《Spirit God Shura》Chapter 27: Academy Selection Grounds


The entire City Square was silent as everyone present were looking at the pair of people who descended from the large white birds. One of them was a fat person with yellow robes and the other was tall and skinny who wore a plain blue colored robe. A golden insignia was pinned to their chests which glittered in the bright sunlight. They were the representatives of the Academies who came to pick up the candidates for the Selections.

Concepts like Clans, Sects or Kingdoms were all distant things for people who live in this types of regions. They never faced such huge organizations and they probably never will, unless an extremely enticing entity were to appear in the near by areas of this city, even the Kingdom would never bother with this remote region let alone those Large Sects or Clans.

So, the position of an Academy to the people of this City was like a God like existence. They couldn’t even see a Royal Guard of the Kingdom visit this backwater areas. And the Academies were above the rule of any kingdom! You can imagine the status of an Academy from this alone!

And these two people came from those unreachable mammoths to this city. It was no exaggeration when one say that these two people were like Deities to the population of this City.

Admiration. Worship. Every one in the City had one of these in their eyes and the way they looked at these pair of people.

Especially the children who heard countless stories during these days from their parents about the legends and greatness of the Academies and the Kingdoms.


“Look at that bird! Its so big and beautiful!”

“They should be really fluffy with that many feathers covering them…”

When they saw those huge birds that were like docile animals and allow humans to ride them, cries of excitement and wonder rang through them. For them who only knew about the cruel and wild Spirit Beasts that existed in the Wilderness, the fact that these two people could ride them gave them endless surprise and shock.

Their parents had to hold them back in fear that they would run off towards the birds and somehow offend the two Elders!

The yellow robed man snorted in disdain when he saw the narrow minded behavior of the children. Just this behavior alone shows how narrow sighted these people are, just how short their scope of the horizons are. They simply didn’t know how vast the world actually is and how exactly diverse it is! But the tall skinny man simply smiled towards the children as he knew why they were excited.

The Family Heads of the Three Families went forward to greet them.

“Greetings, Elders. I am the Family Head of the Reren family, Fak Reran. We welcome you two Elders to our humble city.” The Family Head of the Reran Family was a proud and cunning figure in the Blue Wind City. But he was incomparably humble before the two people from the Academies.

“Two Elders, I am the Patriarch of the Phantom Wolf Guild. We prepared a gift for the Elders. Please grace us by accepting this humble gift.” The Patriarch of the Phantom Wolf Guild had always been like this. He wouldn’t fight for higher position with his competition but would always try to maintain equal footing with them by pacifying them. And it doesn’t mean that he was a coward but rather an opportunist. This kind of man was the most hard to deal with and would be the most terrifying opponents. Even when they couldn’t compete with their own strength, they would always find opportunities to draw some powerful factions into the fray.


The Patriarch took out a small wooden box from the inner folds of his clothes and presented it to the two Elders. The yellow robed man glanced at the wooden box but didn’t make any move to receive it.

“Humph. What kind of gift you can give that I couldn’t get in thousands?” He thought in irritation. He wanted to get this over with quickly so that they could leave as soon as possible.

It was once again the skinny Elder who came forward for the two of them. He accepted the small wooden box with a smile and nod to the Phantom Wolf Guild Patriarch. But he didn’t open it. Clearly he too didn’t believe the worth of the gift that the people of this City could take out, even if it was a family inheritance treasure. The Patriarch didn’t press it and retreated after bowing to them.

The last to meet them was Eren Wheld. He simply extended his greetings in a calm tone appearing neither submissive nor arrogant. The yellow robed fat man turned his head as he was surprised by the attitude of this person towards them. But his eyes paused on another person who was standing behind Eren Wheld.

“Oh? Isn’t that Hank from the Azure Phoenix Academy?” The fat man asked out loud. Indeed it was Hank who was standing behind Eren Wheld and he recognized these two people who came as the representatives of the Academies.

“We meet after a long time, Senior Xan. Have you been well these days?” Hank cupped his hands as he greeted them. The yellow robed fat man’s face lit up with a bright smile when he saw this youngster. “Good! So, what brings the junior brother Hank to this remote village? Did you also come here on behalf of the Azure Phoenix Academy?”

“Haha!” Hank laughed dryly, “You may not know about this, Senior, but this is my home city. I came here to notify the city about the Spots allocated to this city by the Alliance and help them choose the candidates even before you can come to this city.”

