《Spirit God Shura》Chapter 17: Thunder Horned Stag


Azalon and Hank closed onto the location where they felt the Energy disturbances were originating from. They were extra vigilant and completely retracted their cultivation bases so as not to alert the Beast. Even though Hank was currently at the 4th Level Spirit Condensation Realm, he couldn’t handle a Level 6 Beast and that too while protecting Azalon. He didn’t want to take any chances, especially with the life of Azalon.

The closer they approached the mountain top, the more pressure they felt and the more vigilant they became. Finally, after a long and somewhat straining trek, the mountain top came into their view. The mountain top was completely obliterated, and there was not a single location was not turned upside down. Great trees were uprooted and thrown about, the earth was ravaged to an extent that cracks filled the entire mountain top, small and big piles of rocks could be seen all over hinting that these piles of rocks were once a big and solid rock, dust clouds clustered about making the field of vision to hinder… the culprit of this rampage slowly revealed itself as the dust cloud settled down.

It was a beautiful stag. That stag was enormous and its purple golden pelt shined under the setting sun in a peculiar fashion, but what would draw the most attention on this Beast were its huge antlers. Each of its antlers was a work of art with exquisite curves and intricate patterns formed by the partitions of the antlers. The antlers would flash from time to time and each time, electricity would sparkle on its body. Just based on its appearance, any one can say that this Beast was truly a unique one. Azalon recalled its name from the records he read, Thunder Horned Stag.

Beside him, Hank gasped as he watched the powerful Beast reveal itself and clearly this is the Beast that was undergoing its evolution. The brothers looked at each other and excitement in their eyes reflected back from the other’s eyes. This will be a big scoop of they can manage to kill this Beast! Just the Antlers of this Thunder Horned Stag will sell for tens of thousands of gold coins in an auction. Each and every part of this exquisite Beast was a priceless treasure! Its skin, bones, eyes, meat and even its phallus has an astronomical price in black markets as it was believed to improve the male potency! No one knows if it’s true or not, but there’s no short of snobby nobles betting on the chance of the rumour being true…

Azalon and Hank carefully hid themselves in a cluster of rocks that were just outside the detection range of the senses of the stag and watched every movement of the stag with rapt attention. But the stag just stood there and its huge eyes looked up into the skies as if waiting for something. The electricity sparks dancing on its body intensified and the ground the stag was standing on turned black as the soil was charred the electricity.

Black clouds started gathering above the mountain peak and Azalon stared at the roiling cumulonimbus clouds that formed out of nowhere with some bewilderment. He could feel the gaze of the stag become sharp and its aura rise up as the storm clouds began to tumble violently.

“It’s starting, Az…” Hank reminded Azalon softly but eagerly with a tap on the shoulders drawing his attention from the clouds to the stag.

The rumbling in the storm clouds increased as lightning snaked through the cluster of clouds. The lightning began to coarse through the clouds before they gathered at the centre of the storm. The stag impatiently stared at the lightning being gathered in the storm clouds.



A lightning bolt instantly slammed onto the body of the stag before the stag or even the two spectators could see it. The stag bellowed out a shrill cry as the lightning created an intense pain run through its body but a dazzling purple glow exploded out from the stag before extending straight into the clouds like a bright light column.

As the light column appeared, the clouds rumbled even more vigorously. The electricity sparks on the stag also increase in intensity and a *Chi* *Chi* sound filled the air as the sparks created small shockwaves in the air. Azalon’s eyes gleamed as he stared without blinking at the strange and otherworldly phenomenon playing out before his eyes. His hands itched and he never wanted his equipment from Earth so badly. This is something that was never possible back on Earth. Just what were the changes that enabled an herbivorous and harmless stag to turn into something that can influence weather? If he could find out that, one of the many questions he had will be answered.

