《Spirit God Shura》Chapter 24: This will be the Price...


Sorry guys for the late release. But this chapter is the longest chapter I have ever written till date. I hope this will be acceptable as an apology for making you guys wait... The next chapter will be the last chapter of the First Volume 'The Awakening'. The Second Volume 'The Academy' starts next and believe me guys, that even I am looking forward to that! But the next chapter will be what you may call 'Info Dump' as it is all about the world MC is living in and the cultivation stages as well as the information on Spirits, the Continents, the Academies and may be MC's past? Who knows? Look forward to it...


A few moments before, on the battle stage...

*Hiss* ... *Hiss* ...

Continuous hissing sounds came from the stage as a 14 – year old was battling against his opponent. What was special about this one is that after integrating with his Spirit, his lower body transformed into that of a snake with black scales on it, giving him a half – human half – snake appearance. A forked tongue flickered from his lips as he nimbly slithered around the stage dodging the attacks of his opponent. LILY reported the name of the Spirit as [Demonic Python], ranked 3812 in the Spirit Beasts Rankings, to Azalon.

His opponent was another beast – man looking boy with a [Fiery Ape], ranked in the top 3000s, as his Spirit. His arms were covered with light red fur which extended all the way touching the ground, making them out of proportion with his entire body. His nose and mouth merged to form an ape's snout as he grunted while chasing the other.

Murkish grey Energy enveloped them as the cultivation base of the 6th Level of the Spirit Sense Realm exploded out from both of them. The Ape – Spirit boy was throwing his long and thick arms were trying to grab the Snake Spirit boy, but he proved to be slippery to catch hold of. Fortunately, even though his opponent's Spirit is a Snake type Spirit, it didn't have any poison capabilities. Otherwise this battle would have become a very nasty business.

By this time, after all these battles, Azalon came to an understanding that all the cultivators are capable of performing the 'Spirit Integration' thingy with their Spirits. So, why on earth can't he do that? He pondered over this question from the very first battle itself and he gradually lost interest in watching the competition as the battles entered a state where he could even predict the next steps of the battle.

First they would come onto the stage with their Spirits, then shout loudly and integrate with their Spirits. A part of their body will transform into a beast and their aura explodes. After doing all of these things, the next thing they do is collide with each other like street brawlers! No martial arts, no techniques, not even a single ability till now... They battled purely on the physical strength and their cultivation bases. Azalon simply ignored the battles and started contemplating on his problems . Forget about his future situations, he had to go onto that stage some time later and he didn't have any idea on how to trump over that Delius if ever he agreed to battle him.

Delius' cultivation Level is higher than him, his Spirit is of a Wind Elemental Affinity that can be used in lots of diverse ways if used correctly, AND he can integrate with his Spirit if the match tilts against his favor. Azalon was perfectly aware of his strength and he knew that if Delius wouldn't integrate with his Spirit, then he had a good chance of winning. But once Delius integrated with his Spirit, he couldn't even imagine how the battle may turn out!


As he pondered over the question that kept on rotating around his head, suddenly the words of that pretty face prick from that day came to his mind.

“This [Demon Cultivation Pill] can Awaken your Petrified Spirit, Azalon. But there are some small side effects to it.” was what that man had said that day. And even LILY said that whatever foreign force it was that was blocking her ability to perform the 'Spirit Integration' came from the same thing that caused her to evolve to her current state.

As far as he knew there are only two forces that were responsible for her current evolution. The [Demon Cultivation Pill] he took that day to Awaken his Spirits and the [Soul Embryonic Cultivation Technique] he practices to evolve his Spirits.

“So, is this the side effect that he spoke of? How the hell is this a small side effect, you man – bitch. You said that there will be no negative effects to the pill or the method!”

Azalon knew that even though he had great physical strength compared to the cultivators at the same level of the cultivation as his, but once they power up by merging with their Spirits, the difference between them would shorten to rather a close degree.

He was left with two choices now. One, find a method to forcefully merge with his Spirits. Two, quickly enhance his strength and advance in his cultivation, all the while finding suitable Souls to Awaken his slumbering Spirits. He was sure that he would face even stronger opponents when he steps out of this little bubble he called his family.

Even in this run down and backwater town called the Blue Wind City, one can find cultivators at the Spirit Condensation Realm. In the vast world and among the countless population, there should be numerous geniuses and prodigies that should have at much higher Realms, a Realm to which his presence would be akin to an ant or a speck of dust.

All of a sudden, Azalon's thoughts took on a new tangent.

“Hmmm... Does it have anything to do with my Soul and the pill? That [Demon Cultivation Pill] or whatever was supposedly for the Damaged Souls. But my Soul was never damaged and very much intact when I took that pill. I had to go through that excruciating pain because of that.” Azalon's body shuddered violently as the memories of that pain surfaced from his memories. He really didn't want to remember that, but there will be certain incidents that will leave a lasting mark on one's life.

“That too makes sense, in a way. But it somehow feels that there is something more to this than what I am thinking of. Something that's deep within me and out of my reach. What could it be?”

Azalon thought over the problem but quickly gave up the thought as something very interesting happened on the battle stage.

On the stage, the Ape – Spirit young man was struggling intensely as the snake body of his opponent was squeezing him by wrapping around his body just as a real python does with its prey. A snicker flashed on the Snake – Spirit youngster's face as he squeezed tighter and tighter.

“Give it up, Asssa. You can't possssibly have the hope to win againsssst me, right?” He taunted the Ape – Spirit youngster while sneering filled with ridicule and arrogance.

“Grrrraaaahhh!” A loud roar came from the Ape – Spirit youngster's throat in response to that throat. His eyes became bloodshot as light red Spirit Energy flooded out from his body and a berserk aura filled the area. His arms bulged out and he gripped onto the snake body before giving it a mighty wrench.