The fat man’s smile crumbled when he heard Hank’s words. “What did you say? This is your home town? You actually came from this remote region?” He didn’t expect that his rising talent of the Azure Phoenix Academy would be from this kind of place! Even the tall and skinny Elder was surprised when he heard Hank explain his origins, and he chuckled lightly as he cast a playful glance at the yellow robed Elder Xan.

Within an Academy, as long you have enough talent, the background of your origins wouldn’t really matter to the higher ups.

They were only concerned with the advancement of such talents and grooming them. They would even encourage competitions between students so as to temper them to rouse their latent potential. The struggles within would be just short of life and death battles.

The situation will be similar in all the big organizations and even the Kingdom is not free from this. But the Academies are a lot better than those Clans or Sects. Within a Clan or a Kingdom, a position would only become occupied after the newcomer would challenge and defeat the occupant of the position. You can do anything to get that position from open battles to assassination.

But within an Academy, there will be regular competitions that would decide the rankings of the students. As long you have strength you can rise up in the ranks. The less the number before that points to your name, the more concentration would be directed towards you both from the above and below. The ones below would be aiming at your rank and the ones above would be worried about theirs.


The more talented you are, the more resources the Academy would allot to you and the more your strength increases. That was the reason enough for the competitions to be intense and bloody. But the shady business that would be commonly seen in other big organizations would not be absent, but they would be minimal.

That was also the reason why youngsters would flock whenever there was a recruitment campaign conducted by any Academy. Usually, the Academies would recruit following a rotating pattern every year. That means that only one of the 7 Academies would get a new batch of students every three years and they would concentrate on that batch for the next two decades before their chance for another new batch to appear. That was why there would be a strict rule on the students to not kill each other even during battles. Each and every student is important to the Academies.

But this time, the situation is different. This time all the 7 Great Academies are recruiting at once!

“Senior Xan, this is my grandfather, Eren Wheld. Grandfather, this person here is Xan Huan. He is an expert at the Mortal Core Level and one of the Elders of the Inner Disciples of the Nine Dragons Academy.” Hank introduced them to one another.

“Pardon this junior for not knowing your name, Senior.” He lightly bowed to the tall and skinny Elder as he asked for his name.

“Haha… Junior Hank is too polite. This old one’s name is Po Ren. I am also the same as this one here, an Elder of the Inner Disciples of the Nine Dragons Academy. I have heard a lot about the rising genius of the Azure Phoenix Academy that became famous recently. You are like the rumors say!” The Elder introduced himself with a smile and the Elder Xan beside him grumbled something under his breath.

Azalon was watching the four of them conversing. His eyes were concentrated on the two people that have come from the Academies. Something about them bugged him and he couldn’t put a finger on what the reason was.

His eyes became sharp in concentration and his mind was buzzing with activity trying to find the reason for this bizarre feeling.

Something clicked and his eyes widened in realization. Spirits! The two people don’t have their Spirits with them!

“Maybe…” His eyes glanced at the two snow white beasts that the two Elders flew on, but he instantly discarded them as their Spirits. For one, the beasts are identical in looks and strength. Moreover, he could see the submissive looks in their eyes that were the same as the animals he had seen that were taken captive from the forests.

“They should be some Beasts that were captured to be used as pets or mounts. So where the hell are their Spirits?” Azalon was really puzzled this time. Hank or his grandfather explained this to him on that day.

“They should be in their Core Space.” A sonorous and cool voice sounded beside him. The voice was melodious that made Azalon’s mind to go blank for a moment. Azalon turned around to look at a beautiful and aloof face that was glancing at him from the corners of her eyes.

“Sophie… What do you mean by ‘Core Space’?” Azalon asked puzzled by another new terminology.

“You don’t know about that? A Core Space is a space which will be formed when a Cultivator forms his Spirit Core. It’s a separate space where you can move your Spirit into and call upon when needed. That was one of the many abilities that differentiates between the Condensation Realm and Core Realm.” She explained in the same cool and aloof tone like she wasn’t explaining things to Azalon but instead talking to herself.

“But creating a space within your body where you can move our Spirits to? That’s incredible!” Azalon exclaimed in surprise. Indeed there are still too many things that he didn’t know about or never came across before. He had to still occasionally remind himself not to think about this world in the sense of his knowledge from Earth. This is an entirely different world with entirely different rules and way of living.

