《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 401


A week went by as they drifted in the ocean on that peculiar boat.

While nothing happened to them, the situation all over the world was changing.

As he sat on his throne, Cao Lei had many thoughts going through his mind. He lifted his left arm and signaled for one of his men to speak.

The man gulped before he stated: “Sir, we could not find anything”

Cao Lei’s expression turned grim as he asked: “He did not die. I am certain”

The man remained bowed and did not dare to utter a word. So many were killed through the week that he was quite terrified right now and for good reasons.

Cao Lei returned with one arm missing.

And it had not regrown regardless of how many treasures were used or consumed. Added to that the fact that he did not earn anything from the trip…He was in a constant state of anger.

Cao Lei turned his attention to the man.

He said: “What about the Oceanics we caught?”

The man swallowed hard before he detailed all the information that they managed to glean from the few oceanics they kidnapped…no, invited…and talked about how Grunleden supposedly finished Jin.

The sound of Cao Lei’s fingers tapping the armrest of the throne was the only one in the gigantic hall.

Cao Lei shook his head and stated: “He survived that. What next?”

The man continued his short story. The appearance of the Nightmare, of the Greedy pair and, then, of the Saints.

The Saints.

Cao Lei’s right shoulder twitch as they were mentioned. Just thinking of that Saint fucker who took his arm and made it impossible for him to regenerate it…

He did his best to calm down and refocus.

Through the tale, he believed that Jin survived. After all, he could still not feel his two weapons. Ever since Grunleden attacked the first time.


So, either Jin died and left them there within a spatial ring that remained unfound or Jin lived and still had them.

He was more inclined to believe that Jin survived. After all, that kid managed the impossible a few times already. While it was hard to believe that someone could survive an attack at full power from someone at the 69th stage…he would rather believe that.

After all, if the kid did die, the spatial ring with his weapons would be found at some point. However, if the kid survived, he certainly should wait. The longer he waited, the stronger the kid would become. And while it was not that realistic to believe that he would someday reach his own level, it was better to be safe than sorry.

Also, he wanted his weapons back.

He needed them.

With what just happened to his right arm and the enmity with Hae-Hyuk… Well, to be fair, even if he managed to get his items back, he would be slaughtered if Hae-Hyuk managed to break through the 70th stage.

There was too much of a gap in between those stages.

He asked his men: “Have we found anything on site?”

One of the men took a step forward, bowed and spoke: “Nothing yet, Sir. The lake is empty and the surroundings are empty as well. There are, however, more and more factions arriving on site”

He nodded.

Of course, there would be more people. The news of what happened would have reached every damn power by now.

Too many witnesses.

He nodded at the man and he retreated back to stand with the others.

Then, he asked more to himself than his subordinates: “If he survived, where would he have gone?”

According to what they found, Jin was youthful at the time which meant that he reached the 30th stage. From this, they could already eliminate the three lower continents. It was impossible that the guy would remain over there where he would be forever stuck at such a lower cultivation.


He might remain a dragon within that place but his life would remain at a dead-end. No cultivator worth their salt would choose to give up on going further.

Cultivation was all about going against the heavens.

The man was certainly facing more hurdles than many others but he seemed like the kind to pull through and move forward.

One with true willpower.

He would leave the three lower continents. Cao Lei was certain of it.

Where would they go, though?

Cao Lei asked: “Anyone found anything about where they went? Have we located the boat they used to quit Vrislorin?”

No one answered and all kept their heads low.

Cao Lei sighed.

He stated: “Then it means that they must have used the services of the Seagull. He’s the only one whose boats can’t be located”

Cao Lei got up from his throne.

Spiritual power fluctuated around him as energy spiraled to his now lost right arm. It began to form a new one but not made of flesh and blood. Instead, it remained fuzzy and transparent, constantly in motion with various shapes of beings appearing and disappearing within, making soundless cries.

It was an arm created from trapped souls.

He clenched his new fist and snickered. It was not as good as the original one but it would do for the time being. There was no better alternative anyways.

He began to walk towards the exit the palace as the hundreds of men parted to create a way. They all bowed as he moved.

As he reached the doors, he stated: “We’re going to Sannhil to meet Gheligst. Prepare the spiritual boat”

“Yes Sir!” the men screamed in acknowledgement.

Berdiklom was a dangerous continent filled with wars, Grihindel was out of question and Cardus had very peculiar areas. Only Sannhil seemed like a decent choice to go to. There were many Neutral territories there too. It was perfect for outlaws and those on the run.

It was likely that Jin would have fled there.

Cao Lei believed that is what he would have done himself.

And so, it was best to check it out first.

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