《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 365


Four years later…

From the top of a branch, Jin looked down at the city. A lot changed since he arrived on this continent.

For one thing, he finally managed to go beyond the 10th stage… He was now at the peak of the 19th stage, preparing himself to enter the 20th by using one of those eyeballs again. The Fear element indeed nearly destroyed him but throughout the last years, he experienced how strong it was.

No risks, no rewards.

Nangua told him that absorbing a recurrent element was easier than a new one. It helped alleviate the pressure on his mind. Did not make it disappear fully though.

To say that he was not scared would be a lie.

He nearly lost his sense of reality the first time. No, scratch that, he lost it. He was very much aware that it was a miracle for him to still be whole. To be him still.

He looked back to the mansion.

It was filled with vitality. Kids of all ages, orphans, were playing around or cultivating everywhere while adults he employed took care of them with smiles. He only opened it as a cover for the two reincarnators at first but as time went by, he grew attached to the kids. He grew fond of helping them. This was never his purpose and it still was not but it did warm his heart. The simple fact that he was aware of helping them…It warmed his heart, yeah. It felt good to see these kids being so happy and innocent.

He was never one to be close to children before and he would not consider close to them now either. However, it was great in its own way to be able to see some of his efforts bearing fruits. Maybe this was what he missed and longed for back then? A sense of accomplishment?


Certainly, this was not the achievement he expected but it was one nonetheless. Maybe a bigger one than some might think. While to him it was not much, for these kids, it was everything.

Nangua approached him. He said: “Are you ready?”

Jin nodded. He gazed one last time into the garden. He saw Ame smiling gently while she let a few kids play with her hair. She waved at him with an even sweeter smile.

He smiled and waved back.

She was not the Ame from his dream, or nightmare, no, but she was more. She was real. Not perfect, not imperfect, she was just who she was.

And he learnt of who she really was in those four blissful years. Maybe this was also something missing in his previous life? He gave up on love back then as he believed it would push him away from his path… Maybe it was a mistake?

He sighed as he turned around.

There were too many things to ponder on and he knew that he would likely not derive a final answer about such subjects. He discarded his thoughts as he followed Nangua to a special chamber in the back of the estate.

He would break to the 20th level in there while Nangua guarded the perimeter. With this demon around, no one could do anything to him. Regardless of what one can say, Nangua was loyal. He had been at least. And Jin decided to trust him. At the very least, the fellow was honest in his desires.

Jin stopped at the entrance and said: “Nangua, I leave the protection of everyone to you”

Nangua nodded respectfully while bowing slightly.

Jin entered as Nangua closed the door. Nangua proceeded to use his power and vines grew all over the chambers, effectively sealing them. The green vines pulsed with orange lights from within. It looked quite impressive.


Satisfied with it, Nangua sat down in front of the door and meditated. He was still thinking of his great plan.

Jin walked to the middle of the chamber. The space was neither too big nor too small. Around 50 meters both in length and height.

He sat down and took out the eyeball containing the fear element and prepared himself. He breathed in and out a few times, calming himself down.

And then, he started to absorb it.

The process itself was dull and rather easy. He was, after all, compatible with the element.

It was only once it was absorbed that it truly began.

He found himself within the confines of the darkness once more. A double of himself slowly walked out of the darkness and stopped a few meters away from him. It held a simple spear and glared at him.

Jin glared back.

Then, the double spoke: “Look at you, already afraid when nothing began”

Jin did not answer.

The double continued: “Disappointing. You used to be far more brave. Did a little taste of fear truly turn the so-called mighty strongest warrior of Earth into a coward?”

It chuckled. Jin remained stoic.

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