Hank finished talking with the two Elders and the three of them walked to the center of the City Square. Hank came forward and his loud voice enhanced by Spirit Energy boomed out.

“These two Seniors here have come for the 10 candidates that were selected from this city. Come forward and introduce yourselves. After that you will be taken to the Selection Grounds!”

Azalon looked around and saw 7 people walk out from the crowd. He gave a glance at Sophie and he too walked out slowly.

They lined up before Hank and the two Elders. Hank suddenly frowned, “Where is the last candidate?” They too looked at the others and sure enough there were only 9 of them with the last one missing. Azalon determined that the missing one should be from the commoners of the City. Who was that guy that would be late for this occasion? Even Azalon was excited for this day and that’s saying something with his mindset of an adult.

“Is there a problem, Hank?” The yellow robed fat Elder Xan asked impatiently with some slight irritation.

“No, Senior Xan. It’s just that one of the candidates is not present.” Hank replied.

“If they are not present, then they are not present. Get on with it and we will take who are present.” The yellow robed Elder Xan said with irritation and anger. They came here to take these bumpkins to participate in the Academy Selections and one doesn’t even show up? What does that one think about himself?

After that he flipped his hand and a thin scroll and a feather looking pen appeared in his hand. “Your name, age, your cultivation level and the name of your Spirit. Don’t talk any extra non – sense.”

“Alright. Come on and introduce yourself and stand here.” Hank shrugged and called the one to the extreme left of the line. It was a young man who stepped out and spoke in a loud voice.

“Elders, this one is Dale Reran from the Reran Family. I am 14 years old and at the 7th Level Spirit Sense Realm. And this is my Spirit [Blood Axe].” A blood red Axe that was attached to his waist and he pointed to that as his Spirit. That Elder Xan nodded, wrote down the details on the scroll and looked at the next candidate in the line.

“Elders, my name is Hari Reran and I am 15 years this year. My cultivation is at the 8th Level Spirit Sense Realm, and my Spirit is the [Snow Wolf Spirit].” Azalon was surprised when he heard that introduction. He looked at the snow white wolf at his feet and the aura of coldness that was being emitted by that Wolf. That Elder Po who was at the side nodded appreciatively at this youngster.

“Not bad. I didn’t think that I would encounter a Variant Spirit here. And that your cultivation has broke through to the 8th Level tells that your talent is not ordinary.” Hari Reran immediately puffed up in pride and joy. He felt that his talent impressed these two Elders and he was feeling proud of that.

Azalon shook his head as he watched that Hari Reran soar into high nine due to the appreciative words from the Elder Po.

They were just appreciative words and not even real praise. But this guy was already extremely satisfied just with those words.


“Boris Kar, 15 years old, 7th Level Spirit Sense Realm, [Sickle Blade Mantis] Spirit.”


“Arish Kar, 15 years old, 7th Level Spirit Sense Realm, [Fanged Panda] Spirit.”


“Sophie Wheld, 13 years old, 7th Level Spirit Sense Realm, [Ice Lotus] Spirit.” The hands of the Elder Xan that were noting down the details paused for a moment when he heard the details of Sophie. He looked up at the young girl with the small blue lotus bud floating on her shoulder before silently nodding and finished noting down the details.

“Azalon Wheld, 12 years old, 7th Level Spirit Sense Realm, … … [Golden Eyed Gray Tiger] Spirit?” Azalon said with some hesitation when he came to the name of his Spirit. Hank and his grandfather repeatedly warned him not to speak of his Spirit’s name but he couldn’t understand why they were making such a fuss.

Elder Xan and Elder Po looked at Azalon who introduced his Spirit’s name with hesitation.

“What is it, boy? You don’t even know the name of your Spirit?” Elder Xan grumbled in dissatisfaction at this country bumpkin who couldn’t even remember his Spirit’s name. But he was faintly surprised about the age and his Cultivation Level. 12 years and already at the 7th Level Spirit Sense Realm and that too in this backwater village. Either he had some pretty decent talent or he found some Treasure Herb that boosted his Cultivation Level.

Suddenly, Hank came forward and spoke some words in to the ears of the Elder Xan. “Ah, so this boy here is your brother. No wonder he could attain this level of Cultivation at this age.” He nodded with a satisfied expression as if some profound mystery had been solved in front of his eyes. Azalon was simply amazed at the behavior of this Elder Xan.

