversion: 1:1 (R:V)

Date: March 21 2057

Server: Home

“That’s why I say that the most important skill is the Identification skill” said Manna.

Manna and John were practicing hand to hand combat and were having a discussion at the same time. In the days of beta testing, they realized that although attack skills improved with each use, passive skills such as sword mastery didn’t. After thinking about it they realized that the reason sword mastery didn’t improve past beginner level 9 was because no matter how many time you swing a sword, if you do it wrongly you would still be called a beginner.

For the last 9 months they started training in different things such as swords, archery and of course martial arts. They did some of them for fun while others became hobbies. Because they couldn’t get hurt, they used all kinds of weapons in their training when it became boring. It became a ritual to solve all their quarrels with a sparring match. John found the whole situation kind of funny. He remembered something his dad told him long ago.

“Son, your wife will always be right, even when she’s wrong.”

Of course that was a joke his father said and he didn’t actually mean it but the fact that out of 134 spars, John only won 12, he thought that maybe his father’s words held some truth.

While he was thinking of this, he got distracted and with an accurate Brazilian kick to the chin, he fell on his back.

“I win” said Manna while sticking her tongue out. He couldn’t help but smile while looking at that cute face she was making.

“Fine, I admit that the Identification skill is the first skill that you need to get, just to make your life easier, but what about the repair skill? Remember the Lagos Labyrinth? When we got out of there half of us looked like beggars while the other half looked dead. Some of us actually were.”

“That’s true, but you said THE most important skill. In a party the person with the highest Repair skill usually repairs all the weapons and armor. There are also mages and archers that wear robes and leather armor and the repair skill is useless to them, hence the most important skill is Identification. Identification at a high enough level has numerous uses such as identifying curses, traps, poisons, edible plants and monsters. This is the skill that will keep you safe most of the time.”

“Ok, I admit it. You … are … right.”

Coming closer to Manna with each step it was obvious what he wanted. With a tight embrace and a deep kiss, you wouldn’t have guessed that these were the same people that were fighting only moments ago.

“It’s almost 8 o’clock.”

“Already? Have you talked with James yet?”

“He’s not answering. His secretary says he’s away with business. We have a message from him though. He said ‘I expect great things.’ He also sent us two copies of Legacy.”

“He’s always busy these days isn’t he? “

“Today is the launch of Legacy. It would be strange if he wasn’t busy.”

I was a bit sad to know that he was so busy he couldn’t even say hello. There were a few things I wanted to talk about with him but I was incredibly giddy at the thought of playing Legacy.

“Then, shall we milady?”

“We shall.”

Your Legacy awaits you. Do you wish to claim it now?YesNo



“Connecting to your account. Your avatar is ready for customization. Do you wish to modify it?”

“Make him 3 cm taller and save changes.”

“Welcome Frost. Your Legacy awaits you.”

Just like in the beta testing, he lost consciousness for a few moments before he materialized.

Welcome to Legacy. You are in Atum continent in the Erebus Kingdom. This is the beginner town Nightwood. Please note that for the next game month, or for a week in real world time, you will be forbidden from leaving the beginner town. Please follow the tutorial for more information.

The message was new but the tutorial was the same as the one in beta testing. Looking around he saw that there were a lot of people that, just like in the beta, were unsteady on their feet. The difference was that this time people weren't falling down like drunks and could slowly walk. What he didn't saw was Manna so he decided to go to higher grounds and look from above. The stairs from the plaza led to a stone paved road surrounded by shops on one side. From above you could see that the plaza was square shaped and looked as if it was dug into the earth. In the center of the plaza was a massive stone ring. The ring was called a town portal. If you needed to travel anywhere within a kingdom, all you needed to do was pay 20 gold and you would arrive there in moments.

John waited for half an hour before he decided to log off and ask Manna directly where she was.

Dive time elapsed: 8905 hours 34 minutes 37 seconds

Time conversion: 1:1 (R:V)

Date: March 21 2057

Server: Home

“Where were you?” Apparently Manna already logged off and had the same idea as him.

“I was waiting at the top of the stairs. Where were you?”

