《Spirit God Shura》Chapter 21: You Will Regret This


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Azalon's ears popped as the roar of his brother aws loud enough to produce shockwaves that shook the entire mountain. He instinctively covered his ears with his hands but that didn't help in the least.

The ringing sound in his ears made him dizzy as the liquids in the inner ear were agitated, throwing him off balance. He circulated his Spirit Energy to fight it off, and the dizzy feeling eased a little bit.

Hank who was shouting loudly suddenly stiffened and his eyes rolled up revealing their whites as his body collapsed with a Thud! He fainted! A cultivator at the 4th Level of Spirit Condensation Realm finally couldn't take the mental disturbances caused by his brother who was only at the 5th Level of the Spirit Sense Realm!

But who could blame Hank? At first, he was happy and content that his brother could finally cultivate, then came the first of the many shocks he was about to recieve in the form of Dual Spirits!

His brother was not an ordinary Spiritualist but a one in a ten thousand Dual Spiritualist! And the second shock came next without any respite, the High Fairy Spirit!

Awakening a Fairy Spirit was already a rare occurance, but his brother had a High Fairy Spirit, a Spirit that was rare even among the already rare Fairy Spirits! This was the true cream of the crop among the Support Type Spirits that a cultivator could possess!

Just as he barely managed to suppress the ripples in his heart by hunting the Spirit Beasts with his brother, they came across a Thunder Horned Stag that had its ancestral Primordial Bloodline flowing in its veins in the middle of its Tribulation! The baarely calmed ripples once again surged at the prospective treasure trove before them.

Somehow, they managed to kill the Stag with some effort and massive luck, and once again his brother scared the wits of him. Azalon directly swallowed the Spirit Core along with the Soul of the Thunder Horned Stag! Hank's soul almost left his body as he watched his brother go to the very doorstep to the gates of Hell and return safely due to the immense sacrifice of his Spirit. And during this time, he didn't have any time to calm his heart as he had to fend off the attacking Spirit Beasts. Also him not being of any help to his brother in his ordeal didn't help much either. All this made the already stretched mental strain to go taut with tension.

Just as he breathed some relief and finally found a way to vent all his emotions, the words that came out of Azalon's mouth in the middle of his scolding came as the final blow to his weary heart. His mental strain stretched beyond the breaking point finally snapped due to the accumulated emotions that raged in heart these past days and he fainted. In fact, he even started regretting the decision to come home this time!

Azalon stared blankly at the unconscious figure lying on the ground. He chuckled before shifting the body of Hank so that the back was leaning against a rock before sitting down beside Hank. It was not long before Hank opened his eyes, as the mental strength of a Spirit Condensation cultivator is abnormally strong.

Hank turned his head to look at the 12- year old child beside him. He went over everything that happened from the day he returned from the Academy till today. Even though he found some events to be shocking, he gradually accepted everything. A happy smile surfaced on his face as he ruffled the hair of Azalon. In his heart right now, there's nothing except profound happiness and a surge of pride. Happiness for his brother's future achievements as he was sure that Azalon would not be a small figure in the future. He was destined to be become a great cultivator that would stand above looking down on everything.


The surge of pride was for the confidence Azalon had in him. He could see that no one in the family knew about the secrets that Azalon had shared with him but his brother didn't even thik twice before telling them to him. But, at presently...

“I am alright now. Go home, Az. Your consciousness should have taken a major toll during the assault of the Thunder Horned Stag's Soul and you shouldn't exert yourself right now. Go back and sleep. Sleep will be the best medicine for your mingd to relax and heal the damage to your consciousness. Ah, here, take these as well.” Hank sighed deeply as he advised Azalon before handing over two pills to him.

“The green pill is a Tier – 2 Restoration Pill that can heal any kinds of physical injuries of a certain degree. This Spirit pill will be for your injuries. Where as the white pill is a Tier – 2 Soul Rejuvination Pill. Its main effect is to calm one's mind from any disturbances and attain an equilibrium between the Soul and the body. It will help you immensely in the repair of your consciousness. Take them and absorb their effects. Go to sleep immediately and by tomorrow you should be at your peak condition atleast physically.”

Azalon's eyes brightened immediately as he recieved the two pills along with their descriptions from his brother. He had experienced first hand the efficieny of the pake green pill in his hand and he was expectant on the white pill too!

Hank patted his shoulders as he rose up. He walked towards the pile of meat and busied himself sorting out the pile.

“I will return a short while, Az. My storage pouch doesnt have the space to fit all this meat, so i have to carry them by myself. Ah, and one more thng, dont cultivate for atleast another week or so. Let your body adjust to the changes in your strength and your injuries will also completely recover by that time.”

Azalon flipped his hand and stored the two pills into his [Void Ring]. His figure flashed as he swiftly made his way home. The evening son was slowly dipping in the west and the light orange rays reflecting off the silver clouds in the sky painted a beautiful and gorgeous scenery. The light breeze in the forest caressing his face brought with it a cool humidity that soothed his mind. His heightened perception took in everything around him and he was completely relishing in it.

The inhuman strength within his muscles that made his punch pulverise a head rock into dust, the sensitivity of his senses that could register even the slightest twitch of an insect almost half a mile away, the abnormal flexibilty of his body that enebled him to weave through the forest like a agile leopard and more importantly the flow of the Spirit Energy in his meridians, all of these gave him an intoxicating, almost to the point of addicting, feeling. He felt as if he had become something

more, something transcendent that couldn't be compared to him back on Earth or even the him two years back! This was the realm of Immortals and he had taken the first step on the long and thorny journey.

