《Spirit God Shura》Chapter 9: Heaven Shaking Changes


Azalon rushed towards the waterfall in the Wilderness at a moderate pace. Even though he wanted to get started in the Re- Awakening of his Spirit as soon as possible, he knew that he had to consider approach this situation with caution. If a single mistake was made, his second chance at life will be completely wiped out, as this matter involves the very core of a living thing, the Soul.

As he travelled towards the Wilderness, he once again ran each and every word he had heard from that Asma regarding the process through his mind. He was trying to find any loopholes that can prove to be detrimental towards the process. But no matter how much he mulled over them, the problem he could come across was a single one. His Soul is not damaged, per se. so, he was not sure that the remedy to a Damaged Soul can work on his Soul!

But he could only hope that that Demon Cultivation Pill can provide a chance by remedying his condition. He prayed fervently for a chance or even a miracle!

Deep in his thoughts, he unknowingly reached the outskirts of the Wilderness. He shook himself from his thoughts, and rushed into the thick forest. His tempered body nimbly jumped through the tall trees using the branches, as he made his way to the waterfall, where that pretty face bastard will be waiting.

His ears picked up the sounds of rushing water and he immediately increased his speed towards the sound he heard. Very soon he saw the silver colored waterfall, and the clear pool at the foot of that waterfall. He looked around the area, but he could not find out that irritating person. He lightly shrugged his shoulders and plopped down on one of the rocks on the banks of the pool.

Slowly the day reached its end, as the sun reached the destination of its day long journey. The rushing water reflected the bright orange rays of the setting sun, providing a red backdrop to the lush greenery surroundings. Azalon stood on the rock feasting his eyes on the beautiful scenery portrayed around him. He patiently waited for the man called Asma to appear without any hurry or irritation. He waited for almost 4 years, and he can wait for another 4 hours if required.

The sun almost set, taking the last vestiges of illumination with it. The first signs of a clear night appeared in the skies, and a voice sounded by him, almost making him jump.

“Follow the signs I left deeper into the forest and make it quick.”

Signs? What kind of signs? As soon as he thought those questions, a small light flashed to his right at the corner of his eyes. He turned around and sure enough a small light appeared on a tree to his right. He slowly approached the tree and immediately the light on that tree dimmed before another light flashed on another tree a short distance away.

He followed those flashing lights deeper into the forest. After almost half an hour, the lights ended at a small round boulder laid against the rock wall of the ravine. He thought that he should have made a mistake somewhere and before he could turn around to search again, the boulder suddenly rolled to a side, revealing a dark cave mouth.

He was sure that he never saw this cave before, as he was familiar with this part of the forest. That could only mean that this cave was cut into the ravine wall by that person. He silently walked into the dark cave with some apprehension.


The interior of the cave was dark and damp, but the wall of the cave was smooth to touch and he followed it to the interior of the cave slowly with small steps. After around 30 steps, a small cavern came into view.

The cavern was square shaped, as if it was cut by a long sword. The cavern was 10 meters long with a height of 5 meters. It was illuminated by various pearl like things placed at various locations around the cavern. Azalon was interested in those light sources, as the only light sources he came across till now was various crystal like things that could store the sunlight and shine during night. But he could feel that these pearls were different from those crystals.

Before he could think of them, the man came slowly walked out from the shadows at the corner of the cavern. Azalon immediately concentrated on the man, and something felt different with him. His white face was pale and his eyes looked tired and sleepy. But as soon as Azalon noticed them, they disappeared before that man resumed his normal aloof and irritating face.

Azalon could only lightly shrug his shoulders, as he could not solve whatever problems that even this powerful person could not solve. Without a second glance, he slowly walked towards the man. As he walked into the room like cavern, he could see a bed like structure made of stone, as well as a pair of chairs and a small table.

That man sat on one of the chairs, before pointing to the other one, indicating Azalon to sit. He flipped his hand and a golden color scroll appeared on the table.

“Memorize it. You have to fully comprehend the intricacies of the method before dawn. You can then take the pill. This cave will provide some safety to you from the Beasts, as you sleep.” After speaking these words, he simply closed his eyes and stopped paying attention.

Azalon did not care about the behavior as his sole interest lay on the scroll on the table. He took it and sat on the rock bed, before opening the scroll to study its contents. The scroll was evidently made of some high quality material as it felt smooth to touch at the same time being extremely durable. But what shocked him the most was the content on the scroll.

The words were bright red in color, and a savage aura blasted his body as soon as he opened the scroll. His mind immediately went disarray from the blood thirst emanating from the scroll. He immediately fumbled as he somehow managed to close the scroll.

‘Damn. I almost peed in my pants. What a powerful presence!!! Only savage Beasts with a lot of strength can emit this kind of aura.’ His body felt cold as he felt that his entire body was drenched in sweat, and his heart was literally jumping out of his throat. He glanced at the person sitting on the chair, but that man did not move an inch, let alone help him.

