《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 357


Jin was ready to take out the gourd at any moment. He had fucked up once and nearly lost his life because of his indecision. He would not make that mistake twice.

It did not go how he feared at all though. As soon as it got up, it put a knee on the ground and bowed its head. Then, it loudly proclaimed: "I, Nangua, wishes to pledge allegiance to the candidate! Please, allow me to serve you!"

Both Jin and Ame were unable to process the situation.

What was this monster doing? What did he mean?

Ame could not help but blurt out: "The fuck?"

It, Nangua, did not expect this kind of reaction. Then, realization struck him. Maybe the candidate was not aware of his own identity? Then would it not become his greatest opportunity?! He became so excited that his body shook from it.

He lifted his head and asked: "Candidate, do you remember seeing the being of innumerable eyes?"

Jin's eyes opened wide. Of course, he remembered that being. But how could that vine demon know him too? Could he have some information about this?

Jin confirmed it: "Yes"

Nangua smiled as he introduced: "This being that you met is the Holy Nightmare, a Saint, and the only one alive capable of producing the Fear element... Well, aside from the candidates he picks, like you"

Jin needed to learn more about this. Whether it came from this monster's mouth or not, it was knowledge he needed. As such, he said: "Tell me more about this"

Nangua smiled and obliged: "Yes, my candidate. First, are you aware of the factions ruling this world?"

Jin vaguely had an idea. After all, he had been a pawn in their game... But, considering this monster's words, there was more to it. He lost nothing by listening. He opted to have it explain itself. And Nangua obliged happily: "There are four powers ruling this world. The Saints originating from Humans and Sentient Beasts, The Saints originating from the Oceanic Tribes, The Neutral Saints and the Saints originating from Beasts and Plants. The Holy Nightmare is-"


Ame cut him: "Originating from Beasts and plants, yes, we get it. What does this have to do with Baem?!"

Nangua nodded and continued, deciding to mostly ignore her: "Those factions are associated with four different appellations: Celestials, Oceanics, Neutrals and Evils. The Celestials and Oceanics are in conflict with the Evils while the Neutrals remain, obviously, neutrals"

"And you, my candidate, have been chosen by fate to be granted the opportunity to join the Evils"

Ame and Jin frowned at him. This was a little bit too far-fetched... And it escalated quickly too. What did those lofty figures have to do with him? They were Saints and he was...he was nothing. Whatever one might say, whatever his achievements until now, in front of those people, he was nothing. So, what exactly was this even about?

"I don't originate from either a beast or a plant, nor did I ever ask to become part of whatever faction that is. This has nothing to do with me" said Jin.

Nangua chuckled and stated: "The Origin does not matter that much to us of the Evils. We believe that we are all spiritual beings and appearance does not bind us, remember? As for becoming a candidate, it is an honor granted to the fated ones, not something one can ask for"

Jin reaffirmed his standpoint: "I have no interest in it"

Nangua stated: "It is too late. You already are a forbidden element user"

Ame asked: "What does it have to do with this? Elements themselves don't belong to factions"

Nangua chuckled and stated: "Then why are there banned elements? Who created this list? And why? Let me tell you this: All five Saints of Evils are users of banned elements!"

"This is going nowhere..." thought Jin.

Becoming a candidate? Saints from the Evils? It had nothing to do with him. He did not want to have anything to do with it.


He asked: "Am I in danger because of it?"

Nangua shook his head sideways and affirmed: "Not at all. On the contrary! The Holy Nightmare appointed you as a candidate which means that he plans to nurture you, in hopes that you join the ranks of Evils"

Jin frowned. How was that not dangerous? If he was to be nurtured by a faction who had enemies, would they not become his enemies too? ... Then again, if he considered it, were they not already enemies? After all, they had been trying to hunt him down for a while... Wouldn't it be a good thing to get a strong backer? Regardless of who it was?

To his survival...it might be a boost. He might actually be able to benefit from it more than anything. If he considered his situation, was he not already against the 'Celestials'?

Having a backer of the same power... It did not sound that bad. As for them being called 'Evils'...Well, he did not really care. After witnessing the 'Celestials' himself, he was quite clear that they were not sinless either.

Also, it seemed like he could get that monster on his side right now if he went along with this charade. That thing was strong. As an ally, it would be useful. The benefits seemed large in appearance.

"What do they expect from me in return?" asked Jin.

Ame glared at him. From her point of view, it did not sound pleasing at all. This was beyond them, she believed they should not involve themselves with this.

Nangua suppressed his excitement as much as he could as he stated: "To grow powerful! To become a Saint! And then, to oppose the Celestials alongside them!"

Jin curiously asked: "They only want me to grow? Not to participate in some kind of weird tournament or deal with some weird quest of theirs?"

Nangua shook his head sideways and stated: "One mighty ally is worth more than a million weaklings!"

Jin smirked.

He was very much aware that only one that ruled alone at the top would not be forced to become another's pawn. But for once, being a pawn was quite attractive.

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