As such, every progress of his strength made Azalon giddy with joy, as in his mind his strength had a correlation to his goal of roaming through the world, exploring her deepest secrets, solving her elusive mysteries, relishing her breathtaking wonders and all the while enjoying this life in a new world that was vastly different from the world he once knew.


The time required for Azalon to reach the city reduced in tandem with the surge in his cultivation and with his mad rush to reach the city before dark, he was already entering the city after a not a long time. The headache he had suppressed back then returned in full force due to him rushing through the forest and he felt as if his head was splitting into two and the fatigue was slowly seeping into his body. The familiar mansion never looked so warm and welcoming to Azalon, promising him rest and comfort.

But just as he was about to enter the mansion, a very familiar voice reached his ears and he had to concentrate with his tired mind and body to hear that voice from all the buzzing of the streets.

“No, dont talk about big brother like that. Big brother is the greatest person I have ever seen. If you say that big brother is useless, I will beat you. Big brother is not useless. He is slow and dumb in some ways but he is my big brother and no one is allowed to bully him” A small figure in a light pink frock with green frills at the hem came into his view as he turned his gaze to the source of the voice. Her usually pretty and cute face was now flushed red and her small fists were wildly dancing as he shrill voice attracted the attention of everone on the streets.

Four boys stood before her with a 14-15 year old with a silver hawk perched on his shoulder, standing in the front with the remaining three behind him. The remaining three had their Spirits beside them. Azalon immediately recognised him as the obnoxious and egoistical son of the First Elder, Delius Wheld. Delius was sneering as he spoke with that tone that Azalon felt as extremely irritating: “Hahaha, what''s so great about that cripple? I can beat with my little finger, you know? He may be the rising genius before but right now he is nothing more than trash that could do nothing but stay in a corner living his pathetic life.” Delius's tone fluctuated between different range of emotions and volumes within these 3-4 sentences.

But Nina was not one to take note of these as her cheeks puffed up in anger and her chin was trembling as tears welled up in her eyes. Azalon immediately guessed what she was about to do and moved as fast as he could, but the distance was truly great. As the distance reduced with every step, the situation turned volatile.

Nina cried out and she pounced towards Delius with her fists ready to punch his face. A visible mockery flashed on Delius's face as his palm pushed out. A violent gale rushed out from that palm and Nina was thrown back and her small figure crashed against one of the shops across the street.

Azalon's heart immediately tightened watching the figure of Nina slowly sliding down and he could see streaks of blood flowing from her dress.

[Ghostly Illusion Flash]

He executed his agility technique and his speed soared and the surrounding people only felt a light breeze before the figure of Azalon manifested beside Nina like a ghost. Her injuries were not too great or too light either. But rage immediately filled his mind at the sight of her arm that was twisted in the wrong angle. He turned around and his eyes were cold as they reflected a sneering and arrogant face within them.

“You will regret this, Delius. No, I will make you regret this.” Azalon spat these words one by one barely controlling his anger as this was not the time to get into a street brawl. He had to take Nina for treatment before her injuries become much worse and there may be even broken ribs or bones due to the impact.

“Huh!?? Hahahaahaha” Delius was stunned at first but immediately started laughing his mouth off. Promptly the lackeys were also laughing loudly as if they had heard the best joke of the year.

“Did you hear that? He is going to make me regret! Hahahahaha...” Delius was shouting and laughing alternatively and Azalon's anger was now suffuced with irritation. He carefully lifted Nina from the ground takeing care that he didnt move her body too much. Before he could walk away, that voice once again from behind him.

“Oye, trash. Where do you think you are going? You aren't going to make me regret? If you want to live, lay that girl down and scram quickly. Her punishment is not enough for raising her fists against me! I dont wanna look at your face. It ruins my mood. Now run off like a good boy before I ruin that pretty face.” Delius was not the one to let go of his arrogance and domineering nature. And with his recent cultivation breakthrough into 7th Realm of Spirit Sense, he became even more despotic.

But the shadow of Azalon in his heart had always been there like a thorn in his heart and he wouldn't let go of any opportunity to ridicule Azalon. The words of Azalon portrayed that dominating figure in his heart and he instantly grew humiliated and reminded himself that the once genius was nothing more tha trash. His shame turned into anger and he wanted Azalon to lower himself before him so that he could relish the feeling of superiority.

Who would have expected that Azalon would just turn his head to look at Delius and walk away without a regard for the situation? Delius's face contorted with rage and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes. Vigorous Spirit Energy congealed onto his palm to form a small huricane. But just as he was about to strike a boundless pressure descended like a huge mountain onto him. His breathing grew ragged as the pressure tightly constricted him. A calm but sharp voice came from far away: “Go, Az. First treat Nina. I will deal with whoever stops your way.”

The crowd were surprised at the voice and Delius broke out in cold sweat. That was Hank Wheld. No one in the family knew the exact cultivation level of Hank but they were sure that he was in the Spirit Condensation Realm. He may be at the 7th Level of the Spirit Sense Realm but for Hank to deal with him will be extremely easy. Just like breaking a tooth pick. He didnt move a muscle as Azalon walked away with Nina held carefully...

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