《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 348


As for helping the others here? Sorry, he had no plans to do so.

On one level were young adults that once belonged to this sect. He would never take a chance with those. Who knew if they had been brainwashed in some weird ways and would still be loyal to this demonic sect? He could not take such a bet.

As for the other level, the people were merely mortals. They would be of no help to the situation and might actually become burdens. From Jin's understanding, Ame was a gentle and nice woman. For a cultivator that is. She was, after all, willing to endanger herself for strangers. He feared that she could be the type to endanger herself further to protect those people if he freed them and they went up.

Basically, if he helped, it would only add to the chaos and not help his side.

As such, it was best not to take any actions.

Was it inhuman? Was it cruel? He did not care. He did not feel such things anymore. No. He did not even understand them. Not in the way he did previously.

Jin walked silently down the stairs.

From within the entrance to the next level, he observed.

This room was very different from the others.

For one thing, it was much smaller. Half the size of the previous ones.

The ground was no longer a grid but concrete. It was flat. Except for the center. There was a pool filled with purple liquid that bubbled up from time to time. Surrounding it were arrays. He did not know what they did as he never dabbled into that sub-occupation. However, he could see that it was activated and affected the pool of liquid.

More of that purple liquid was dripping down into the pool from over it.


There was a cross there, suspended in mid-air. He could see that a being was strapped to it. A weird one. It was shaped like a humanoid but was not human. Its body was green and seemed plant-like. Its hands and feet were encased in some orange-colored armor-like material forming sharp claws.

As for its face... It was a pumpkin.

Its mouth was forcefully kept open by the end of the funnel. All the blood from the higher levels ended up being absorbed by it.

As for the purple liquid, it flowed from its cut-open belly continuously. It was quite a gruesome sight. Nothing that shook Jin too much though.

He looked past all of that and saw his target. Liao Hu was sitting on the opposite side of the pool within a different array. It was bigger and there were lines of arrays linked to it and the ceiling. Jin guessed that this was the control array for the entire structure.

The best time to act was while this man was busy focusing on that array.

Jin moved quickly.

His spiritual energy erupted as he rushed forward. However, he stopped a few steps later. That was because Liao Hu opened his eyes and glared at him from his spot. He had been discovered right away.

Since it was impossible to go for a surprise attack and Liao Hu could start focusing on him at any time, Jin remained in his position for a moment. He planned to observe the movements of this new opponent.

Liao Hu did not move but spoke instead: "If you move closer, I will activate this array and drain the blood of all the people up there"

Jin had no reactions.

Liao Hu frowned. He believed that Jin's pokerface was no more than a front. He began to analyze the situation. If this man was here...It meant the royal envoys knew about their plans to annihilate them and were prepared for it. Quite likely, his comrade Yu Chin was dead. It was also certain that the trio had been freed and maybe the others... Liao Hu did not believe that everyone had been freed though. There had not been enough time for that.


What mattered though was whether the Sect Leader could defeat the others up there.

If his Sect Leader was going to be defeated... He would die here.

If his Sect Leader won, he might be killed by the man in front of him before reinforcements arrived. Or he could kill him himself. After all, he seemed to only be at the 10th stage...


Liao Hu got up and glared at Jin: "A mere 10th stage? Did you come here to die?"

Jin still did not react.

Liao Hu believed that he could kill this man in front of him. He was certain of it. However, it would still take some time. After all, no one would die without struggle. And not everyone could become a royal guard... The man must be an incredible talent. If his Sect Leader won over there, it would not matter. But if he was on the losing side? Then every second mattered.

Unfortunately, he had no means to know the situation outside.

His options were:

1) Stay, kill the man, continue with the plan.

2) Flee.

He believed in his Sect Leader, yes, but not to the point where he considered the man omnipotent or invincible. From what he knew, the one in front of him might be of a lower level but he managed to kill Yu Chin extremely fast and seemingly without suffering any injuries.

Either he was strong to that point or he was not alone here.

Which meant that his own survival was at risk. If he remained here.

He made up his mind quickly. There was only a single path in which he would definitely live.

He activated the array.

The screams became so loud that they began to hear them from all the way down here. And blood began to flow faster.

Liao Hu stated: "If you want to save them, you have to be quick. I will go around the right, you go left. No need for us to fight"

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