《The Dark Lands: A Villainess’s Guide to Settling into Her New Home》Chapter 29: And a Duel Ends


A sudden gust of wind broke an otherwise eerily bout of silence between the two figures as a fierce howl erupted from somewhere deep within the black void of doom that awaited Orukk’s miserable prisoner. With confidence brimming from every ounce of his being, the warlord stared deeply into the shadowy pit of death as the young elf that he held above his head had finally ceased in its struggle, giving the victorious orc a jubilant sensation as a fearsome grin widened against his harsh features.

With the death of the blonde-haired elf that hung uselessly in his grasp, Orukk would finally be able to claim victory and set about slaughtering the last remnants of the fools that continued to resist their deadly fate.

“You should’ve stayed home, elf!” Orukk spat as he continued to stare into the black void, taking in a deep breath as his imagination ran wild with how his latest conquest would suffer. A vision of the golden-maned boy’s splattered corpse upon the sharp rocks below drew a sudden laugh from deep within the orc’s being. “You were but a mewling calf when compared to my might.”

Orukk allowed another chuckle to escape his lips as his mind slowly wandered into the countless possible futures that would come from the day's righteous victory.

Proud, towering structures rose above his head as he oversaw their construction with the help of an endless supply of cowardly slaves that his mighty empire had gained through terrifying raids upon his enemies. He led an invincible army with an unsurmountable number of proud orc’s and the hideous beasts that his kind so often associated themselves with as his mighty warriors begged their cruel master to point them towards his enemies so that they may deafen their foes with their glorious master’s name. Burnings cities of elves, dwarves, and humans surrounded him as his armies slaughtered their fleeing residents as they were hunted down like packs of mangy dogs.

It was all so glorious, and Orukk knew that with his victory over his foul pink-skinned foes that dared to stand so defiantly, he was on the first step on the road to becoming what he was born to become.

A master of the world that terrified his enemies by merely mentioning his name, Orukk the Blooddrinker; his grand machinations upon his near-future enemies would be enough to sow fear and dread upon all of those that would think themselves his better and force them to bow down and hang their heads low as they awaited their miserable fates.

And so it was when the sound of distant horns resounded throughout the air that Orukk opened his eyes with a rumbling growl did the warlord decide to break from his imminent dreams.

The horns sounded off for a second time, this time a little closer than before but still a ways off.

As more horns blared off in the distance, a strange sensation of deep rooted ire rose from deep within the warlord as he continued to stand over the edge of the massive pit. Orukk was well aware that the distant horns weren’t of his own army, but that of a lesser tribe’s. Their musicians were far too well practiced and sounded as if they were well aware of what each of their signals and calls meant.

Orukk was disgusted by the idea that an army needed the sound of weak-willed fools to tell them what to do and where to go. “None of this matters.” The orc grumbled as his attention turned towards the elf above his head, readying his arms to throw his prisoner over the edge. The blonde-haired fool had a look of despair in its eyes as the miserable cur struggled to free itself from Orukk’s powerful grip.


You’ll serve as a fine slave in my afterlife,” Chuckled Orukk as he found amusement in his victims' last bout of defiance. “Be sure to keep that up-” Pain erupted from Orukk’s lower back as a gasp broke out from his gurgling throat.

The warlords' legs buckled under the immense weight of his mighty form as he looked down to see what could have caused such a tremendous amount of pain.

The elf thrashed about as it continued to fight for its freedom as Orukk’s eyes stared at the bloody tip of the elf’s former weapon. The blade had sheered through his backside and punched through his stomach, allowing the orc’s black blood to spill forth in a great quantity after tearing open his belly.

The once victorious orc, so assured of his victory over the fools before him, let out a gasp of air as his grip loosened around his elven trophy.

Orukk coughed and spat thick phlegm’s of blood over his victim as the young boy's body bounced off of the ground, desperately crawling at the soft earth before he fell to his death.

With a cry that sounded as if it belonged to a wailing child, the orc’s knees buckled and gave way—sending the onetime warlord tumbling over the edge.