The Snake – Spirit youngster was caught off guard as he didn't imagine that his opponent would erupt with such strength just on the verge of his defeat. Before he could react, the massive Ape arms flinged the snake body and he was slammed onto the battle stage.

But it didn't stop there. The Ape – Spirit youngster acted as if he had gone crazy and he started flinging his arms left and right pounding the battle stage with the snake body still clutched tightly in them as if it was a battering ram.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

It was a slightly comical scene, but the force behind those impacts was no joke. The Snake – Spirit young man fainted after few impacts after coughing out blood. The Second Elder stopped the match and examined the injuries of the Snake – Spirit young man. By this time, the transformation canceled out and the limp body of the youngster and his Python Spirit appeared on the stage.

“The injuries are not severe but various bones in the body are broken. It will take around 3 – 4 weeks to heal to normal. Asa Wheld is disqualified from the competition and he will be administered 10 lashes with the Demon Ox Whip as his punishment for breaking the rules of the competition.”

The atmosphere turned slightly chilly as the cold and low voice of the Second Elder rang out, declaring the punishment for breaking the rules of the competition. A group of armored guards appeared before dragging away that Asa for administering his punishment.

The silent and gloomy atmosphere changed when a figure walked out from the crowd. She gracefully stepped onto the stage and stood there silently without a care for what's happening around her. She looked to be around 13 years of age with white skin, a well featured face, pale blue eyes and a slender body. A small blue lotus bud was floating on her shoulder with its petals closed but for a single petal which looked like it bloomed pre - maturely.

She looked to be in her budding stage but after 4 -5 years, there's no doubt that she will be an extreme beauty that will charm countless men's hearts. Every one below had a look of infatuation in their eyes and some even panting with obsession clearly pasted over their faces.

That girl was Sophie Wheld, one of the geniuses of the family, as the 6th Level Spirit Sense Realm. Her Spirit was a rare and Unique [Ice Lotus], a variant Spirit with Ice Attribute. Due to the nature of her Spirit, she could only cultivate Cold Yin Energy. That type of Energy will be at its highest during the night-time, which means that she can cultivate only at night times unlike the others who can cultivate all day. It was receiving half the benefits with double her efforts!

Even under such conditions she cultivated to the 6th Level! With this one could see how monstrous her talent was. She was a genuine prodigy that the world would see every century or so!

As she stood on the stage, the glossy white skin glittered in the sunlight like flakes of snow and her dress was fluttering slightly in the wind, creating a mesmerizing scene that made everyone stare blankly. She looked like a snow fairy in the harsh fairy and her beautiful appearance made anyone want to protect her and cherish her.

“Ah, so beautiful. It's unfortunate that I couldn't go onto the stage. If only I could trade a blow or two with the number one beauty of the city.” A young man who had lost previously spoke in a miserable tone.

“Hmph. With your pathetic strength you want to go meet her? Quit dreaming or I will be the one giving you pointers!” Another responded coldly, as if he was the one personally insulted.

“Ah, Sophie...”

Cries filled with infatuation filled the entire area as each and every one of the younger generation called out to the beauty on the stage.

Azalon's eyes were fixed on to the stage too. He almost gagged as a look of revulsion passed over his face. She is a 13-year-old girl, for god's sake! Even though he knew the reason for that kind of behavior, he couldn't accept that. He was from Earth where 18 years was the norm for girls to be eligible for marriage and 21 years for boys. Even though he managed to adapt himself to this world's lifestyle, there are some moral constraints which he was not inclined to break, this being one of them.

But what drew Azalon's interest was not her face not her beauty, but what was hovering on her shoulder. It was the [Ice Spirit] that he concentrated on the most. This was practically the first time he had come across a Spirit with an affinity other than Delius' Hawk with its Wind Affinity, and a peculiar Spirit at that.

“How is she going to perform the 'Spirit Integration' with that Lotus? What will her transformation look like?” Azalon's interest was once again piqued as his gaze locked onto the stage.

Within the crowd, there was one who had his eyes filled with undisguised greed and lust. With a lewd expression on his face, he chuckled before waving to a huge person behind him.

“Rana, go and battle with her. Fight for a few moments and waste her Spirit Energy. Admit your defeat after that.” Delius ordered his lackey with a sneer on his face.

“But, Young Master. I will lose the qualification to battle others when I admit defeat.” The low base voice boomed out from the hulking person even though he suppressed his voice.

“Huh? You are questioning me? Humph. When I get selected into the Academies, naturally I am going to need some servants for me. Initially I wanted to take you but seeing that you can't even take some small orders, I may have to re – think about it.” The expressions on Delius' face changed into that of ridicule as he spoke with a domineering tone.

“Ah! No, no, Young Master. It was your servant's fault for letting his tongue loose. I will immediately carry out your words.” The huge person almost went on his knees when he heard Delius' words. He immediately started walking towards the stage with big strides.

Sophie Wheld stood on the stage silently and without a single change on her snow face, except for blinking twice when she saw the huge body walk onto the stage. She was like a block of ice that stood there without a single change.

Rana was a hulking man with tightly packed muscles all over his 6 foot body. When he stood on the stage, with a brow bear that came up to his waist, he was towering way over Sophie Wheld. She looked like a weak and frail blade of grass in front of a massive and thick tree. She looked utterly insignificant and weak when compared to that massive body.

Rana stood there with a grim expression and a determined glint in his eyes. He was a commoner that showed some promise in Cultivation. He was bought into the family by the First Elder and Delius took him as his lackey. His only hope was to get to a higher position so that he could take care of his poor parents. Now Delius had given him hope. If he could enter the Academies even as someone's servant, his life will change forever. He could even advance into higher levels of cultivation if he could obtain one or two cultivation materials from Delius.