‘Goddammit, you bastard. Don’t worry, I will remember all that happened between us two and I will make you suffer ten times or even more. I will remember…’ he could only grit his teeth and once again tried to read the scroll. The same thing repeated number of times.

After a longtime, his senses were somewhat accustomed to the waves of savageness from the scroll, but his concentration wavered and he could not quite read the words clearly. It once again took a long time, before he could come up with a rudimentary solution to read the scroll.


He tried to concentrate on a single word and memorized it, after which he immediately closed the scroll, as he tried to recollect the word he read, before repeating the process once again. Fortunately, the contents of the scroll were small, and after many repeated cycles of the same process for each word, he somehow managed to remember all of them.

The description of the Cultivation method was pretty simple, actually. It was the same as what that prick told me at the waterfall.

After one’s soul has been patched up, an embryo should be formed using the life force of the Cultivator as nourishment. Generally, a share of the life force ranging from 10 years to a maximum of 25 years has to be sacrificed for the Spirit Embryo, but that only works for low level Spirits. If one’s Spirit was a high ranked Spirit or a Special Spirit, then the cost for the Awakening will be more. In the worst cases, the Cultivator may die due to over drafting their life force!!!

But the scroll also provided a simple method to overcome this problem. It was to divide a part of the life force and store it in the Soul Root before attempting the Embryo process. With such division, the Embryo will feed on the stored life force and the actual life force of the Cultivator will be safe.

But the result of this technique is that, if the life force provided by the Cultivator is not sufficient for the Spirit Embryo to Awaken, then the time taken for the Spirit to Awaken will be longer or may not Awaken at all, depending on the type of the Spirit.

Finally, even if the Spirit Awakens successfully, since it was formed as a result of the same procedure as a birth, the Awakened Spirit will be in its infantile stage, and the Cultivator had to find suitable resources to evolve his Spirit. Only then can the Spirit Cultivator can advance in their Cultivation. But once he reaches the Spirit Core Level, he can nourish the Spirit using his own Spirit Energy.

“Hmmm… this feels pretty complicated. I understand the basic procedure and all that, but what is this about dividing the life force and the time factor involved. How can one divide their life force into separate parts?” Azalon muttered under his breath and once again tried to remember all the contents of the scroll.

“Ah, there it is. Why did I miss this part? Let’s see. The life force of a Cultivator exists as a lake underneath the Soul Root, forming an intricate connection with the Soul Root. It is because of this connection that the life force of a Cultivator will increase with the nourishment of the cultivated Spirit Energy. One can make use of this connection to divide the life force to feed the Spirit Embryo.”

‘So, I have to first sense this lake of life force, divide a small part and feed it to the Embryo formed. But how can I do it? It doesn’t explain that part. Oh well, I can worry about it as I have to first sense that lake first.’

With that in mind, Azalon sat cross legged on the rock bed, before entering into that familiar state of calmness. After a short time, he once again appeared in the bubble surrounded by the abundant energy swirling at the borders of the bubble. This time he did not observe the bubble or the surrounding energies, as his priority is to sense the lake of life force within his body.

As he recalled the method recorded in the scroll, he calmed his mind and gradually sank his consciousness inside his body. After a long time, his vision immediately shifted as an alien and bizarre landscape suddenly appeared before his eyes, jolting his senses.

Large and wide plains filled with various colors ranging from red to green to even grey and silver, different kinds of mountains with large and wide rivers flowing through them, and occasional clusters of some… things scurrying about, appeared before him. The world before him was alien but familiar at the same time.

It only took a short moment for Azalon to understand that this alien landscape was his body. Those plains were his muscles and those mountains were his organs. The rivers were flowing with his blood, and the tubes, his vessels!

Even though the answer came to him, the scenery before him made him feel awestruck. He never could have the human body could be so beautiful when viewed this way. It’s like he has stepped foot on another world, that was familiar but mysterious at the same time.

But right now, the main goal is to find his lake of lake of life force. So he chose one of the blood vessels that appeared as large tubes, and followed it to reach his heart.


Holy S***!!!

He has seen different kinds of organs, even hearts of all kinds of animals including human hearts in his old life. But the view of a human heart he was seeing right now, cannot be expressed in words. It was gigantic, majestic, and the *badump* *badump* he could hear as the heart pulsed vibrated in his chest. But what amazed him was the delicate and intricate network of small pipes that surrounded the heart.

The pipes appeared to be mainly of 4 colors, Red, Blue, Purple and White. Azalon knew that the Red and Purple pipes or tubes corresponded to the arteries and veins of his body. But he could not guess the uses of the other two colored tubes. He could only guess that one of them was his Spirit Meridians network, and most probably that will be the white ones. But what about the Blue ones? What was their function?