“Do all the people in the Academies would behave like this guy here? If so, then the coming years would be the longest years of my life!” Azalon resisted the impulse to face palm and returned to his position in the line. He felt a gaze lock onto him and he turned his head to see Sophie staring at him with a peculiar look on her face.

“Umm, what’s the matter? Is there something wrong with my face?” He asked as he touched his face to feel what’s wrong.

“Did you just say your cultivation is at 7th Level?” She asked slowly feeling that she should have heard incorrectly. After she woke up from the injuries of the fight with Delius. Naturally she heard about what happened after she fainted, about Azalon revealing his Spirit, him beating Delius who was at the 7th Level Spirit Sense Realm while being only at the 5th Level to the point where Delius was almost crippled…

And how many days had been after that? Not even a month and he had already advanced to the 7th Level Spirit Sense Realm? Is that even possible?

Not only her even Hank and Eren Wheld were also shocked but not as much as Sophie’s. Hank knew about his Fairy Spirit and he could connect the dots behind Azalon’s insane speed of cultivation. No one knew why Eren Wheld was not surprised and no one asked as no one detected the faint expression that surfaced on that old face.

Azalon only softly smiled and spoke nothing else. But the shock on Sophie’s face thickened with Azalon’s indirect confirmation of his Cultivation level. ‘What kind of absurd talent is this?’ Sophie thought bitterly in her heart.

With Azalon introducing himself, the candidates from the three family members were all finished. Now for the four spots that were given to the Cultivators from the common public of the City.

“Fenris, 15 years old, 7th Level Spirit Sense Realm, [Black Scaled Water Snake].” A burly youth with a black scaled snake that was as thick as Azalon’s arm was coiled around his neck stepped forward and introduced himself.

“Nandu, 15 years old, 6th Level Spirit Sense Realm. My Spirit is the [Black Striped Lizard].” A yellow lizard with spikes protruding from its spine was sitting on the head of that youngster.

“Paul, 14 years old, 6th Level Spirit Sense Realm, [Black Hammer] Spirit.” Now this came as a surprise to Azalon. That Paul was a massive man with the same stature as Rana of his family. A massive black hammer that was as tall as that man with its head as wide as Azalon’s shoulders was strapped on his back. Even that Elder Xan was slightly startled when he saw this hulking beast of a man.

Azalon was surprised at the cultivation Levels of this three candidates. You should know that Cultivation is a very costly business. Even practicing the basic bodily martial arts that would temper the body during the Spirit Novice Realm would use so many medicinal baths and high protein meat, that were too costly for normal families to bear. And not to mention the cost of the Spirit Awakening Process. Even the Wheld family had to use half an year’s worth savings for them to go through the Spirit Awakening and that too within their own household.

But these guys had to go to the nearby City where the kingdom had started a temple for the Spirit Awakening to be conducted for the common public. They would take a fee for that. But even if the fee was a measly one percent of the original cost, these people still shouldn’t be able to afford that. Azalon’s eyes caught sight of four couples that were standing in the crowd but they stood out a bit because of the proud feelings on the father’s face and tears on the mother’s face.

‘They should be the parents of there three. They sure placed their hopes on their children’s bright future and sacrificed their blood and sweat for them.’ Golden veins flashed in Azalon’s eyes as he observed the Energies within these parents’ bodies.

The energies within their bodies were wean and so minuscule with various blockades and injuries within them. Such types of internal injuries could only be caused by over working and over stressing their muscles and bones. Azalon sighed but he knew that the chances for these three to be admitted into the Academies would be low.

“Is that all?” The yellow robed Elder Xan asked Hank who was standing beside him.

“Yes, Senior Xan. These are 9 of the 10 candidates that were selected from the City. Please hear my request and wait for some time for the last candidate to appear. Please, Elder. That last candidate is from the common population of the City. Don’t dash their hopes just because he is late.” Hank pleaded that Elder Xan and Azalon was impressed and pleased with this brother of his.

“Humph. Since you are the one requesting I will wait for the time it takes for one incense stick to burn. After that we will be leaving.” Saying that he simply closed his eyes and stood there, not even bothering to sit in the chairs specially prepared for these two.

Around 15 minutes later, a commotion spread in the crowd as a wide figure was pushing his way through it. Azalon turned his head and recognized that figure. “Uncle Chad? What’s he doing?” He thought puzzled.

