《One Piece: Pursuit of Justice》[CH.7] Shooting at the Range! Graduation?


“Kenji, you’re the squad leader now, huh. Ready to boss us around like Instructor Hotaru?” I was walking with Itsuki down to the gun shooting range, we both had to practice our flintlock work.

“I’m actually excited, I’ve never really lead a group of people before. Hopefully we all get along, y’know?” I didn’t care much about the whole “bossing” around part. I just wanted a band of brothers similar to the old trio but instead fighting pirates and restoring order.

“Yeah, infighting shouldn’t be a big deal. Though the green-haired guy puts me off a bit, he just seems weird.” Itsuki made a shivering face, remembering the serious expression that guy always had.

“He seems pretty weird, but I mean he’s our squadmate now.” We eventually reached the shooting range, and to our surprise, Haru was there too. He had a flintlock in hand, shooting at wooden dummies. He saw both of us, and him and I made eye-contact.

There was something weird about it. He looked at me with a hint of jealousy and disrespect, giving me the sense that he wasn’t so on board with the “squad” idea. I instantly frowned - I wasn’t going to take disrespect lightly.

“Hi, ‘captain’.” He actually spoke up, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Surprisingly, his voice was silky smooth! But it wasn’t quite feminine, it still had a coldness within it - just weird! I felt a chill ride up my spine - that’s too creepy!

“Kenji would be fine.” I glanced at him from head to toe. His face was awkwardly long, especially his nose, and his green hair stuck out like a sore thumb. He didn’t comb his hair at all, it was shriveled and thrown everywhere. He used his spotless MARINE cap to conceal the hair.


“Well, don’t let me stop you from shooting.” Just like that, he focused back on his shooting practice. He took three bullets and slipped them into his flintlock with impressive fluidity, firing all three in quick succession. The bullets were on target, hitting the dummy’s shoulder, neck, and stomach. His accuracy was no doubt scary.

“Kenji, let’s go.” Itsuki seemed annoyed with Haru’s act, picking up his own flintlock and firing at the dummy. His aim was a little off, though it was still better than most. It still wouldn’t match up with Haru’s marksmanship.

“I guess I’ll try to.” I picked up my own flintlock, placing a single bullet within. Flintlocks were fun to shoot, but they weren’t the same as the good ol’ fist. There was no contact with a flintlock, just the recoil of the bullet being blasted out of my grip.

I took aim at the head of the dummy and fired. The bullet missed pretty bad, flying off to the side. Oh well. Haru started giggling and the sight of my miss and even Itsuki laughed up a bit.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m not a great shot.” I set down the flintlock and scratch the back of my head. Guns are useless anyways.

“Clearly not. You’re Itsuki, aren’t you? Isn’t your brother a marine hero?” Haru turned his attention toward Itsuki. Aw crap. Once Itsuki started talking about his brother, there was no end to his rambling.

“Really? You know him?” Itsuki’s eyes flashed. And just like that, they started talking, even shuffling away from me. Before I knew it I was alone at the shooting range.

“Whatever.” I could only helplessly sigh, annoyed at best, and look forward to dinner.

And when dinner came, Itsuki and Haru ended up sitting together. I don’t know how became friends so quickly, but they seemed to get along pretty good. But I guess it makes sense, although Itsuki is nice to me he is no doubt a prideful spirit. Arrogant, yes, but I still think he’s a good guy. Also, it wouldn't be good if Haru was a outcast in our squad.


So I just sat with Coby and Helmeppo. Akoro saw me and came over, sitting down next to me. We got along pretty well, and we started talking about Akoro’s past.

He came from a city on a nearby island. His entire family was big and strong, he claims they descend from a family of half-giants. Surprisingly, he also got along pretty well with Coby. One small, the other big, it was an interesting sight. Made me laugh a bit too.

Basic training was looking good, and the Demolition Squad was almost ready.


Basic training continued with its last four weeks. Each of the four members were taught by different instructors based on their own preferences. Haru was taught by a sniper and guns expert, Itsuki decided to learn how to use the sword, Akoro was taught in pure strength, and Kenji began to practice boxing.

All of this was overseen by Instructor Hotaru. He would spend two days every week with each one of them, giving them tips and advice while observing their training. He also spent valuable time with Kenji, teaching him leadership skills and tactics.

He had also informed the group that a squad of four was too little and that he was adding at least one more person before he let them set sail.

It should also be mentioned that over the four weeks Demolition Squad had bonded even further. Everyone had accepted Kenji as the leader, and Kenji had spent time with each one of them individually to build trust. Every week they had to spend at least three days together, practicing team combat drills. Even Haru found himself comfortably unified within the Squad.

And the roles of Demolition Squad were determined early on. Kenji was the leader, Haru was sniper/marksmen, Itsuki was swordsmen/navigator, and Akoro was ship repair. All four were considered infantry and would lead a ship of lower-ranking Marines into combat zones.

Their collective purpose was to capture wanted pirates and attempt to bring them back to base. Depending on the person, they were authorized to kill. They would also storm pirate crew locations/ships if seen - hence “demolition” squad.

Eventually, another four weeks passed. Basic training was officially ending, and the graduation ceremony was about to begin.

The graduation ceremony was a highlight for all new recruits. At that time all recruits would be promoted and given their first award for completing basic training. At that point they would be considered full-fledged Marines, starting at the rank of Seamen Apprentice. The only exception was Demolition Squad, which would be promoted to Petty Officer.

But what really made the graduation ceremony interesting was a rumor that had spread around. The rumor said that a Vice-Admiral from Navy HQ was coming to deliver a speech at the ceremony!

This only excited the 201st Marine Base beyond comparison - a Vice-Admiral from HQ was nothing to scoff at!

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