《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 342


Still, considering that this Demonic Sect had been allowed some land by the rulers of the land, they were likely not the bloodthirsty kind. Or they were the strongest kind of those. Strong enough that even the rulers would not dare provoke. But then, it would not make sense for them to pay a tribute every year.

Everything indicated that this Demonic Sect was clearly a decent one albeit their practices might be peculiar.

They departed the next morning at dawn.

The team of twelve people moved as one as they rode horses towards their destination.

Considering that they were cultivators, they would have been faster without the horses. They were capable of running faster and longer than those horses after all. However, they still decided to use them as rides.

There were a few reasons but the most prominent one was that Ame wanted the trip to be as long as possible so that they would not be given another mission...She planned to slow down the mission. To which Jin agreed.

As for the others, they were told it was to build cohesion and show the citizens that there was a new Squad... Basically, for their image.

They certainly made for quite the line-up with their impressive battle robes.

At the first city they stopped, not only was everyone bowing to them but even the shopkeepers did not want to make them pay for anything... Since the kingdom was paying for their expenses though, Ame rejected their 'forced' kindness and shoved the coins into their hands.

As they enjoyed their meal, they gossiped together. The older ones told tales of their youths while the younger ones confidently and arrogantly boasted about what they would have done and such. Jin remained on the sidelines and watched as the atmosphere seemed rather good.


"Cohesion, eh..."

Jin was unable to bring himself to open up to these people. Whether it be the spies or the others, he could not. Not only was he still in a slight state of doubt, he was also aware of the truth that they would part ways one day. When that day came, he would need to sever all his relationships. Because greed was an emotion everyone would feel. And the Cartel seemed a specialist on acting on it.

When that day came, Jin would have no way to discern between allies and enemies.

Except for Sarina and Chen.

He had to be prepared for that time.

He sighed as his gaze landed on Ame. To be honest, he quite liked her. She was a decent martial artist and her personality matched well with his own. Also, all the memories he made during the fake lives were fresh in his mind. While they were likely created based on his own imagination, they remained in his brain...and heart.

When the time came, would he be able to sever his ties with her? To be honest, he did not know at this moment. One thing was sure though: if he got even closer to her, it would likely become impossible.

Even if it had been a fake one in a fake world, he did fall in love with her. And many times.

He drank down his mug of Frone, asked for another and proceeded to focus his attention over the food and discussions of the people at the table.


3 days later, they reached the Demonic Sect.

It was not hidden or anything. It stood there in broad daylight. The sect was composed of a few dozen buildings and hundreds of houses and dorms. It laid there in the middle of a vast plain with a gigantic door at the entrance with the sect's name. It was as if they were proudly announcing themselves to the world...No, they were doing exactly that.


Forget Ame and the others, even Jin was slightly stunned by the display.

While Demonic sects were not evil per say, they generally try to hide themselves a little... After all, they were 'demonic' in some ways or another. And because of that, they were enemies of the Righteous sects.

This one did not.

Was it due to immense might? Or something else? He did not know.

They led their horses to the door and jumped down from them while keeping up their guards. At the entrance were a bunch of kids wearing red robes with ink-black bubbles on it.

They glared at Jin and his group as they came close.

Jin estimated that they were aged between ten to fourteen. Most of them were not even at the first stage...It was said that one could judge a ruler at his front guards. Given the ones here, it was unlikely that this sect was a top grade one.

Ame was the one to speak. She moved over while revealing a sweet smile and asked them: "Little friends, could you call over an elder of your sect? We're from the Palace~"

One of the young kids answered her crudely: "Fuck off, old hag"

The other kids laughed. Ame got angered. Her eyelids closed as her irritation grew high. The woman with the burnt face moved forward and placed a hand on Ame's shoulder as she chuckled and walked forward.

She was now the closest to those kids.

She materialized a flame on her hands. She had crossed the 10th stage long ago after picking fire as her core element. The kids retreated a few steps as they saw it happen. She glared at them and coldly stated: "If you don't want your pretty faces to feel some heat, how about doing this young sister a favor?"

A few minutes later, a man in his thirties was led over by a bunch of kids. As they reached the group, the kids all went to hide behind the man. He sighed before he cupped his hands and bowed at the group. He introduced himself: "Greetings, royal envoys, I am Liao Hu, first elder of the Boiling Blood branch here. Please, do come in"

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