Uncle Chad finally managed to push through the crowd and came to the center of the City Square with a small figure in tow. “I am extremely sorry, Seniors. I made you wait.” he bowed to the two people who were standing.

“Who might you be?” Elder Xan opened his eyes but it was Elder Po who spoke to Uncle Chad.

“Haha, I am not worthy to be remembered by the two Seniors. I am just the keeper of the public library set up by the Kingdom in this City. But enough about me. This child here is the 10th candidate for the Academy Selections.” With that Uncle Chad pushed the small figure who was hiding behind his wide body forward.

“Nina??!!” Azalon and Hank shouted at the same time when the small figure came into the view.

“Haha, It is indeed Nina. Seniors, this child here is named Nina Houran. She is 8 years old and at the 5th Level Spirit Sense Realm. Her Spirit is the [Enchanting Flower Vine].”

“Enchanting Flower Vine?” This time it was the Elder Xan who shouted in surprise. Even the calm and collected Elder Po looked at this small girl in amazement and shock. “A Top Quality Wood Affinity Spirit!” And no one can talk about the shock of

Azalon and Hank when they heard Uncle Chad’s words.

8 years old! 5th Level Spirit Sense Realm? And a Top Quality Wood Affinity Spirit??!! That Wood Affinity means that this little girl has the potential to be an Alchemist in the future!! And she was a genius in cultivation as well! Even Azalon felt some dissatisfaction at this! If not for him wasting four years due to his Petrified Spirit, then at what Level or Realm of Cultivation would he have been at?

But Hank was shocked for another reason. He was a Cultivator of Spirit Condensation Realm who possesses Spiritual Sense.

Unless the Cultivator was at least 2 Levels above his Cultivation, he could gauge the Cultivation Level of any person. But till today, he didn’t feel any trace of Spirit Energy coming from Nina. His eyes turned to the chubby man that was standing at a distance with a smile on his face.

“Just who are you, Uncle Chad?” Hank muttered in a low voice with shock still visible in his eyes.

The two Elders quickly recovered from their shock and looked at each other. They could see the joy and shock in each other’s eyes. They were thinking the same thing!

“If they could bring this girl and get her enrolled into their Academy, then they would some reward for performing a meritorious task of bringing a potential Alchemist to their Academy! They could even be bestowed with some precious medicinal pills that could allow them to break through!”

Elder Xan lightly coughed and his face flushed in excitement. “Don’t worry, fellow brother. You are not that late, just by a short time. In fact the other 9 candidates just finished their introductions. Come! Come, child. What did you say your name was again? Can you show me your Spirit?” He smiled politely to Uncle Chad and appeared to be very amiable towards Nina. Once again Azalon was amazed by these sudden changes in emotions and expressions that only a human could perform with such perfection.

“Umm… Ni- Nina Houran. 8 years!” Nina was obviously very nervous and she replied in a small voice. She lifted her left hand and suddenly a green vine extended from her sleeve. It was a slender vine that extended to about 60 cms high from her hand.

A single blue flower with red patterns on it bloomed at the edge of the vine. Azalon suddenly felt his vision swim when he looked at the flower. It was as if the flower was the only thing in his vision and nothing else mattered. He unconsciously took a step forward but suddenly his mind cleared as something wrapped around his mind protecting it.

“Wake up, Az.” Hank’s voice sounded right beside his ears and Azalon jumped in surprise.

“God, I have to find out the trick to do that.” He muttered to himself in irritation. This was a good way of private communication but he didn’t know how to do that. His eyes swirled towards the small figure that was now the center of focus of everyone in the Square.

Nina was fidgeting nervously under the stares of everyone and she was almost about to cry. Hank suddenly appeared by her side and gently patted her head. “Don’t worry, Nina. Big Brother is here. You don’t have to be afraid.” He gently consoled her and Nina gradually settled down but stayed with Hank not letting go of his hand.

“*Cough* *Cough* That was surely the [Enchanting Flower Vine] with the Wood Affinity with the innate ability to release a enchanting gas that would show you illusions and visions making you lose your concentration. Since the Spirit is only at the [Embryo Stage] the effect is still minuscule, but that one moment of absentmindedness will be enough to kill you ten time over! Even if you can’t kill them, that moment will provide a window of opportunity for you to run away!” Elder Po explained what happened to the astonished crowd. His look towards Nina was greedy but it was not to the extent of that Elder Xan. There were other emotions in there like concern and satisfaction, just like any gown up would have for a child.