The stag suddenly jumped onto the purple light column. Its four hooves were like four pillars that were extremely sturdy and heavy. The continuous clashes of the lightning created the surrounding area to be pulverised beyond recognition. Azalon and Hank ad goose bumps all over their body as they watched the destruction going on before their eyes that were filled with shock. Thunderbolts kept on pouring down from the storm clouds and ferociously slammed onto the body of the stag.

Boom… Boom… Boom… Booming sounds unceasingly rang out the entire mountain valley and the Beasts in the forest were nowhere to be seen as their instincts warned them to run from this place as far as possible with as much speed they can muster. Only after they managed to create a massive distance between the mountain and them did they raise their heads staring at the lightning rain falling on the mountain top.

Kree… Kree … Kree… The stag’s mournful cries echoed out with each thunderbolt. The light column gradually weakened as it became evident that the stag suffered extremely severe injuries. But with each thunderbolt that slammed onto its body, the aura of the stag will increase. Electricity crazily surged around its body before violently tunnelling in, causing additional damage to its already battered body. After numerous impacts, changes appeared on the Beast. Its pelt started to wither and a sickly sweet aroma of cooked meat spread out as the muscles of the stag were insta-cooked under the powerful thunderbolts.

But under the attentive gazes of the two spectators, new tissues instantly formed replacing the damaged parts. This new tissue was stronger and more resilient than the previous. Once the stag manage to shed its body and absorb the powerful Energy within the thunderbolts into its Beast Core, it will succeed in its evolution. It will experience a massive surge in its strength as well as its Affinity due to the assimilation of the thunderbolts into its Core.


Massive rumblings sounded from the storm clouds in the skies. The clouds churned violently forming a black hole in the centre of the vortex and the glow of the lightning increased at an alarming rate. The stag stubbornly raised its eyes as it watched the crazily roiling clouds. It knew that this will be the final strike and if it can pull through this, it will successfully evolve! Maybe the clouds were irked by the defiant gaze of the stag; they let out a mighty rumble and the clouds churned even more violently. Under the shocking gazes of Azalon and Hank, a massive thunderbolt the size of an adult man shot down from the heavens. The thunderbolt felt like the judgement the Heavens descending onto the mortal world to wipe out anything that stood in its way.


“What terrifying thunderbolts…” Azalon blurted out in shock as he felt an invisible pressure pin him down as the frightening thunderbolt ruthlessly smashed onto the body of the Thunder Horned Stag! *BOOOMMMM* *KREEEEEE* with a massive boom that shook the entire mountain, the stag was shot own from the skies and it heavily landed onto the mountain top. Everything within 500 metres was destroyed by the violent impact and the resulting shockwave. Even Azalon and Hank were blown out and only after rolling for some time did they manage to stop. Azalon coughed out blood and he felt two of his ribs crack due to that shockwave. Fortunately, they were just fractured and not broken. He circulated his Spirit Energy and tried to heal his injuries. Hank fared better as his cultivation base was much higher than Azalon as well as his control over his body.

Hank rushed to support Azalon before infusing his Spirit Sense to inspect his body for injuries. He stuffed a healing pill into the mouth of Azalon before turning his gaze to observe the situation on the mountain top. With the healing pill, Azalon’s injuries rapidly healed and he swallowed his saliva as he watched the extensive destruction. If the Thunder Horned Stag failed at this stage, then its body will be destroyed and the time they spent till now will be wasted. But if it succeeded, then they had to be prepared to attack before it can stabilise its Spirit Core. Timing is very important in this situation!

Two pairs of eyes concentrated on the spot where the Thunder Horned Stag had landed. The clouds dispersed just as quickly as they were formed. On the ground, a large hole appeared at that spot and black smoke rose into the air from the hole. Hank’s eyebrows furrowed together as he watched the smoke rising from the hole. ‘It couldn’t have perished, right?’ just a he thought this, a faint glow appeared from the hole.

