《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 363


Jin frowned. If it was as Nangua stated, then it would be reasonable to explain some insights on some elemental uses. However, this was far from what happened. Keeping aside the fact that a few weird vines grew from his scalp, he was now perfectly capable of using the 'vines' and 'pumpkin' elements. He could feel them in the same way as the Corruption or the Fear. It felt like a part of him.

He stated: "That's not what happened"

Nangua agreed: "It is not. In most cases, a cultivator would only drink a small bottle of the elixir made in such a way and a second a few days later. It requires time to digest the information contained within as it is that kind of elixir. To be honest, when I plunged you into that pool, I expected you to stay in there for days or maybe weeks considering the quantity within...But no. Something else happened"

Jin said: "It's not just a slight additional increase in elemental increase. What happened is beyond that"

Nangua sighed: "I know. However, I am not an alchemist and my knowledge is not perfect either... From the start, I pushed you in there because I knew it would benefit you. I, however, was not certain how. It is now obvious that you have changed on a different plan from what I expected. I feel like it should be due to the Corruption element"

"Since you are no longer a human, as an original template i mean, then the changes must have been brought from that point. Instead of integrating with your core, the elixir resounded with something else. In view of the changes, I would say that it impacted your origin itself through your soul"

"How does that translate for me?" asked Jin.


Nangua frowned: "I am not certain. Corruption is an element that absorbs and transforms things into itself. It is likely that your self, corrupted already, absorbed the insights within the elixir and transformed them into a part of itself. In terms of benefits, it is much better. From having no clue about two elements, they are now part of you to the point that your familiarity with them is perfect. Seemingly at the same level as mine, potential-wise. It also helped you rise two stages in your cultivation which, let's be honest, is not something to complain about"

Jin admitted: "It gave me benefits, that is true. However, this is not all there is to it. I feel different. In a very deep way"

Nangua seriously stated: "That is because your origin transformed again, I'd guess. Haven't you felt this feeling before? Maybe at the time when this Corruption became a part of you?"

Jin recalled those times... It was true. His own body, his own self had felt foreign to him at that time. And it remained that way for a few days until it settled and he got used to his new self. Was it the same? But then, would it not mean that he was no longer...

Jin whispered: "I am no longer human..."

Nangua acknowledge those words but did not speak. To him, Jin was never a human as he met him when he already had fused with the Corruption. That being said, Nangua was clueless about what that made Jin. Was he a being whose origin was similar to his own? Or something else? Something completely new?

Jin still asked the question: "What am I now then?"

Nangua exhaled deeply before he stated: "You are you, Baem. That much is the only thing that shall never change. Whatever you become, you will remain you"


Jin pondered on those words for a while. The silence between them was not interrupted. Not until Jin got up. He reached his own conclusions and was done with getting answers. He needed to diger this first.

As he walked to the door, he recalled something else and asked: "Why did you decide to follow me, Nangua?"

Nangua chuckled and stated: "For a being like me to survive, I need a backer. You have one of the strongest existences in this world behind your back so, obviously, you are a perfect candidate"

Jin nodded and left.

As the door closed, Nangua poured himself another glass of pumpkin juice. He looked beyond his window at the night sky and whispered: "The sky is indeed beautiful"


A few days later, the 11th Squad officially welcomed Nangua and thirty-seven other new members into their ranks. After what happened, the King changed the rules. This particular squad was to always have a headcount between 40 and 50 people due to their missions. Since they were to deal with the Outside interventions, there would likely be a greater turnover than other Squads. The King had high hopes for the Squad yet remained realist. The missions he would give them would be the things he would usually ignore due to powerlessness. It meant that many might die during every mission. A full wipe-out was also possible.

Of course, now that Nangua joined this Squad, it would be unlikely. At the very least, that one would survive. They had confirmed that he was at the 30th stage, the highest possible on this continent.

To the King, right now, he was a powerful pawn. But the man also understood that it could become an incredible threat. He was already formulating contingency planst against betrayals...

As for Ame, she worked hard with Adom and Harkhem to instruct the new Squad members and form some kind of cohesion within the ranks. Absent from those trainings were Jin and Nangua. The two of them were focused on understanding Jin's current situation and maximizing the benefits he got from it.

To put it bluntly, Jin was training like a madman.

From the very first day, Nangua showed him a new way to cultivate. By using the vines to absorb the nutrients from another living being. Of course, he could not just go around and siphon away the lives of people...

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