Before he was able to meet with his splattering doom, Orukk the Blood Drinker would watch on in stupefied bewilderment as a teenaged human girl dove towards the blonde-haired elf and cling desperately to one of the boys’ arms.

“Aurelius!” Iskra let out with a terrified scream as she struggled to maintain her grip over the boys' arm. The raven-haired girl could only let out an exhausted huff of air as she failed to pull her arms upwards, forcing her fingernails to dig deeper into the elven teenager's flesh as they dragged themselves along the arm’s length.

“Iskra, please!” Aurelius called out as he hung uselessly in the air, his body twisting in various directions as his would-be savior struggled to keep the strength in her arms. “Pull me up!”

With one hand holding onto the girl’s left arm with a grip that could only belong to a frozen corpse, the desperate elven prince called out towards the many gods of his people’s pantheon. Aurelius prayed to his gods that the two teenagers would be saved from their current predicament and for them to remain intact as they were now.

“Pull! Pull!” The frightened boy cried out as he both felt and watched the girl slide forward, bringing the pair of teenagers that much closer towards their deaths.

Iskra huffed and moaned, but the strength in her arms wavered as they failed to pull the blonde-haired teenager even a minuscule amount upwards. “Aurelius,” The girl called out in the thick accent of her people as tears streamed down her face. Whatever words she said next were lost in translation, all thanks to the language barrier that continued to irk the elven prince even in such a dire time.

Flinging his eyes to and fro, Aurelius struggled to maintain his composure as he desperately sought to find a solution to their shared terror. It would only be a matter of time before the young girl’s body finally gave way, sending the two of them tumbling over the edge and flattening their corpses upon the all-consuming void of the pits' rocky bottom.

To prevent the two of them from meeting such a fate, Aurelius reached out with his free hand in a desperate attempt to grab ahold of the cliff’s rocky edge. His arm was nowhere near where it needed to be, and he watched with sorrow in his eyes as his body swung back to where he had initially been. Defeated by his own misery, the elven prince stayed where he was as his body spun uselessly in the air.


‘We aren’t that far from the edge,’ The boy thought to himself as he began to swing his body forward as he attempted to gain as much momentum as he could. ‘If I could just jump and-’

Fear struck his body frozen with terror as the pair of teenagers jolted forward. Aurelius looked up with widened eyes as he heard Iskra cry out in pain.

Upon the very edge of the rain-soaked hilltop were the girl’s oversized boots, stuck between a small bundle of rocks that stood valiantly against nature as their slick forms prevented the two teenagers from falling into the void below.

Aurelius drew a worried breath in relief at the sight of their good fortune. That is until he saw half of the girl’s left foot sticking out of its leathery home.

It would only be a matter of time before both of the girl’s feet would come loose and send both of them towards their deaths. Aurelius was desperate to think of something that would spare them from their shared, imminent fate.

Even in the face of death, Aurelius struggled to drudge up an ounce of his mind’s last reserves of energy in an attempt to find a solution to their problem. Time passed by in agonizing slowness as the young prince’s mind was nothing but a vast wasteland of thoughtlessness.

Looking up towards the girl’s feet so that he could guess how much time they had left, Aurelius’ vision became obscured by the swaying pair of the girls’ mountainous bosom.

“Why!” The elven prince screamed out in a harsh tone that he never thought he was capable of, his usual reserved demeanor had always prevented him from becoming angered at others around him. Aurelius' emotions continued to boil within his very being as he struggled to keep his eyes off of the human teenager’s curvaceous breasts. “Why are you so useless? Pull us up!”

Under the young prince’s verbal assaults, Iskra struggled to maintain her grip upon the prince’s flailing form as he kicked his legs out into the air, forcing his body to spin as it jumped up and down. With a weak voice, the teenaged girl cried out towards the elven boy.

The girl’s left foot slipped free from its rain-soaked prison with an audible pop, leaving only her right boot as their only source of safety. Time was not on their side.

From up above, tears pelted the elven prince’s face as Iskra lost the last bit of nerves that she had left. Blood trickled down the length of his arm as the human teenager kept a tight grip over Aurelius’ battered limb.