All he had to do was to waste this girl's Spirit Energy. That kind of thing was the one he was the most proficient with!

His [Earth Bear] Spirit was an Earth Affinity Spirit. Earth Affinity excels in its defensive nature giving its user an almost impregnable defense. If you want to breach through these defensive abilities, your attack should have more power than what the defense could handle or your cultivation Level should be higher than the Earth Elemental user. Only with these two conditions can one win against an Earth Elemental.

But he didn't dare underestimate the small girl in front of him. Even though her cultivation Level was the same as his at the 6th Level of Spirit Sense Realm, her Ice Elemental attacks pack quite a punch. Her attacks not only deals you damage but the coldness within those attacks will slow you down by covering you with frost. Your body functions will stagnate under that extreme cold all the way to the Spirit Energy circulation in the meridians. In that kind of situation, you don't have a choice but to dispel that cold with your Spirit Energy or allocate a portion of Spirit Energy to protect you against it, making your strength go down a notch.

She was the nimble and perfect hunter while he was the stable and impregnable fortress. This was a battle between two perfectly extreme opposites! Every one was interested in the battle, but Azalon's interest was kindled for another reason.

“Spirit Integration!” As expected, Rana immediately merged with his Spirit by touching the [Earth Bear] between the eyebrows. But to Azalon's amazement, Sophie just stood there without moving a muscle! But instead a pale blue Spirit Energy came out of her body and mixed with the white cold mist that was released by the [Ice Lotus] on her shoulder. The mixture coalesced to form a pure blue crystalline lotus below her feet!

“What?” Azalon was confused! She didn't integrate with her Spirit, but rather formed a copy from her Spirit Energy? Why? Azalon slightly narrowed his eyes as he grew more and more interested.

Rana, after merging with his Spirit, grew even taller and buffer than before as brown fur grew on his chest and arms. Brown Spirit Energy enveloped his body before forming a thick and sturdy armor that covered his entire body except for his face! He stomped heavily on the ground and the earth below Sophie's feet changed to form two spikes that pierced from below.

Her expression didn't change but two petals dropped from the Lotus below her feet and slashed the Earthen spikes before they could reach her. She lightly waved her hand and they melted to reform into tow Ice Spears that hovered in the air before flying towards Rana.

Ding! Ding!

They targeted the chest but the brown armor was sturdy enough to protect him against the Ice Spears, as they shattered on impact with his Earth Armor. But he couldn't block the Cold Energy within the Ice Spears and a thin layer of frost appeared on his body. He roared before his Spirit Energy rushed out dissolving the frost. Spirit Energy covered his hand as he punched down.


A tremor ran through the ground as the entire stage shook under that monstrous punch. Cracks started spreading on the stage and a massive dust cloud rose up from the ground.

Sophie lightly jumped when the cracks reached her and the Lotus below her feet fluttered peculiarly as she floated in the air! Even though it was for a few seconds, that was enough for her to summon a dozen Ice Spears that silently floated around her. These Spears were double in length and thickness than the previous two and the Lotus beneath her feet vanished as she landed on the stage.

She pointed her finger and the Ice Spears whizzed through the air towards Rana who had his fist pierced deep into the ground all the way to the elbow. The Ice Spears reached him before he could pull it out but they couldn't deal any actual damage with that Earth Armor protecting him. But the coldness that spread out as a result of the dozen spears instantly lowered the temperature of the surroundings.

Thick mist started forming as the water vapor in the air froze due to the cold temperature covering the stage with a thick white blanket. Clashing sounds and loud Booms echoed out from the fog but no one could see what was going on anymore.

“I admit defeat!”

Suddenly, the deep voice of Rana boomed out almost shattering everyone's eardrums. Everyone in the crowd was surprised except for two. One was who planned the things and the other was who observed the planner and managed to infer the plan. The Second Elder lightly waved his sleeves and a stream of wind blew away the thick mist revealing the two figures within.

Waves of gasps ran through the crowd as the stage was revealed when the dust and mist cloud scattered. Long cracks and deep craters riddled the stage, while a thin layer of frost covered the entire stage! What a destructive potential!

Both Sophie and Rana were actually unhurt but Sophie was lightly panting but her eyes were tightly shut and her aura continued to rise. Suddenly she opened her eyes and a massive pressure enveloped everyone suffocating them. Some with the cultivation bases at 4th Level even directly fainted under that pressure. Even Azalon felt his chest tightening but disappeared as he rotated his Spirit Energy.

“She broke through to the 7th Level Spirit Sense Realm! She actually broke through in the middle of the battle!” Everyone was shocked by this sudden turn of events.

“No, she didn't break through due to her battle. Instead she was at the very peak of the 6th Level of the Spirit Sense Realm for some time now. All she needed was a little push to cross over the threshold and this battle gave her that opportunity.” The Second Elder spoke of what he had sensed during her breakthrough and explained it to the younger generation who didn't have the experience of witnessing such scenes.

“That's right, Second Elder. I have been at the 6th Level for over 2 months. When I expended large amounts of Energy in the battle, my cultivation broke through.” Sophie responded and her melodious voice was enough for some of the youngsters to drool.

Everyone was discussing the accidental breakthrough of Sophie, but a single pair of eyes were lost in thought as he stared at the Ice Lotus that was hovering on her shoulder. Azalon was mulling over the initial aspect of the battle when Rana merged with his Spirit.

“Why didn't she merge with her Spirit? She didn't or couldn't? Is there some kind of restriction to that ability?” Azalon was muttering incoherently as his mind analyzed everything. He even brought LILY into the fray as she played the battle recordings in loop.

“LILY, did you find any reason as to why she didn't merge with her Ice Lotus?” Azalon asked LILY in his mind.