He made a mental note to investigate further, before choosing a white tube and continuing on his travel. After a long rollercoaster like journey, he finally arrived at a vast space. It was a large dark and empty spheroid structure, and he could see that the dimensions of this spheroid, when compared to the human body, would be the same size as the human brain.

As he lifted his head, he could see that the dome of the structure was riddled with holes, and each hole was connected to a white tube. He counted the holes and they numbered 54. It was like this spheroid structure was the focal point of the Spirit Meridians. That means that this is the Spirit Root that the Cultivation technique spoke about.

“So, where is my Soul?” Azalon asked himself as he slowly turned around looking around the empty space. “Hmm? What’s that?” just as he was about to finish his rotation, a small compartment like thing deep in the shadows of the Soul Root caught his eye.

He slowly floated in the direction of the thing he had seen. Before long, that thing gradually emerged before his vision. It’s a…ball??? That’s right… a small black ball was floating right in the center of the Soul Root. And he could see another small grey ball revolving around the black ball. He could not see the interior of the ball, but somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew that the black sphere was his Soul, and the grey one, his Spirit.

“That’s very big.” Azalon muttered as he measured the ball. The ball was perfectly spherical with the size of a tennis ball, floating there and slowly rotating around itself. The grey ball was of the size of a ping pong ball, the same size of the Demon Cultivation Pill that Asma showed him.

Each rotation of the black Sphere took around 3 minutes, before it stalls for half a minute before resuming its rotation. The Grey Sphere continuously revolves around the black one without stopping. But what puzzled him were the occasional flashes of colors at different locations of the Soul Root every time the black Sphere stops rotating. Azalon tried to look for whatever was causing those flashes, but he could not find anything.

He gave up, as he knew that he would definitely come back here again, as soon as he Awakens his Spirit. He immediately shifted his concentration to the floor of the Soul Root, trying to find the network linking this space with his life force lake. As he searched carefully, he came upon a tunnel directly beneath the black Sphere. He jumped into that pit without a second thought.

As he carefully descended, he could see a bluish light at the end of the tunnel. Sure enough, at the end of the tunnel lay a vast lake. The lake was filled with bluish green water and not a ripple can be seen on the water.

‘So, this is my life force, huh?’

He slowly landed on the bluish green water, and he could feel a faint connection between the lake and his Soul, the black Sphere right above his head. He tried to manipulate the water, and it proved to be very easy. He just had to concentrate and the water moved according to his thoughts. He slowly and carefully separated a part of the water from the lake before turning it into a small stream and sending it into the tunnel that connects this lake with the Soul Root.

He maintained that channel of water, till he felt that almost a fourth of the entire water mass of the lake has been transported. He relaxed his concentration and he could feel his vitality and longevity taking toll due to the reduction in the life force. He smiled bitterly hoping that he would not turn into an old man, and flew up through the tunnel.

The life force he transported from the lake collected to form a small puddle in a corner of the Soul Root. With this, he completed a major part of the requirements for his Soul Embryo. He hoped that the Demon Cultivation Pill will hopefully block the interconnecting tunnel between the Soul Root and the lake of his life force.

He slowly retracted his consciousness from the insides of his body. He opened his eyes to see the interior of the room like cavern, the bed and that pretty face prick still sitting in the chair with his eyes closed.

He stood up and lazily stretched his rigid body, as who knew how much time he spent sitting in the same position. That man sitting on the chair suddenly opened his eyes, as he slightly tilted his head to look at the entrance of the cave, before standing up.

“It will be dawn soon. Have you made your preparations, Azalon?” he asked with a dull tone, while his drooped eyes slowly landed on Azalon.

“Yes, it’s all done, I hope.” Azalon replied with a growl when he remembered the blood thirsty aura he had to endure every time he opened the scroll. Moreover, he was not entirely confident that the pill ill work on his Soul that was not damaged in the slightest.

“Alright, I already explained about the Demon Cultivation Pill, and you seem to have remembered the Soul Embryo Cultivation Method. Now all you have to do is to lie down on the bed and take the pill. If your preparations are done in accordance to the procedure, there should not be any problems.” That prick responded in the same dull tone, ignoring the anger evident in the voice of Azalon.

Azalon lightly nodded and laid down on the bed. That man produced the pill, and the same comforting medicinal fragrance instantly filled the entire cavern. The potency of the pill was made evident in this closed environment as compared to the previous time beside the waterfall.

That man shoved the pill into the mouth of Azalon before he could speak appreciate the sweet aroma drifting through his nostrils. He could only feel exploding sweetness on his tongue before the melted pill slid down to his stomach. The energy in the pill instantly spread all over his body, before rushing through the meridians to reach the Soul Root. He could only feel a part of the medicinal energy reach his mind, before he was enveloped by darkness.

Without anyone from the outside world noticing, heaven shaking changes started taking place within the body of a 12 year old boy…

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