“At the top of the stairs. It couldn’t that we just missed each other right?” Realizing something, Manna had a panicked look on her face.

“What’s wrong?” asked John.

“What’s the name of town you are in?”

“Nightwood. Why?”

“Because I’m in the beginner town Spiriton. In what kingdom are you?”

“I’m in Erebus.”

Dejected, Manna answered “I’m in Mnemosinia. They are close to one another but we still won’t be able to play together for a while.”

Going back to the present, this was the reason why Frost looked like that. They decided to meet once a week in the Home server but after getting used to seeing Manna every day for the past year, he felt incredibly lonely.

Someone entered the shop. Seeing that he wasn’t a NPC he didn’t give him second look. Because the game just started, players were poor and didn’t have a need to buy mana or health potions because the month restrictions haven’t ended yet.

“Hello brother.”

Frost looked at the player. He was well built and had blond hair and dark purple eyes. Above his head floated the name ‘Fallen’.

“Chris?” asked Frost a bit uncertain. He looked a lot like Chris but he looked different enough to question if it was truly him.

“Hi John.”


With a well-placed kick in the solar plexus, John knocked the wind out of Chris’s lungs making his gasp for air. While stepping on his foot he pushed him, making him lose his footing and fall on his back. In the blink of an eye he was already mounting him.




“Let me beat you up first and then we’ll talk.”

After the “fight” was over they were both laying on their backs. Chris barely had any health while John consumed all his stamina.

Due to incredible effort you have gained 1 endurance point.

Fallen started laughing.

“Why are you laughing?”

“I got a new stat called Toughness because of that beating.”

Frost started laughing too.

“I got an endurance point.”

If anyone looked inside of the shop they would have seen a strange sight. Two people on their backs, one beaten to a pulp while the other barely able to move, laughing their hearts out.

“Are we even now?” asked Fallen.

“Not even close but I’m willing to talk to you now.”

“We couldn’t reach you for over a year.”

“I was beta testing Legacy from April to July and I didn’t get any messages since then.”

“We left a message with Mr. Pagan telling you to contact us when you were available.”

“I never got the message. James has been busy since a while back. I think it slipped his mind.”

“It’s good to hear that you’re not ignoring us. Let’s go for a drink and talk more then.”

“I can’t. We have to wait until closing hours. It’s the last day of the contract. If I don’t do it properly, I won’t get paid.”

“Then, let’s meet up at the ‘Tipsy Witch’ after you close the shop. There are a lot of things to talk about.”

Although it was true that he needed to get his last payment, there was another reason why Frost didn’t want to close shop early. After it became dark and there were barely any foot traffic outside, an old man walked inside the shop. This was the owner of ‘Pots, potions and peculiarities’, Damian Troy. He looked the same as ever, like he drank a little too much of the potions he made. He looked as mad as a hatter but he paid incredibly well.

“Frost my boy, have there been any problems?”

“No sir.”

“Today is the last day of work isn’t it? It’s sad to see you go but I know it’s hard for young people to stay in one place for too long. Before I give you your last payment there is something I want to teach you.”

Damian Troy offers to teach you the skills Identification and Brewing. Do you accept?

He was expecting to learn the Identification skill but because he had a good relationship with the shop owner, he offered to teach him the brewing skill.

“I’ll gladly learn anything you have to teach. I’m still young.”

You have learned Identification.

Identification (Active, Beginner level 1)

By using this mystic art, you can ask the divine about earthly matters.

Mana consumption: 10

You have learned Brewing.

Brewing (Active, Beginner level 1)

Brewing potions, poisons and drinks is a skill given by the god Dionysus himself. It is said that the secret to immortality is hidden in this art.

Mana consumption: 0

Requirements: Alchemic tools.

“You are different from the other youngsters. You stayed long hour, you helped me with my experiments and you never complained no matter how unreasonable I was. I was wondering if you could help me with a job.”

Quest: One apple a dayPeople are dying because of a mysterious plague inside the town and nobody knows the cause of it. Damian wants you to find the cause of these atrocities and report back to him.

Difficulty: Unknown

Quest requirements: Familiarity with Damian Troy at least friendly.