“Master, based on my observations, it's not that she didn't but she couldn't. The Energy fluctuations that radiate out whenever some one initiates the 'Spirit Integration' will be almost identical between the human and the Spirit Beast.

But Sophie's Energy readings are below the Energy readings radiating from the Ice Lotus Spirit. It's almost the Spirit is superior to her and not the other way around.” LILY responded narrating her findings and readings.

“Hmmm??? Did you say, the Energy readings of the Spirit are higher than the cultivator? Aren't they an integral part with each other? How can they be different from each other? That doesn't make sense at all!” Azalon silently thought for a while before saying.

“The Energy from both of them is similar in nature but the amount of Energy congregated within that Ice Lotus is a lot higher than what she had and that made the Energy readings differ. I can infer that the Ice Lotus is not only a Spirit to her, but also a kind of Energy storage that she can use in case of emergency.” LILY further analyzed the data and inferred some conclusions based on them.

“An Energy storage, huh? But does that mean if the Ice Lotus loses all the excess energy it stored within it, then she could perform the merging?” Azalon's intelligence was no less than LILY's as he too came to the same conclusion as LILY's and he was even a step ahead with his next question.

“No, Master. There is one extra variable in this.” LILY spoke to his enquiry. “What?” Azalon knitted his eyebrows as he couldn't find anything that missed his scrutiny. “Coldness!” LILY was almost smug as she found something that her Master couldn't find.

“Coldness?” Azalon was still confused. “What was that supposed to mean? Explain, LILY!”

“Hehe... Alright, Master. Even though the nature of Spirit Energy was the same between her and the Ice Lotus, the Ice Lotus's core is very cold. The readings are almost the same as the readings we took at the North Polar Icecaps back on Earth. Even though the core is very small, that small variation was enough to cause some changes to appear in the Spirit Energy that was stored in the Ice Lotus. That small variation made it so that the two Spirit Energies could never be the same in all aspects which was necessary for the 'Spirit Integration'”. LILY provided her analysis and it made Azalon's eyes go wide with realization.

“Of course. Of course. But wait a moment!” Azalon suddenly remembered something. On that day when Hank and him fought with the Thunder Horned Stag, Hank didn't merge with his [Crimson Spear] Spirit either. But Hank's Spirit was not the same as this [Ice Lotus]. So, what's the determining factor? If he could figure it out, may be he can find the reason as to why he can't perform the 'Spirit Integration'.

“LILY, do you still have the records of Hank fighting with the Thunder Horned Stag from that day?” Azalon asked LILY because her system would decide what to store in her memory banks if he doesn't specify it.

“Yes, Master. I analyzed the readings as well as the battle scenes.” LILY immediately responded as she brought out the relevant information.

“Compare the readings with the analysis of the [Ice Lotus]. Notify me if there are any peculiarities.” Azalon gave her a task and shifted his concentration to a figure slowly strolling out from the crowd. His target finally decided to reveal himself and stepped onto the stage!

“Analysis complete, Master. As you said, there are indeed some peculiarities within these readings. Should I transfer them to your memory?” LILY's processing capabilities are so powerful that it took only a few moments for her to complete the analysis.

“Do it.” Azalon said and immediately information started appearing in his mind as LILY initiated the transfer.

Azalon went over the data in his mind and what he saw there astonished him. It was indeed as LILY said. She even had the data on that Earth Elementalist who fought with Sophie earlier.

But looking at the data LILY provided, he was frustrated. Even more questions came into existence and not a single answer! What? Why? How? Man, they do eat one's mind if they allow these three words into their heads.

Questions, questions, a lot of fucking questions, to which he didn't have a single answer to! Those damn books he read when he was trying to solve the problem of his Petrified Spirit, didn't even mention a single fucking word about this 'Spirit Integration.' it's as if whoever wrote those books assumed that everyone knew about this matter and simply didn't take the patience to write a few words about it. Azalon almost ripped his hair off in frustration.

“Argh. I don't give a shit anymore. Once this competition finishes, I am going to drag that old man out. It's time I had a talk with some one who has a great deal of experience. I need information! It's like I am walking blindly and tripping over every single stone before me.” Azalon shook his head and gave up on thinking about his problems. He shifted his attention onto the two fighters standing on the stage as he stood up and slowly walked near the stage.

“Now is not the time to think about these. It's time to collect some debts and it's a very big payment indeed.” His eyes turned cold as he casted all the distracting thoughts to the back of his mind. His goal is to get that bastard pay the price for his mistake.

Azalon stood at the edge of the crowd, not too far away from them nor mixing with them.

Delius was standing on the stage facing Sophie Wheld who stood at a distance of 20 feet from him. He grinned showing his lecherous smile as his gaze unceremoniously passed over the girl's body from toe to head, pausing for a moment at her thighs and chest.

Sophie felt a chill run down her spine as she saw Delius roam his eyes over her body, as if ravaging her with his eyes alone. Her expression changed slightly as an extreme revulsion rose in her heart. She hated guys like these, especially this particular one. He was like a hungry wolf staring at a helpless deer and waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce!

“Hehe... you broke through to the 7th Level, huh. You finally managed to catch up to me. I can use some one like you.

Since that brute lost to you, you can take up his place. What do you say? You can even become my personal maid when I get selected into the Academy!” Delius' tone was haughty and incomparably arrogant as he made this offer. It was as if he really believed that becoming his maid will be the greatest honor of her life!

Azalon was simply amazed and struck speechless by this guy. He has transcended the boundaries of narcissism and was into the stages of out right self – obsession! Azalon felt that the world would become a better place if he took out this guy! He shook his head and smiled wryly as he shifted his gaze onto a pretty face.

Sophie was dumbstruck for a moment but her heart immediately burned with shame and rage. It was an utter humiliation for her to be talked down like this, especially when she was a talented cultivator. She was 2 years younger than him, but was already at the same level! Even a retard would understand who was better than who!