The two of them hung there as they waited for their time to come.

‘No. No. No. Not like this,’ Aurelius’ desperate mind filled with the many regrets that came with one recognizing that their time had come.

His thoughts were filled with that of his massive family. Of how his countless siblings would call out his name as they rushed towards him, jumping onto him and tackling him to the ground as their mothers yelled out for them to behave. Or how his many mothers would scheme and plot against one another even though his quiet form could often be found somewhere nearby. They would always laugh at their behavior and excuse themselves by calling out to him and say, “Aurelius, be a sweet dear and ignore what your mothers are saying. It’s nothing but girl’s talk.” When they offered up a servant girl as a reward for his obedience, he would always blush and mumble incoherent excuses as he turned and walked away in embarrassment.

Their laughter would always follow after him as he disappeared out of their collective sight.

‘Father,’ The teenager’s thoughts turned towards the undisputed patriarch of his family. Whenever the glorious Witch King of the Dark Elven people would recount his many glorious victories throughout the vast and open world, Aurelius could always be found sitting somewhere close by. His father’s tales were a large part in bringing the blonde-haired elven prince to where he was now, desperate to create his own stories so that he could make a name for himself when the time came that he would be forced to find his own way in life.

Even when the Witch King would ask for the youngest of his children to gather around so that he could spoil their thoughts with their father’s wondrous glory, Aurelius would go out of his way and sit with them. His siblings would always fight with one another as they clamored to rest upon their older brother’s lap.

‘Mom,’ Finally, his mind turned towards his blood mother, the Arch-Mistress to all of the empire of Dar'Nari and the first woman to be married to his father. Within the world of elven sorceress’s, she was without equal and was rightfully feared as someone who was able to incinerate entire cities or turn battlefields into a graveyard of death and rusted metal. It was said that paintings had been created from the chaos she had sown over her enemies. She would always boast to a mesmerized Aurelius that it was because of one such painting that his father had been drawn to her.

Inspired by his mother's tales, he had asked her to become her apprentice, as to which she had forbidden him from doing such a thing. Instead, she had him educated in matters that he found to be embarrassing, throughout his life he had learned how to dance and sing in the ancient arcane language of the world when the gods first took the painstaking steps to craft the world around them. All the while his siblings explored the world of magic and learned how to wield the various weapons found throughout the world.

As the lingering thoughts of his mother slowly evaporated from his mind, Aurelius let out a regretful sigh as he twisted his head upwards to look back at the human girl that served as the anchor point for the last few fleeting moments of his short life.

A blank look came over the elven prince’s face as he stared longingly at the girl’s swaying breasts. Iskra’s struggling form grunted in desperation as her right foot slowly slipped out of its leathery prison.

‘Aurelius,’ His mother’s voice called out to him from somewhere within the back of his mind, reminding him of the many times that she would force him to accompany her into her private laboratory whenever she was within the family’s massive fortress-home. She would always force the blonde-haired dark elven prince to be at her side at all times, even when the young prince was due to meet with his tutors. ‘A man of your lineage and upbringing should never be selfish towards a woman.’

“Screw that!” The young prince called out, forcing Iskra to open her eyes in shock at the teenaged elf’s sudden burst. Applying the last bit of strength that he could, Aurelius pulled himself up into the air, causing the target of his carnal desires to call out his name in fright as his actions caused her last remaining foot to loosen and slowly slip free of its prison.

The young girl continued to call out the elven prince’s name as he ignored her cries, pulling himself upwards to a point where he could grab hold of the curvaceous teenager’s shirt. With a greedy grin and a wordless hiss, Aurelius gripped his fingers tightly around the back of the rain-soaked piece of cloth and tugged.

For his actions, his eyes were rewarded with the sight of Iskra's abundant, bouncing flesh as his vision lingered over the bottom of her bare breasts. The young girl struggled to maintain her composure as she swung about in the air, unsure of what she should do as her body became exposed to the elements around them.

With a sickening squelch, Iskra’s last remaining foot popped free and sent both of the teenagers tumbling into the darkness with eyes widened in fear.

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