Rewards: Unknown

Time limit: 7 days

Failure: upon death or being unable to find the source before the time limit

Rejecting this quest will reduce your familiarity to acquaintances.

“Of course I’ll help in any way I can.”

You have accepted the quest.

“I knew I could trust you. Let me just give you your final payment and I’ll let you go on your way.”

After he got the generous pay of 2 gold coins, the first place went to was the general goods store to buy a specific item. From his job he acquired a hefty bag of coins. Right now he had 24 gold, 10 silver and 80 copper coins. A good meal costed about 5 copper coins while the cheapest meal costed about 2 copper coins. Damian paid 2 gold coins a day but the reason why nobody wanted to work for him was because he was moody, insane and he would occasionally use you for experimentation. He made Frost drink so many bad tasting potions that he gained the skill Iron Stomach. Normally people would quit after a session like that but after gaining the skill, Frost would volunteer to drink the concoctions that Damian made just to increase the level, which increased their familiarity.

Iron Stomach (Passive, Special, Beginner level 7)

Only the gods may know how hungry you were to eat what you did. The gods have blessed you with an indestructible stomach and a taste for things that normal people would regard as inedible.

Effect and duration of poison decreased by 14%.

The taste of food does not bother you.

Arriving at the general goods store he already prepared 5 gold coins in advance to buy something so essential normal RPG’s offered it for free from the start. What he brought was ‘Adventurer’s traveling bag’ also known as the inventory bag.

Adventurer’s travel bag

Description: Enchanted magic bag from the kingdom of Mnemosinia.

Effect: The bag is bigger on the inside then on the outside. The bag won’t change its size but the weight will increase with each item you put inside it.

The Tipsy Witch bar was a short distance away from the bar. As always it was full of sketchy characters and players that wanted to relax after a good day of working and doing quests. Fallen was a sitting alone at a table drinking a beer.

“Did you wait long?” I asked.

“No, I just got here a moment ago. Did you order anything?”

“I ordered a beer. So, what is it that you wanted to talk about?”

Where do I start? Emily gave birth a few months back. It’s a healthy baby boy and we named him Samuel.”

“So I finally became an uncle. No wonder you wanted to meet at a bar. This is a cause for celebration.”

“The reason I called you to a bar was to get you drunk so that I can tell you the rest of the news.”

“What other news?” I asked a little bit angry and fearful that I may not like the answer.

“Dad had a change of heart and realized that he overreacted.”

“That’s an understatement.”

“He wants to meet with you.”

“He’s here too?”

“Yes, he’s in Demetoria working as a merchant. He wants you and Manna to meet him there.”

“What if I don’t want to meet him?”

“He’s really trying to get over the oddity of this whole situation. He realized that you can’t have a normal life so he wants to make amends. Would you please meet him?”

“I’m not promising anything but I’ll talk to Manna first and then decide what to do.”

“All I’m asking is that you at least consider it. He’s in Silk city in Demetoria. If you ever decide to meet him, then please go there. By the way, where is Manna?”

“She’s in Spiriton in Mnemosinia.”

“That’s harsh. Emily’s in another kingdom too. She in San Kavar in the city called Serenity.”

“I’m surprised that dad plays Legacy.”

“We all are. Not just dad and I, Emily and mom play too. Mom’s an alchemist in Demetoria. She makes potions and dad sells them. They make a pretty good team. Emily and I are both archers. We take turns playing so that at least one of us keeps an eye on Samuel.”

“So you profession is archer? You always had good hand eye coordination. You just might be suited to be an archer. I still can’t believe that mom plays Legacy.”

“I know, right. After all those years where she told us games rot our brains, she started playing too. The reason why I entered you shop was because she asked me to buy recipes for her. Imagine my surprise when I saw you standing there”

The discussions continued until Chris had to log out. They were both a little drunk and unsteady on their feet but they left in high spirits. John didn’t know if he wanted to meet his father but it was good to see Chris again and this time he meant it. Although he wanted to go to an inn and sleep until the drowsiness wore off he needed to do something else first. People were dying for an unknown reason in this town and he had to find out why.

“Let’s see what kind of boogeyman we uncover.”

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