“Hmph. Don't run your mouth like that, Delius. One day you may very well die due to that loose tongue of yours.” Sophie reeled in her anger but the coldness in her voice revealed her failed attempt.

“Hmm? That means you reject my offer?” Delius stared at her as if her refusal insulted him. “You...”

“Enough of the chatter. Twelfth battle between Delius Wheld and Sophie Wheld, begin!” The Second Elder looked annoyed as he interrupted whatever Delius was about to say and started the battle.

Delius flashed an irritated look at the Second Elder for interrupting him, but quickly retracted his gaze. He may be conceited and arrogant, but he was no fool. The Second Elder was one who was at the 8th Level of Spirit Condensation Realm. He could deal with him with just a flick of his fingernail.

Pale blue Spirit Energy spread out from Sophie's body and quickly mixed with the white mist released from her [Ice Lotus] to form a crystalline blue Lotus beneath her feet. After her breakthrough, the amount of Spirit Energy as well as her control over it went up another Level! The Lotus was almost double the size of what she created when she battled with Rana.

But since she just broke through and didn't quite stabilize her cultivation level, there are some fluctuations in her Spirit Energy. She have to quickly consolidate her cultivation or else there might be some problems that may hinder her cultivation progress in the future. She decided to go all out with this battle in order to quickly finish it, whether she lost or won.

Delius still had that arrogant look on his face as he watched Sophie induce all her Spirit Energy into her Ice Lotus. With a though, his 7th Level Spirit Sense cultivation erupted covering the entire stage with huge pressure.

Pale green Spirit Energy emanated out from him and raising a wind on the battle stage. The wind revolved around him to finally form a whirlpool around him. He stood in the eye of the whirlwind with his Spirit on his shoulder.

Azalon observed that the Spirit Energy released by Delius was the purest Energy he had seen till now in his generation of the family. It almost reached the level of his Spirit Energy in terms of purity. Azalon had to admit that this Delius is a hard-working one, other wise he couldn't have painstakingly purified his Spirit Energy to that degree.

*Schree* *Schree*

The [Black Taloned Silver Hawk] on his shoulder suddenly shrilled and the whirlwind paused for a moment and a cavity appeared in the whirlwind that surrounded him. A wind blade suffused with Spirit Energy and radiating a pale green light violently exploded out from that cavity, taking but an instant to cross the twenty feet, arriving before Sophie. What was more shocking however was another two wind blades manifested one after another following the first one, and successively striking towards Sophie.

Sophie waved her arm and two petals dropped from the Ice Lotus beneath her feet and clashed against the wind blades. Violent winds and chilling cold broke out from the clash as Spirit Energy rippled out from the point of impact.

Delius sneered as he sent out more and more wind blades. Dozens of wind blades coalesced from the Spirit Energy, akin to genuine knives and blades in sharpness, poured in from all directions, akin to a rain of blades.

Sophie was immediately pressured under that all-encompassing attack. The Ice Lotus broke up as all the petals dropped from it to form a shield around her. With her Spirit Energy still in chaos, she didn't dare overdraft her Spirit Energy reservoirs, and her control over the Ice Lotus was still lacking a little. Two wind blades found a hole in her defenses and slashed her back as she couldn't dodge them in time.

Blood splashed as the two cuts on her back were deep but not life threatening. She grunted in pain and waved her arms. The Lotus petals changed to form a dozen Ice Spears. They tore through the air as they targeted Delius but the whirlwind around him interrupted them. But the cold energy mixed with the wind and the whirlwind slowed down.

Sophie immediately took advantage of that moment to send out another wave of Ice Spears but this time the Spears were lean and sharp, identical to Ice Arrows instead of Spears.


Delius snorted and thick Spirit Energy gushed out from him. More and more air coalsed into the whirlwind and it grew in size and speed breaking free from the frost that slowed it down. He took a step forward and pushed his palms outward. A screen of wind manifested from the whirlwind and moved with incredible speed towards the Ice Arrows. Both clashed and once again the winds raged and intense cold spread out.

Everyone below the stage watched with wide eyes at the intense battle going on on the stage. Azalon's expression sunk as he now fully understood the battle potential of his target! He was pretty confident in the beginning, but after watching the battle he understood that he had underestimated this Delius. His mind started churning as he worked on his strategy.

“I have to admit. This kid may be arrogant to the skies but he sis have the capital to be arrogant.” Azalon thought bitterly as he watched Sophie trying to break the hurricane that was forming around her, with her Spirit Energy. But the winds under that speed and concentration were sharp and swift cutting through the frost. Azalon decided to risk it and sent a message with his mind to his Spirit sleeping in his room. The hurricane finally completely swallowed Sophie and the battle came to an end.

“Twelfth battle, Delius Wheld wins.” The Second Elder declared after a few moments. Sophie was quickly transferred to the infirmary as her body was riddled with cuts after she was swallowed by that hurricane.

Her injuries were only flesh wounds but with that number of cuts on her body, she will need at least 4 – 5 days to recuperate. After his battle finished, Delius was still standing on the stage looking at everyone from that high stage. Everyone below had envious but respectful expressions as they looked at him.

“Sigh. I can't compare with him. Once he gets admitted into an Academy, he will soar like a dragon into the skies. If he shows enough potential, he may get a good position in the kingdom. May be we can move to one of the cities, even to the capital!” The youngsters below were all discussing the prospects if Delius was to get selected into an Academy and graduate. Any cultivator who can graduate from an Academy will have boundless prospects within the kingdom!

Hank was already a student of an Academy, but he was still an outsider and not some one of the family. Now that a true son of the family showing such promise emerged from them, even though they were disappointed they still felt happy that their family could prosper.

