《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 352


If the weird red humanoid monsters created some chaos on the battlefield and forced the sect in a more defensive state, the appearance of that monster was a completely different matter.

As soon as he made a move, dark green vines sprouted from the ground impaling people. He made no distinctions between the sect members and the royal guards.

In a matter of seconds, fifty people were targeted, their corpses hanging mid-air from a straightened vine. The monster surprisingly had not gone after a single Corrupted entity.

For a moment, aside from Ame and Bo Min, everyone else stopped fighting.

The Corrupted entities pounced on the vines and hanging bodies. Both camps retreated and reformed ways away.

The Monster's laughter echoed throughout the sect's grounds.

Tian Shun told Ma Jiao: "I will delay it! Quickly deal with the remaining envoys!"

She nodded.

Tian Shun rushed away and landed in front of the monster. He glared at it while the monster smirked. With his ugly orange mouth filled with teeth, it looked quite frightening. Tian Shun quickly reached the conclusion that Liao Hu and Yu Chin were dead. After all, it would be impossible for it to be there otherwise... Was it the missing Vice-Captain's work too? Or did something malfunction?

It did not matter.

In any case, he had to subdue the monster now.

He spoke: "Monster, surrender yourself!"

The monster laughed as it retorted in a deep sickening voice: "Am I truly the Monster here?"

Tian Shun prepared himself. From the beginning, he was not foolish enough to believe that words would have been enough. Wind began to swirl around him as tornadoes appeared to surround all four of his limbs.

The Monster took a pose with his arms spread as a dozen vines erupted from the ground. These vines’ tips were covered in the orange-armor-like skin that also covered itself.


As he looked at the moon, it stated: "What a wonderful night to kill!"

And then mayhem broke out.

Wind and vines collided fiercely, breaking everything in their surroundings.

Both fighters were unaware that someone else was actively joining this fight as Fear began to spread in their surroundings.

The Fear element was so. If you were unaware of it, you would not be able to see it come.

Jin, from the start, kept an eye on everything on the battlefield.

Complete control from the shadows.

Little by little, he could feel the Fear element spreading and attacking the psyche of the fighters. He witnessed how more and more people died but remained hidden.

Whether they were friends or foes, he did not make any explicit move.

And he could see that it was working. The enemy forces were diminishing and the Corrupted beings were unable to be dealt with by anyone but Ma Jiao. She was the only one with the power to disintegrate them. As for the disciples...They could only die.

Of course, they still fought as fiercely as they could.

It was not enough.

Ma Jiao decisively used an area of effect technique and burnt down everything in her surroundings. She did not spare the disciples from her sect. She eliminated both those corrupted and those alive. Since they were only going to be fuel for these weird monstrosities, it was better to end them before they turned.

Jin frowned as he lost connection with the last of his corrupted beings.

He understood that what she did was the rational action to take. She did take care of the problem. He would have likely done the same in her place. However, he did not expect it. And it proved that those kids meant nothing in the eyes of those elders... It meant that maybe they could have been saved...


However, the thought disappeared just like he appeared.

It did not matter.

Jin looked at the battle.

On one side, a monster battled an elder. It was quite likely that the monster would win.

On another, Ame and the sect leader were fiercely fighting. The issue was uncertain as they seemed evenly matched.

And finally, right there, the female elder was facing the remaining six people from his side. The two old geezers, one of the trio of idiots and three randoms that were freed from the grid.

He had to decide which side to fight alongside with. Ame or those six. And the decision was instantaneous.

He retracted the Corruption and moved away towards Ame.

A moment later, he was hiding at the top of a house and analyzing the situation.

Dozens of formations from which fire spewed out were seemingly randomly activated around the battlefield. Ame seemed to be able to control the direction of that fire, sending waves of heat as she moved with her sword.

Meanwhile, her opponent seemed to have water streams flowing under his control. It moved according to his whims, countering Ame's fire.

From every collision, a dense amount of mist was created. And there were many.

This was a battle Jin could not join directly either. After all, both fighters were over the 20th stage. Even if he sent all of the remaining 'Mass' of Corruption, it might only prove to distract that man for a few seconds. Maybe not even that... Could Ame grasp such an opportunity? Probably. But he was not certain that he could manage to give it to her. The gap in stages was too much, the elemental and spiritual qualities could not compare.

What's more, if he was noticed, he would be killed in a second. He would never be able to defend against that man if he truly tried to claim his life. Surviving for some time, maybe...But how long? Not enough for sure.

And it was not yet to a point where he would need to risk his own life.

There was only one way to support Ame while not being discovered. He focused all of his spiritual energy to create and spread Fear towards the man. Regardless of his cultivation, he would end up affected if it was not consciously defended against.

And Jin did not believe that Bo Min knew any techniques to detect this Fear.

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