《One Piece: Pursuit of Justice》[CH.4] Leon's Departure! The Navy!


The Viking Pirate's attack holds a significant place within the timeline of this story. It exposed the three boys to the concept of "pirates"; what they stood for, and how they acted.

Interestingly, each of them took the event differently.

For example, Leon eventually decided that there were different “types” of pirates. He didn’t give up on sailing the sea with a Jolly Roger at the sail and a crew at his side. While he did loathe the Vikings, he was unwilling to use them as an example of a pirate.

On the other side, Kenji decided that piracy was a fancy word for crime. A day after the Viking incident, Marines had arrived on the island and even captured the remaining group of Viking Pirates. They provided the village with a compensation for their troubles. Once told what happened, one of the Marines even personally visited the three boys - encouraging them to join the Navy. Leon wouldn’t hear any of it, while Kenji absorbed it all.

Hatsume, however, didn’t have a true opinion on the situation. As the three became older, Leon would often time try and convince Hatsume to be a pirate; and Kenji would attempt to bring him under the Navy. Hatsume would never yield, stating he would be “neutral”.

However, all the boys shared one thing: the desire to become stronger. Once Anari had recovered from the attack, the boys began to sneak out to the island’s many dangerous locations. Anari knew about it but surprisingly didn’t mind.

And just like that, the boys would go on hunting trips and return to the village two months after. The timespan of their adventures increased until it reached a point where the three would come back once a year to talk with Anari.

They would fight all types of beasts within the forests, bonding closer and closer despite opposite ideals. It wasn’t long before they began to spar each other in intense duels, in which Leon would often times win.


But alas, all good times must come to an end.

Leon eventually turned seventeen and was ready to set for sea. It was a huge event within the village, with everyone talking about how quick that little boy who seemed to magically appear within the village had grown. They had a week of celebration, with plentiful drinking, eating, and dancing. After finishing the celebration, they left Leon alone to set sail himself.

“Kenji! Hatsume! Watch for me in the news, I should be showing up soon.” Leon grinned at the two, showing off a flawless smile. Leon’s face was much more mature than before, as the signs of manhood had begun to set themselves in his expressions. He was now seventeen, a young adult, ripe and ready to search the vast sea. His smile was carefree and happy, as if he was unchained by the expectations of the world.

He was ready to become a pirate.

“We’ll be watching. Just make sure I don’t see you when I’m in the Navy! I’ll catch you in no time!” Kenji laughed. He was much older than before, now being fourteen. He had a slim built figure and was in incredible shape. His eyes had deepened further, as well as his voice. He had a heroic spirit around him and was incredibly similar to Leon in attitude.

“Haha, as if you could catch me! My crew will be unmatched within the seas.”

“Uh-huh. We’ll be looking, Elder Brother!” Hatsume smiled, showing off his shiny teeth. He was now twelve, four years behind Leon. He was still young but was incomparable to the other boys his age. He could fight any man on the village in a hand-to-hand fight and still win.

“Of course. But now it’s time to drink the sake.” Leon’s face became serious, as he reached for one of three bowls in the center of the boys. It was filled to the brim with a clear liquid - sake.


“Once brothers, always brothers!~” The three shouted in unison, all lifting their bowls at once. They drank all the sake in one large gulp, setting down the bowls.

The vow of eternal brotherhood. It was a vow that bonded people even further than blood. Words could not describe the relationship properly.

And after that, Leon took to sailing the East Blue, steering a customized wooden dingy the three had built together. Anari, Hatsume, and Kenji all felt tears as they saw him disappear into the distance.

Kenji and Hatsume didn’t know when or where they would see him again. But at the same time, they were happy for him and excited for their own departure.

Their own search for adventure.

Three years had passed in the blink of an eye. It was then Kenji’s turn to leave the village - this time heading for the nearest Navy Base. He wanted to be a Marine.

The Marines, or Navy, were the military force of the World Government. It was their job to enforce the Law and protect citizens worldwide. They would capture rampant pirates and ensure the security of people. This was what Kenji wanted to be a part of.

The village held the same celebration they did for Leon, shocked at how fast Kenji had grown. Kenji was incredibly powerful as he left, being able to kill any beast on the island. He was bustling with the spirit of youth, excited at the life that lay ahead of him.

He wanted to capture pirates like the Vikings and put them under the Law. Protect citizens across the sea and defend the rights of the people; all the while fighting powerful pirates on the way. This was his goal - his dream.

And his first step was to enlist.

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