Delius could see the hope – filled expressions on the faces of his fellow generation and contentment on the elder generation. He knew what they were thinking and ridicule flashed in his eyes.

“Humph! You want to enjoy the comforts brought by me through shedding my blood and sweat! Do you think I am a fool? Once I have enough power, do you think I am going to come back to this remote village for you pack of idiots? Keep dreaming!” Delius thought coldly as he snorted in his heart. But he didn't dare show his displeasure on his face as he still didn't reach that position where he could do whatever he want. His expression changed to that of obedience and righteousness as he spoke out.

“I, Delius Wheld, hereby claim a spot for the Academy selections. The other spot should be for sister Sophie who broke through to the 7th Level, the same level as me and that too at such a young age. I hope that the four Elders and the Family Head will consider my suggestion.” he lightly bowed in the direction of the stands where the Elders and the Family Head were seated.

“That is a noble proposition by you, Delius. Indeed, the first spot should be yours and with your talent, there should be no problem with you being admitted into an Academy. You bring honor to the yourself and to the family, Delius. I am proud to have a son like you.” Asran Wheld, the First Elder of the family spoke from the stands with a proud expression. He knew about the talent of his son and he knew that this small town couldn't hold him for long. He also knew about his son's revulsion against this small town and this family. In fact he felt the same too. When his son would get strong enough, he would unceremoniously walk out from this family along with his son. But how could he have guessed that Delius' hate extended to his own father too?

“Sophie should recover within 4 – 5 days. I will instruct the family physician to take personal care and spare no expense in healing her. With both of you leading the family, we would prosper greatly.” The Third Elder was a woman of around 50 years of age with head full of gray hair and warm scholarly eyes. She was the only family member Azalon had a good impression on apart from his grandfather and Hank. Her name is like a tongue twister and he never managed to remember it correctly. He liked to call her 'Grandma Doctor' as she was the in charge of the family's medicinal branch and business as well.

“Alright, with this the final battle of the competition has ended. The winner for the first spot will be Delius Wheld and the other will be awarded to Sophie Wheld. With this...”The Second Elder who was about to announce the finish of the family competition stopped mid – speech. Everyone went silent as well, as they stared in amazement.

Delius who was facing the stands felt the change in the atmosphere and turned around. What he saw made his eyes widen. He saw a 12 – year old boy walking onto the stage and stood there facing him and said, “I challenge you.”

It was naturally Azalon who challenged Delius. He strolled onto the stage just as the Second Elder was about to finish the family competition.

He didn't participate before because he didn't want to reveal his strength early and make Delius go on guard against him. He was depending on his image as the trash of the family and counting on the fact that the ego of Delius would hold him in ridicule and take him lightly. With that he could spring up his uprise and take him down! And as expected...

“Hahahahahaha...” Delius immediately laughed uproariously. He was laughing so hard that tears started appearing from his eyes.You challenge me? Ah, I remember now. On that day, you told me that I would regret it, no, no, you will make me regret, right? Is this how you are gonna do it? By dying here and make me lose in the competition?”

Many were looking at Azalon with peculiar expressions. None of these faces rang any bells with him, as he didn't care to interact with them even from the beginning when he was hailed as the genius of the family. And when he was transformed to be a cripple due to his Awakening of a Petrified Spirit. They grew distant from him. So, he never held them in his mind in the true meaning of a family. He only cared about his grandfather, Eren Wheld and his brother, Hank. Everyone can go jump in a hole for all he cared about.

“You want to... challenge Delius? You do know that this is a family competition with serious stakes. It's not the time for you to play jokes, Azalon. Get down from the stage before you get hurt. This is not something you can participate in!” The Second Elder glared at Azalon before his voice turned cold as he warned seriously.

“Elder, I am not playing around. I really want to challenge Delius Wheld to a fight. According to the rules of the competition you set, I can challenge him, right? Does it mean hat the one presiding over the competition doesn't care about the rules he had personally set?“ Azalon calmly replied. Even though he didn't participate in the previous battles, he was after all a family member and according to the competition rules, anyone can challenge any one within the family. Moreover, he was not afraid of the Second Elder, as he will not do anything to him. Not with his grandfather present.

“You... ” The Second Elder's anger flared and his face grew cold. Just as he was about to move and teach this ignorant fool a lesson, a voice boomed from the stands. “Is there a problem?”. Everyone turned their heads to the highest seat on the stands. Eren Wheld was calmly looking at the Second Elder before he asked once again. “Is there any problem? If Azalon wants to participate, let him participate. This is a family competition and he is a family member!”

The Second Elder gulped secretly and said respectfully. “But, Family Head, you know the strength of Delius. And we all know who Azalon is and what his position in the younger generation is! If he gets hurt or badly mangled just because

Azalon couldn't handle the attacks of Delius, wouldn't it get him in a precarious position?” He naturally favoured the one the family hopes are riding on. In his eyes, Azalon is nothing but a fool who couldn't bear the fact that he was just a waste and wanted to destroy himself by going up against the strongest of his generation!

“Humph! Don't worry. Let him have his battle. No matter what happens, even if one of them dies, I wouldn't hold them responsible for it! Second Elder, withdraw from the stage. For this match, I will be the referee!” Eren Wheld replied vaguely, but what he said shocked everyone. Even if Azalon dies, he wouldn't hold Delius responsible? And he is personally overseeing this match?

Everyone was looking with wide eyes and open mouths at the Family Head who stood up from his seat and the Second Elder who got down from the stage.

“What is going on here? Does the Family Head feel shame for this trash of grandson and want him to die in a final battle?” Someone asked in shock from the crowd. Everyone nodded their heads as they too felt the same way. Otherwise, why would the gentle Family Head who always took care of every one of the family behave like this?!

