《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 386


9 a.m.

Ame stood on top of a hill alongside a few other division captains and vice-captains.

On the other side, an army even bigger than their own led by the traitor. He glared at them.

They were waiting for the right time.

And then, a slaughter would happen.

Was there even a point to this? She believed none.

Yet, she had no choice. Or so she told herself.

Jin made his own. He left. He was no longer here with her. He did desert. Was it because he felt that it was wrong? Or was it for another reason?

She did not know and that ate at her mind.

Then, he arrived like a flower as if nothing. Nangua appeared next to her. She grabbed his collar, not caring about her image as she screamed at him: “Where is he?!”

He chuckled as usual as he grabbed her wrists and told her: “Doing something important, don’t worry”

Anger seeped out of her entire self in the form of spiritual flames. Nangua frowned slightly. Since he was under the continent’s rules, his strength was limited and not much higher than hers. The problem was that she used fire and he was a damn plant.

He turned serious.

If she really tried to burn him….well, he would burn.

He did not want to burn.

He quickly stated: “Please, Young Miss, calm your anger, I shall tell you everything”

She screamed at him without relenting: “SPIT IT OUT NOW!”

Drops of sweat came down his forehead. The heat and the stress were real. He looked over her at the other warriors that were watching. If he spilled out the truth here…However, if he did not say anything, she might really burn him in her anxiety.

Love was such a pain!


It burnt!

He decided to speak.

Fuck it!

His life was more important.

He said: “He went to look for a weapon elsewhere. We will be leaving Vrislorin soon and I’m here to fetch you”

She relaxed her grip as she looked at him incredulously. The other warriors behind also looked at him with incomprehension.

“What did he just say?”

Jin was deserting alright.

But he was not the only one.

Ame’s teeth clenched as she coldly stated: “I ain’t leaving”

Nangua sighed.

Of course, it would be hard. Of course, he had to find a way. Why are humans always such a pain to deal with?

Then, he saw a few of the commanders move their hands towards their weapons. One of his eyebrows raised. The situation was not optimal. If he did not take a step back, he would be slayed.

How did it even come to this?

Fuck this Young Master.

He quickly brought his hands up as he smiled: “Ahahah, got you, you should see the look on your face!”

They all frowned.

They knew Nangua was a weird one and because of what they believed they knew about him; they were uncertain about what was really going on.

Ame’s teeth remained clenched. The others might be hesitating but she was not. She knew Nangua was serious then.

And she understood why he backed off.

She did not want to play along with him. She really did not. She was pissed. Truly.

She knew that Nangua could be killed right now depending on how she would react. And she did hesitate, the heavens be her witness.

But she relented.

She smiled at him: “You got me”

Nangua laughed heartily as he added quickly: “Jin went ahead to infiltrate their forces! A genius plan, my lady!”


She nodded at him: “When will he act?”

Nangua chuckled: “When the right time comes, of course”

The atmosphere relaxed. The leaders began to discuss this new development. If they had someone on the inside over there, it changed things.

Meanwhile, Ame was glaring fiercely at Nangua.

They stayed on the hill for a long time.

And then, they received a message. The capital was being attacked.

None of them hesitated. They ordered for the army to rush back at full speed. Whoever could speed up should and whoever could not should do it regardless.

The captains and vice-captains rushed away first followed by the strongest elites.

Ame was going to rush but was stopped by Nangua. He had a serious look in his eyes as he stated: “If you go there, you will die. We need to leave Vrislorin”

She glared at him: “This is my home. Regardless of everything, I will not flee”

He glared back: “What if I said I could not allow you to go?”

Flames seeped out of her body as she asked rhetorically: “What do you think?”

His frown deepened.

Could he beat her at the same stage? With the element suppression, it was hard to say. At the very least it would not be instantaneous and the army was not that far.

He relented.

Then he stated: “You will die”

She retorted: “I won’t”

He sighed.

This was the crossroad he feared to reach. He could leave. Alone yes, but he could. As long as he reached the shore, he could create a vine boat and go. He would lose the protection of the Nightmare forever but then again, he had not benefitted from it yet.

Or, he could follow her, protect her and make sure that they all left together.

One was riskier than the other.

Yet, as he looked at her fierce eyes, he made up his mind.

He was tired of fleeing.

He was tired of loneliness.

There had finally been a chance for him to be a part of something grander… He told her: “Very well, I shall follow you”

She looked at him with skepticism.

He turned his head towards the Northern army still standing there as he stated: “But we might need some more help”

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