The Thunder Horned Stag climbed out with difficulty from the hole. It was currently in a very sorry state. Its pelt was charred black and even muscles could be seen at some spots. Its eyes were dim and listless and it was staggering just like a new born calf! But new muscles continuously replaced the damaged areas and its body gradually healed regaining its former glory.

Hank’s eyes glittered with excitement as he could sense that the aura of the Thunder Horned Stag was very weak and it will take some time for its body to heal to its optimum state. This is the best time to attack! Hank tapped the shoulder of Azalon. Azalon was also observing the Stag and the signal from his brother confirmed his observations. His injuries were almost healed with the help of the healing pill. He stood up and each of them went in a separate direction intending to flank the Thunder Horned Stag from both sides.

Hank was the first one to reach the Stag and he reached out for his Spirit, the Crimson Spear on his back. Red lines appeared on the black spear as he infused it with his Spirit Energy before he swung out violently. *Thrummm* the spear was like a striking viper that bared its fangs on its prey!

*Puchi* Hank carefully calculated the trajectory of his strike and the spear pierced through the still damaged muscles on the back of the Stag. *Kreee* once again the Stag bellowed out in pain and anger. Its huge eyes looked at Hank who was still holding the spear trying to pull it out. Lightning streaked out from is body before it reached Hank through his Spear.

“Ahh…” Hank cried out in pain as the lightning was more powerful than he thought. He circulated his Spirit Energy to keep the pain at bay and his strength exploded as he pulled out the Spear and once again thrust it forward. The borders of his clothes were charred from the lightning and he grimaced. But he managed to injure the Stag and he saw Azalon rushing from the other side. His fists flashed before three *Peng*s sounded as is punch landed on the same exact spot Hank managed to injure.

*Kreee* *Kreee* the eyes of the Beast became blood shot as it shook its body throwing off Hank who was took by surprise. It opened its mouth and a lightning ball shot towards Hank. “Hank, quickly dodge it!” Azalon shouted but it was unnecessary. Hank was a Spirit Condensation cultivator and his reflexes were all super-human. Azalon managed to scuttle to the side dodging the big hoof of the Thunder Horned Stag, before he reached the side of his brother.

The eyes of the Stag were filled with hatred. If it was at its full strength, dealing with these two puny humans would be child’s play to it. But currently, it could only manage to muster a sliver of its strength. Moreover, its body was severely damaged and it had yet to completely heal it. It had already spent all its energy to defend against that last thunderbolt and it will take some time before it could replenish its energy. In its current state, it would be difficult to kill these two, especially the one with the Spear.

“Tch. It still has some strength left. But I don’t think it will long last enough. Let’s attack with a barrage of attacks and tire it out, Az. Once it’s completely out of its Energy, we can kill it with ease. I will deal the first strike and you follow it up.” Hank’s body flashed before he suddenly appeared near the neck of the Stag. But the Stag reacted pretty fast and dodged the spear strike. It then turned around and tried to flee. But its speed dropped by a drastic amount due to the damage it took before.

Hank’s speed even took Azalon by surprise, but he too executed his [Ghostly Shadow Flash] and pursued behind the Beast. He closed his eyes for a moment before abruptly opening them. His black pupils were now silver in colour and emotionless, just like a flat piece of mirror placed in his eyes.

[Vector Vision]… the ability he gained from LILY, when he managed to integrate his senses with the sensors of the system o LILY. Instantly the world before his eyes changed. Numerous lines, curves, angles, trajectories and numbers filled his vision. The powerful processing capacity of LILY fused with his consciousness instantly analysed everything around him through his senses. It will then calculate the probabilities of every single thing in his sensory range, from a small leaf falling from the tree to the movement of his enemies. Within this world, everything will be under his control. Not a single thing can act that will not follow one of the many probable actions that will be calculated and projected before his eyes. The system will even project the most probable instances and the respective reactions that should be taken! Within this world, he would feel like an Overlord that has everything within his palm!