“Now, thirteenth match between Azalon Wheld and Delius Wheld. The winner will take up one of the spots of the Academy selections. Now, start!” Eren Wheld declared and stood there watching the stage, but he was watching Azalon. He knew something should have changed with his grandson after meeting with Asma on that day. That man was someone who wouldn't do something against her wishes! He was waiting for the surprise his grandson was sure to spring up!

Delius had a maniacal grin on his face as he heard the Family Head's words. He could kill Azalon and he wouldn't be blamed? What more could he ask for? The shadow he always felt in his heart because of this once prominent genius of the family always lingered, but today he could finally cast out that shadow by washing it with blood. He didn't gloat or speak arrogantly like he always did but instead became completely silent.

He waved his hand and a small wind blade manifested and rushed towards Azalon. It was sharp enough to split rocks but it wouldn't seriously harm a warrior at the peak of Spirit Novice Realm. He wanted to toy with Azalon, driving him further deep into depression and hopelessness, and then he would kill him after Azalon begged him to take his life!

Azalon dodged the wind blade and dashed towards Delius. He was not using any Spirit Energy or his movement techniques, but relying solely on physical abilities. He of course knew what Delius was thinking. And he was betting on that train of thought and get him to lower his defenses, so that when he really attacked it would be too late!

Delius repeatedly conjured waves after waves of wind blades and was thoroughly enjoying Azalon desperately trying to dodge them. He was wildly laughing in his heart as he brought his palms together before spreading them apart. Wind gathered at a fast pace before Delius and a wind blade that spanned a few meters appeared.

“This will be the final attack, you trash. Take pride that you will die by my, Delius', hands!” With a flick of his finger, the long wind blade howled as it shot towards Azalon.

Azalon's eyes flashed silver for a moment and he instantly calculated the trajectory of this wind blade as well as the path he had to take to dodge it. To the surprise of everyone watching, Azalon rushed towards the wind blade instead of evading it.

“Is he trying to kill himself? He would be cut into two the moment the wind blade touches him!” Someone shouted from the crowd but the next moment they were stunned speechless!

That was because the wind blade which was about to slice Azalon into two, passed through his body without so much as a single scratch and Azalon was still rushing towards Delius! It was not only the younger generation, even the Elders were shocked when they saw that scene. Because of their higher cultivation level and a lifetime of experience, they saw what happened more clearly than the juniors below.

The moment the wind blade was about to touch Azalon's body, he became transparent like an apparition or a ghost and the wind blade passed through his body. Azalon materialized after the attack passed through him. They were amazed. What sort of technique was this? They could see the technique but couldn't understand what really happened just by looking at it. They turned their heads to look at each other and they could see the same shock in each other's eyes!

It was the [Ghostly Illusion Flash] that Azalon used to evade that attack. That was the ability of the technique when he mastered it to the [Small Success Stage]. Become a ghost that can pass through any attacks, be it physical or Energy attacks. Nothing can touch you and nothing can harm you! That was the essence of the [Small Success Stage] and he could even pass through walls if he turned into a ghost!

If he could develop the technique to the [Large Success Stage], then he can create multiple apparitions or ghosts that couldn't be harmed but he can harm his enemies even in the ghost appearance. Azalon didn't understand how that worked so he was stuck at the [Small Success Stage]. But he had a feeling that within the next 3 – 4 months, he would understand how it worked!

But at this stage, this [Small Success Stage] of the [Ghostly Illusion Flash] was more than enough to trump over his opponent. He was 5 feet away from Delius who had his grin frozen on his shocked face and a slight smile twitched the corners of his lips. Pale gray Spirit Energy enveloped his fist as he covered the 5 feet in a flash.

[3 Pulse Infinite Pulse Fists]! (Author Note: Decided to change the name of the technique from [Infinite Beats] to [Infinite Pulse Fists]. It sounds more cool this way...)

But Azalon still underestimated the cultivation Level of 7th Level Spirit Sense Realm. Moreover, Delius is a Wind Affinity Cultivator and his main element is his speed. Just as Azalon was about to hit him, Delius moved and appeared at a distance of 10 feet from his initial position. He stared at Azalon with shock, especially at the fist that was covered with Spirit Energy!

Not only him, everyone watching the battle were shocked. All they could see was a large wind blade that attacked Azalon and the silhouette of Azalon that appeared beside Delius in a flash. With their senses and cultivation levels, they couldn't register the minute movements. But they all could see the gray Spirit Energy on the fist of Azalon.

High up on the stands, Eren Wheld's eyes were glittering with tears as he recognized the movement technique. That was his move! And the fist technique was hers! His eyes glazed over as two figures appeared in his mind and they were laughing happily! Oh, Azalon...

Suddenly, 4 Spiritual Senses converged on Azalon's body, scanning him. The pressure they emitted made Azalon's chest constrict and he had difficulty breathing. The Spiritual Senses disappeared as fast as they came and Azalon turned his head to gaze at the Four Elders who were staring at him in shock.

“That's Spirit Energy! And according to my Spiritual Sense, it should be of the 5th Level Spirit Sense Realm! Didn't Azalon Awaken a Petrified Spirit on that day of Awakening!? How could he cultivate Spirit Energy if that's the case?” the Second Elder asked in shock and confusion.

“I don't know! But look at the Family Elder. He is not even shocked at this turn of events! That means that he knew that Azalon could cultivate, and he kept it a secret from us. But why would he do that?” The 'Doctor Grandma' who was observing the behaviour of Eren Wheld pointed out. All the Elders turned their heads and indeed they couldn't see any reaction on the Family Head's expression. This confirms that he knew that Azalon could cultivate. But the only question is how could Azalon cultivate if his Spirit is a Petrified one?

Not only them, everyone in the family were shocked at this sudden turn of events! Delius was staring at Azalon's hand and his expression turned ugly! The fact that Azalon couldn't cultivate was the only consolation he had all these days and it was a source of his superiority over this once hailed genius. But the facts are before his eyes, but he was having a hard time believing his eyes!

