《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 356


It chuckled as it stated: "I evolved your existence"

Jin glared at it. Then, he sighed. Whatever that monster did, whatever that pool did...He could feel himself being stronger than before. And he could feel it very clearly.

This 'bath' directly sent him to the 12th stage and he could also feel himself being able to sense a new element. And not vaguely. It was as if it had always been a part of him.


A very specific element with a lot of potential. He had seen how this thing used it and understood that element through this 'dream' that he was shown while in the pool. He could make use of this new power.

To be fair, what happened was a good thing for him. At least, right now, those were his thoughts. Who would reject more power?

He was not in a position where he could reject it.

He sighed and turned his gaze to the bound redhead wriggling on the ground. He turned back to that thing and ordered it: "Free her"

The being snapped his fingers and the vines that were binding Ame rotted at once, disappearing in decomposed fragments. As soon as she could move, she rushed forward into Jin's arms. She was trembling and crying.

He smiled down at her as he caressed her head.

"I'm fine" he reassured her.

She nodded but remained within his arms. Her emotions had yet to settle. He could not blame her as his own emotions were slightly in turmoil too.

But there was something he had to confirm first: "What exactly does that mean?"

The monster answered: "Well... Time for a little lesson~ What are you and what am I?"

Jin frowned. He did not feel like fooling around right now. He glared at the thing and said: "I asked first"


The monster laughed and stated: "How sad! But fine! Well, I have been called many things but, today, mostly 'monster'. Let me enlighten you: I am no such thing! After all, the ones who bound me here for years to make use of my blood seem far more monstrous, don't you agree?"

Jin retorted: "So?"

It continued: "I am a spiritual being. And so are you. And so is she. Our starting points were different but, as soon as we started on this path of cultivation, we became the same!"

Jin shook his head sideways. He did not buy any of that.

It chuckled and stated: "Judging a book by its cover is never the right decision, dear candidate~"

At that moment, his form began to change. He shapeshifted. Where a monster once stood was now a handsome young male with dark green hair and orange pupils.

...And he was naked.

But he looked perfectly human.

It laughed and stated: "Appearance has no meaning to us cultivators. Beasts, Plants, Humans... Those are mere words to describe the starting point. Once we encounter spirituality, we all become equals!"

Jin understood what it was trying to say but could not agree with it. However, before anything else, he threw a spare battle robe from his spatial ring at the thing. It caught it and donned it.

"Thank you, candidate. They did not forget to take my belongings after capturing me... After so many years, I even forgot how it felt to wear clothes~" it said.

Then, it continued: "In any case, this is just how it is. Appearances do not mean much"

Ame separated from Jin. She had finally recovered herself though she was still shaken internally. She cursed at it before stating: "Even if you look like a human, it won't make you one. Never"


It nodded and agreed with her: "You're right. And I don't plan to ever claim to be one. I am, as I said, a spiritual entity. Evolved from a mortal plant at the origin. That is what I am. You two are originally human but are now, like me, spiritual entities"

Neither Ame nor Jin agreed with him. Jin asked him: "Aren't you simply a sentient beast?"

Its gaze shifted slightly to anger before it stated: "Those things are no more than the descendants of human experiments. They are what is born from the mix of spiritual entities with different origins, namely human and beast. Neither beast nor human, they are something in-between. As such, they are granted two forms from the beginning. Do not associate me with those, candidate"

Considering that they did look halfway human and beast, those words held some weight. At the very least, both Ame and Jin found it truthful. Whether it was the truth, they did not know but they admitted that it could be.

It continued: "You will experience this truth during the middle stages of spiritual cultivation. It does not matter that much at this moment to be honest"

Jin would not believe it so easily. However, considering the situation, there were more important things to discuss than the right term of address for the different races of this world.

Jin repressed his frustration and asked again: "So, what did you do to me?"

It spread its arms wide open, grinned and stated: "I gave you an offering, oh, candidate!"

It whispered to itself: "...and it turned out even better than I expected..."

Jin and Ame both went on the defensive hearing this. Jin was getting tired of this conversation that was getting nowhere but could not do anything about it. That thing was far stronger than them. And since it seemed like it was not harboring any evil thoughts towards them, he did not want to make use of the gourd...

It might be a mistake, again, but he decided not to take them out. Once he did, he would truly be fucked. So, if there was a way to live without them, he would take that one.

Which brought him to another important question: "Why did you do that?"

The being got up. Jin and Ame took a few steps back.

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