《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 420


A monster to teach another…

Sure, Drem could now be considered one and in more ways than one. But what about this guy?

Drem rose from his seat and stared at the hooded figure.

He took out his spear and, with a grin, moved forward to attack it.

It was a simple thrust without any spiritual energy backing it up yet it remained the attack of a spear master.

The cloaked man did not dodge or even move. It remained where it was. And the spear tip stopped in front of his hidden face.

Drem caught a glance of what was inside before he chuckled and took back the spear.

He turned around and said: “Come and sit next to me”

The hooded being chuckled before he followed.

A few others tried to say the same thing to Drem after that and got rejected and beaten up. People quickly stopped and most people dared not even try their chance with him.

In the end, only that weird hooded figure was accepted by him.

On the other side, most people got accepted by Risa or Gen. Ame only picked young kids which made Drem wonder.

She did pick ten of them…Why would she even?

But beyond all that, he was rather curious about what went on Gen and Risa’s head for accepting hundreds of disciples at once.

They did not reject a single soul during this recruitment meeting…Even some people went back outside the gate only to return with their family members moments later.

All those that came here in hopes to be recruited were allowed in.

All those that came here along those also got recruited if they entered and tried.

Only Nangua did not take disciples this time but that was because Gen and Risa worried that he would eat them or some other weird shit…


Nangua remained an evil being by nature.

That being said, he would not have eaten any. He was not such a being.

It was quite clear to Drem that the three of them had other reasons for not letting Nangua keep any.

It did not matter much.

It did not take long before Gen and Risa left to their own ‘peaks’ with their new batch of disciples.

There were even a few women holding babies in the lot…

Jin sighed.

This was no longer a sect recruitment. Everyone was allowed in…

Whatever, those were not the things he needed to care about.

He turned his gaze back to the one that had stayed next to him and said: “You can take the hood off you know”

“I would not want to scare the others” he answered as he turned towards Ame and the dozen kids that stood around her.

Drem nodded before he stated: “You will have to eventually, might as well start right now”

The figure sighed before he got up.

He took off his hood to reveal the face of a cat. Grey fur, dark green glowing eyes and those white cat mustaches… It had three golden rings pierced into its right ear.

It tried its best to smile at the kids which simply frighteningly went to hide behind Ame who laughed.

She turned to the kids and said: “There’s nothing to fear, kids”

It did not reassure them entirely and they remained behind. It made the three adults chuckle slightly.

Drem turned to the spiritual beast: “What’s your cultivation realm anyways?”

The cat grinned: “Did you not check it yourself?”

Drem shook his head sideways: “It would have been disrespectful”

The cat stated: “11th stage”

Drem asked: “So, why are you even here?”

The cat glanced at the giant green stalk and Drem looked at it too afterwards before nodding to himself.


The cat then shrugged: “There are not that many places who would accept beings like me”

Ame laughed: “Well, you found one this time”

The cat grinned.

Drem then said: “I am Drem and this is Ame. And we welcome the eleven of you here. Come along, we will show you where you’ll live from now on and then we’ll do some introductions”

They took the time to build a small house for the cat monster who was named Ness and a small dorm for the dozen kids.

Then, they chatted together harmoniously. It did not take long for the kids to start hanging around Ness and getting used to him. The spiritual beast was a decent and gentle one. He appeared to be so at least.

Ame took the kids to the dorm after dinner and was likely going to have to spend some time with them before they could sleep.

It was always hard for younglings to be in new places alone like that.

Drem took that time to have a talk with Ness: “So, what are you really here for?”

Ness stared straight at Drem before he said: “I followed my instinct and it led me here. Then, when I saw you, I felt like I had to go to you”

Drem laughed: “That’s it?”

Ness laughed as well: “That’s it”

Drem sighed with a smile: “I don’t believe it”

Ness chuckled.

Drem’s eyes turned serious as Ness did too. Drem stated: “You better spill out the truth”

Ness retorted: “Make me, Jin”

The ground exploded as both of them retreated dozens of meters from each other.

Drem held his spear in his hands while Ness took out a giant heavy sword entirely white.

Ness laughed: “Do we really have to do this, though?”

Drem did not speak further as he pointed the spear tip towards Ness. Ness sighed as he said: “Guess we’re doing this then”

He took a stance too as a wide grin appeared on his face and his killing intent erupted.

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