“AAAAHHHHH!” Delius roared out in frustration and anger! The [Black Taloned Silver Hawk] flapped it's wings and soared into the skies. “Humph! So, what if you could cultivate Spirit Energy? You are still at the 5th Level while I am at the 7th Level Spirit Sense Realm! I can still defeat you!” Delius calmed himself down after finding out that Azalon was still at the 5th Level of the Spirit Sense Realm. In fact it was not Delius that found out Azalon's cultivation level, but Asran Wheld. He transmitted this news to Delius using the Energy transmission so that only Delius could hear his words.

Pale green Spirit Energy erupted from his body and wind rolled and swirled around his body. Wind coalsed around him to form a whirlwind with him in the eye of the whirlwind. Sharp Wind blades retracted and appeared within that swirling whirlwind. Suddenly the whirlwind broke apart leaving numerous wind blades that were flashing around Delius, pointing at Azalon from far away. Under the reflection of the sunlight, the green wind blades gave off a mysterious sheen as if they were real sharp flying blades!

The green wind blades were reflected in the black pupils of Azalon as the Spirit Energy exploded out from his body. The Spirit Energy rushed through his meridians and his entire body was filled with explosive energy.

*Schree* *Schree*

The Wind blades suddenly moved and at the same time a shrill bird cry came from his behind. It was the [Black Taloned Silver Hawk] of Delius that flew into the skies before appearing behind him. It flapped it's wings and another dozen of Wind Blades attacked him from behind.

As the Spirit Energy on both of them soared, the surroundings quieted down and instead grew heavy. All the eyes were converged on the two figures on the stage. They all wanted to know just how far this useless trash had reached!

On the stage as he watched the two-pronged attack, Azalon slowly closed his eyes and gently exhaled. His eyes suddenly opened and his pupils glowed with a bright silver flash. The Spirit Energy in his body was like a thick river that flowed in his meridians.

[Vector Vision]!

A slight smile crept on his face as his figure suddenly moved forward paying no attention to the wind blades or the Hawk behind his back. As for the reason? It was because at this moment, a gray flash came from the direction of the family mansion and collided with the [Black Taloned Silver Hawk]. The Hawk gave a painful cry and the wind blades dissipated into the air like smoke. The main figure of the fight finally made his entry!

Raka pinned down the Silver Hawk with his paws planted on its wings firmly on the ground. Azalon was shocked when he could feel a formless pressure emanating from Raka that was ruthlessly suppressing the aura of the Silver Hawk! The Silver Hawk was trembling under that pressure and it didn't even dare to twitch!

“Whaattt??” The crowd went into uproar once again. The shock and amazement in the four Elders' eyes thickened when they felt the aura of Raka. It's actually an [Infant Stage] Spirit! This guy... the way they were looking at Azalon changed significantly. It was as if they were seeing an old monster that was supposed to be asleep but woke up at an unexpected time.

Delius' expression became ugly when he saw his Spirit being suppressed by the tiger cub. It means that he had to fight with Azalon himself and cannot perform the 'Spirit Integration' anymore.

“So, what if you pin down my Spirit? I am more than enough to deal with trash like you! A trash will always stay a trash whatever happens. Die!” Delius roared and the Wind blades shrilled towards Azalon at breath-taking speeds from all directions. Some even targeted Raka but they were immediately disintegrated the moment they came into contact with its aura. A thick dust cloud rose up with all the wind blowing, covering the entire stage.

[Ghostly Illusion Flash]. Azalon never intended to conceal his techniques as he was confident that no one could infer anything from the execution of the technique. His silver eyes flashed brightly as he weaved through the dense net of the Wind blades like a nimble fish. Not a single Wind blade managed to touch him!

Azalon's figure flashed once as he suddenly appeared behind Delius just like a ghost. Pale gray Spirit Energy once again enveloped his two fists as he punched out. Delius' face paled when he saw Azalon who appeared behind him. But this time he couldn't react like he did previously as he expended almost all of his Spirit Energy in his previous attack.

[3 Pulse Infinite Pulse Fists]!

Azalon's fists landed on Delius' lower back, approximately 7 inches from the spinal cord on both sides, but the right fist is placed slightly lower than the left fist. His aim was the one of the most important parts of the human body. The Kidneys! The kidneys are the vital organs that filter the metabolic waste products, regulation of body fluids and electrolytes and even control the blood pressure by stimulating the red blood cells. The kidneys are the vital source for a human's stamina! Back on Earth, he had seen many professional athletes retire from their games because of kidney failure. Humans can live with a single kidney but the physical tasks they can perform will drastically reduce.

Azalon was aiming for the same scenario. Three waves of fists, each fist with a force of more than 8000 pounds making a tremendous force of 24000 pounds assaulted Delius' kidneys and pulverized them! With the guidance system of LILY's [Vector Vision] he had calculated the optimum point of impact for the maximum penetration effect and minimum chances for the scattering of the force.

But Azalon didn't stop there! He knew that the metabolism of a cultivator is different from that of a regular human. He wanted to make sure that it will take a long time before Delius could even walk normally. He withdrew his fists and punched again, and again and again! The final result when the dust cloud settled down made everyone break out in cold sweat and gulp their saliva.

Delius' body was lying on the ground in a pool of blood but he was still breathing and conscious! His four limbs were broken with bone protruding out and blood flowing like a river. His chest was caved in and had 5 – 6 indentions that were clearly caused by Azalon's fists. He was wheezing and rasping with each breath indicating that he suffered many internal injuries! Everyone was looking at Azalon with horror and fear-stricken gazes. But Azalon didn't care about the gazes on him, and spoke out softly.

“This will be the price for that day.”

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