《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 336


And from the next meal on, it was his turn to being mutilated. And the prayers still worked on him. The cannibals excitedly jumped and celebrated that fact. Meaning that they ate even more of him and all kinds of parts.

The binding over his mouth prevented him from doing anything.

And it went on for another circle as he became a source of food once again.

Generations went by.

More than a dozen this time.

Before once again, a curious young lady did the unthinkable and freed him.

This time, he did not escape nor was grateful to her. He twisted her neck in one swift motion. He no longer had any feelings. He began his slaughter...Of course not. He captured them all, one by one, and bound them.

He was going to do to him just what they had to him.

He mutilated one while cauterizing the wound after so that he would not die. Then, he cooked that meat, mimicking their ways. Then, he forced them to eat it. After all, he did not need to eat and he did not want to eat such a thing.

For a few weeks, he cut them one by one, forcing the ones left to eat their comrades and family members. Until only one old man was left. The oldest.

Jin asked him: "Why?"

The old man gazed at him with anger, despair...and fear in his eyes.

And he told him: "We eat monsters"

Jin killed him.

Then, a portal opened behind Jin.

It was made of blue light and seemed out of place. Instinctively, Jin felt like he knew what was behind it.

His life.

Maybe he had to become fear itself for him to be freed from this torture?

Maybe this was it.

Or maybe not.


In any case, it was the way forward.


He woke up within the satin sheets of his gigantic king size bedroom. He slowly sat up and looked around his surroundings. His bedroom. Within his mansion.

He got up and walked towards a mirror.

Yes, this was him.

He tried to and realized that he could feel his spiritual energy. He could also feel the element of fear surrounding his core. He managed to break through. Yet, he was not feeling anything about it.

As he looked at his reflection, he saw tears dripping down his face. He cleansed them and did his best to restore his mind.

Unfortunately, he failed and broke out in loud sobbing.

He did not get out in the following weeks. Even though Ame and the others came by. Even after his Corps was being given their first mission...And the second...And the third... And after he got demoted...

It took him five years and some to finally go out once more. Little by little, he tried again. He spent most of his time with the kids from his orphanage, teaching them and basking in their naive happiness. It brought him joy.

And three years later, after Sarina reached eight...Nothing happened. She remained the same happy child.

He began to feel fear starting then.

Was he still stuck within that weird world? Was this all still nothing but an illusion?

A year later and she remained the same child. Cheng as well did not change.

The fear began to eat at his mind.

He continued to live with a smile while being oppressed within his own conscience.

He cultivated further.

He grew older.

He... lived this life as if he was a passenger going with the flow.

And died.


Then, he woke up.

Within the satin sheets of his gigantic king size bedroom.


He hurriedly sat up and rushed to the mirror.

Him at the time when he first absorbed the element of Fear.

He screamed.

He spent this life considered a madman isolating himself at home.

Until he died.


He woke up once more in that very same bed.

He screamed and cried.

And killed himself.


He woke up.

This time, He did his best and tried to become fear itself by becoming a cruel tyrant that kept doing heinous things.

And he died after a few decades.


Only to wake up again.

This time, he tried to enjoy life.

And, thanks to his wealth, he quite enjoyed it. A life of debauchery. One without a care.


In the next one, he married Ame and they had many kids. Then, those had kids too. It was a happy life.


He woke up once more, cursing the heavens and....

After such a huge number of lives that he lost count, he no longer woke up within his bed at that exact time.

Instead, he stood within the darkness.

Did he return to the start of this nightmare?!

However, he did not hear the famous sound 'Fear' this time? But this was no doubt...?!

Then, thousands of red pupils opened within the darkness to form a figure as huge as a mountain.

A raspy and low voice asked him a question: "Are you still sane?"

Jin stood there motionless, not sure what was happening. The voice repeated the question. He...decided to nod.

The towering figure roared in laughter and stated: "Good! Good! Good! Finally, another potential candidate!"

After a moment, the figure laughed again: "How unexpected! You are a corrupted human being! Very good! I might as well help you a little"

Jin was flustered and unable to follow what was going.

The millions of eyes began to move at once, mixing and colliding with each other. Until there was nothing left but the darkness again.

Moments later, steps were heard from the direction in which the mountain of eyes had been. Jin retreated as chuckles resounded. The voice was heard again: "I do not bear ill will towards you, candidate, do not fear me"

Jin watched as the darkness began to recede and from it appeared a handsome man. He was pale and his eyes were entirely dark, as much as his long hair. He wore a battle robe that seemed to be made from innumerable eyes with red pupils. He was barefoot.

Jin asked: "Who are you?"

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