《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 360


Unfortunately for them, the balance sheet remained particularly heavy. Only four out of twelve survived. During their first mission.

Ame, Jin, Nangua and the old men were forced to detail their adventure. It was only a few hours later that they were allowed out. The Palace sent many men to go check the aftermath of the battle and verify their testimonies.

Meanwhile, they would all be assigned to residence. Ame and Nangua both decided to stay at Jin's manor. Nangua had no home of his and Ame was too shaken.

She slept in Jin's embrace, weeping while having nightmares. It was never easy to see someone you knew die. At least, for most people. Ame was just a regular woman albeit a cultivator. She would be saddened by the death of those close to her.

The next three days were spent in pain. The atmosphere in the Palace was cold. Everyone was mourning.

On the eve of the fourth day, they confirmed the tales of the survivors and organized a ceremony to honor the dead. The Priests of Light were invited to proceed with the funeral.

Ame hated them. Yet, she did not try to stop them from this. On one hand, she would not have been able to and, on the other, she was thinking of the dead and honoring them. Everyone had their own thoughts as the coffins moved past them.

Hundreds of soldiers in black robes bowed in turn as the coffins were moved at a slow pace towards a gigantic bonfire.

Then, it was the hundreds of royal guards, dressed similarly but with golden shoulder pads.

Finally, even the royal family saluted them and wished them a peaceful departure for the world beyond.

Most people here did not even know those people. Most people would not remember them either. But today, they were honored for their service. This was the respect and care shown for those who fought for the Palace and died in duty.





The ceremony only took around two hours.

After that, people began to leave quietly. The royalty left, then the officials and the soldiers. Finally, only the 11th Squad was left standing in front of the fire.

This fire would burn until the end of the day. Its end would signify the beginning of those soul's new lives. Whatever those would be. In this world, their many beliefs about death. The Church of Light believed that the dead would be sent to the embrace of their God for example.

Ame believed in something else obviously.

Nangua believed in another different thing.

As for Jin...He also had his own belief.

They all watched the fire. All of them had thoughts of their own.

The two old men were used to seeing comrades leave. Their thoughts went past the sadness. They both wished for the souls of the departed to find peace more than anything else.

Ame blamed herself. She kept thinking of what else she could have done. What other choices she could or should have made. Tears fell down her cheeks as she looked at the fluctuating light of the dancing flame. When one was responsible for other's lives, it was very different. This was a loud wakening slap. It was a very painful one. While she did not care about her job, while she only saw it as a way to save herself...People would work under her. Their lives would be in her hands in a way.

...She was starting to get conscious of the heaviness of being a Squad Captain.

And she wept. She wished she understood this earlier on. The cost for this lesson was far too high.

Jin took her hand within his own. She grasped it firmly while keeping her gaze on the flames. Jin was not looking at the flames but at her though. He never cared about those people's death. As ugly as it might be, his concern was solely focused towards Ame.


During the many lives he experienced, she was the only one he ever loved. He loved her enough to create a family with her. Many times. How many lifetimes of happiness did he have with her? He did not know but his hands were not enough to count for sure.

As for those people that died, he had been their friends a few times. Other times, he was their enemies too. But he never got too close to them. Even in this fake world, he never managed to give his trust to anyone but her.

It was true that the fake world and reality were different. The Ame from there and the one here were not the same either. The fake Ame was based on his own idea of her. It could not compare to the real one. Yet, even knowing all this, he could not help himself. His affection for her remained. Strong. Very Strong.

He was pained from seeing her sad like that.

And he lived through similar moments many times in the fake world. The fake Ame was shaken by the deaths of her subordinates too over there. But he was never able to truly help in such moments. Because there were no remedies for this kind of pain.

It was impossible to revive the dead.

As he looked at her tired face filled with glistening tears, he gritted his teeth. If it was for her...If it was to make sure that she never felt this way again...

He looked back to the flames.

Then, he looked at Nangua. Nangua grinned at him as he perceived his gaze.

It was time for them to have a nice long discussion. He wanted to be stronger. He needed to be stronger. He would do whatever it took.




They watched over the bonfire as night came and all the way until it faded. As the smoke drifted upwards, obscuring the stars, they stood around gazing at the disappearing embers.

Only long after it stopped burning did they leave.

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