“Alright, now that every one’s here, get on the other bird and we will move to the Academy Selection Grounds where your future will be decided!” With a light push of their toes, both the Elders landed on one of the snow white birds.

But none of the 10 candidates moved towards the other one. Even they were young and had already killed quite a number of Spirit Beasts, they still had that fear towards the Spirit Beasts especially looking at this huge birds. Even Azalon was hesitating in his steps. He did not even ride a horse in his life, now he had to get on this big – ass bird to travel?

“Ah, I miss my personal jet I had on Earth. I wish I could build one here, but the equipment required for the complex and sensitive manufacturing are not available. I can’t even make a mold here, let alone a real airplane.” He sighed as he took a step forward towards the bird. Raka *Croo*ed as it followed his steps.

“This is supposed to be my big day! How can I let this bird scare me into stopping here!?” He was slowly walking forward and he managed to reach the huge bird. He didn’t know why he felt like doing it but he lifted his left hand and held it there while looking into the green eyes of the white bird.

The green eyes of the bird watched the small boy stand in front of it and lift his hand while looking deeply into its eyes. Something stirred within the bird’s heart and it felt like the small boy standing before it was the Master that it was supposed to bow to and worship! Its eyes became dazed as it lowered its head and rubbed against the palm the Azalon held up.

Once again the crowd was shocked into silence watching the bizarre scene playing out in the City Square. They watched amazed at the huge bird that was like a King of the Spirit Beasts bow its head and rub it against the palm the small boy standing before it held up!

“What the hell is going on? WHY are there so many bizarre incidents today?” They wanted to yell out but no one’s lips moved.

Even the two Elders, Hank and Eren Wheld were all shocked at this. Especially Elder Po! This [White Winged Swan] was his personal mount he groomed from when it was still an infant. It recognized no one but him as its Master and bowed to no one at the same level of Cultivation as his. But right now he was doubting his eyes when he saw the scene before him!

“Pashupathi!” Eren Wheld whispered as a gaze of worship flashed in his eyes. “Azalon, you truly are his successor! Never had I imagined that my Lord would grace me with such a blessing! May My Lord guide you to your destiny, Azalon!” A single tear streamed down the old face as a peaceful smile spread on Eren Wheld’s face.

Azalon smiled as he rubbed the beak of the white bird and he bent his knees and jumped onto the lowered head of the bird. With the encouraging from Hank and the Family Heads, the other 8 candidates also mounted the white bird. The birds unfolded their wide wings and with a huge flap that made a huge cloud of dust cover the City Square they flew into the air.

Everyone in the City watched as the 10 young children were taken to the changing point of their lives. Azalon turned his head back to look at a silhouette of the old man watching him go off to make his own path. Suddenly, Eren Wheld’s words sounded in his ears.

“Go out there, Azalon. Claim yourself in defiance, in acceptance, in fury, in peace, in love, in despair, in hope, in gratitude, in loneliness…

Claim the Light,

Claim the Dark,

Claim everything that will be yours…

Claim everything that is destined to be yours…

Claim everything even from the clutches of death,

Claim what is yours and leave what will not be yours…

Remember, Azalon. You are more important than anything to you. If any one can make you feel loved, love them thousand times back. If any one endangers what you hold dear, treat them the same way ten thousand times more!

Challenge yourself and overcome those challenges, Azalon Wheld. Only then can you find the path that you can walk on. Only then can you find your heart’s desire!”

Azalon’s mind went into a sort of trance when he hear these words. He had a feeling somewhere deep in the recesses of his mind that these words felt very familiar to him. These words were as if they had struck the chords of his Soul that made him what he was!

The two snow white birds gradually grew smaller and smaller and finally disappeared from the sight of the people of the Blue Wind City. Within those mass of people, an old man was looking towards the sky with a peaceful smile on his face.

“HE will Return, Daksha and when he does, you wish you hadn’t done what you have done on that day…”

Visit my website Spirit God Shura for more updates and the site will always stay ahead of this thread.

Enjoy the new chapter everyone!!!! :-thewatch-Dog:- [th_0tive.gif] :-rpendraguinRocker:- :-LpendraguinRocker:-

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