Azalon concentrated on the two figures of Hank and the Thunder Horned Stag. The A.I. System responded instantly and prioritised the two figures in his field of vision. Every trajectory of the spear of Hank and every dingle movement of the Stag were calculated in microseconds before being projected as mathematical representations.

“Hank, move three steps to your left and thrust upwards.” Azalon suddenly shouted and even though Hank was surprised, he still executed what was told. Just as he moved to his left, the massive hoof of the Beast flashed at that place accompanied by a violent gust of wind! Cold sweat broke out on his back as he imagined that hoof hitting his body. If he wouldn’t have died, he would have been seriously injured! His thoughts broke out as his right hand thrust upwards with the Crimson Spear and managed to pierce through the hind leg of the Stag. The spear flashed once before a blazing fire shot out from the tip of the Spear into the leg of the Stag. This was the [Fire Thrust] a basic ability of his Spear that accompanies his thrust with a sudden burst of fire dealing additional damage to the opponent.

Just as he pulled out his spear, Azalon appeared like a ghost beside him before punching with his fist. Once again three *Peng*s landed on the same spot accurately. 3 Beats of the [Infinite Beats]… the single punch delivered three waves of 6000 pounds, the limit of his strength. The leg of the Stag broke under the dual assault and the massive body of the Stag crashed onto the ground.

“Quickly Hank! Deliver the final blow!” Azalon once again prompted and Hank’s spear flashed before piercing through the throat of the Thunder Horned Stag. But something unexpected happened once again! From the open mouth of the Stag, a small purple sphere flew out. The Thunder Horned Stag’s Spirit Core! Small streaks of lightning flashed around the Core as it floated for a moment and a kind off apparition resembling the Thunder Horned Stag formed with the Core as the centre.

It was the Soul of the Thunder Horned Stag! It managed to attach to the Spirit Core and as long as the Core exists, it can slowly form its body using the Energy within its Core. Hank was surprised as he stared at the floating Spirit Core with the Soul of the Beast attached to it, but Azalon was dumbstruck. Something clicked in his mind as he stared at the Soul and the Core of the Thunder Horned Stag.

‘Right… that’s right… it should be the only reason!’ Azalon was immediately enlightened and his eyes glittered brightly as he stared at the Spirit Core and the Soul. He didn’t care about the Core but he wanted was that Soul. But as the Soul has attached to the Spirit Core, he had no choice to go for the Core too. The numbers in his vision started changing, calculating the new situation and drawing new probabilities and responses.

“Hank, the Core will fly to the right and I will intercept it. It should then try to break through using the gap that will create between us the moment I will move. Be ready and we should stop that Core from escaping. Wait for three breaths after I move and take 8 steps to your right. That should place you in a position from where the Core will enter your striking range. I will attack from the top forcing the Core downwards. You should strike with the same strike you executed before the same moment I initiate my attack. Both of our attacks, one from the top and one from below, should reach at the same time. Be careful and follow my movements. If we miss that instance, the Core will surely escape!” Azalon issued out rapid commands before he moved to his right to intercept the Core.

Just as Azalon calculated, the Core followed the path highlighted by the system in his vision, and Azalon reached the calculated optimum spot. The Core stilled for a moment, before veering to the left trying to take the advantage of the gap between him and Hank. Azalon pivoted around on his toes and his figure immediately dashed to the next spot and his fist punched out. Just as his punch started, a black spear appeared below him and both the attacks landed on the fleeing Core at the same time.

[3 Step Infinite Beats]… [Fire Thrust]… a mournful cry resounded as cracks started appearing on the surface of the Core. The Energies within the Core escaped out but Azalon didn’t care. What he was concentrating on was the Soul Apparition of the Thunder Horned Stag. The Soul of the Stag was attached to its Spirit Core, and once it was damaged, the Soul was damaged too! Azalon immediately opened his mouth and a suction force appeared within. The Core along with the Soul was instantly sucked into his stomach!

[Devour]… he immediately sat cross legged and started the most difficult task he had ever done till date…

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