《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 335


Madness knocked on his door once again.

He was either sobbing or screaming and furiously slaughtering the little beings. When he was not killing himself that is.

He kept on repeating those actions.

After who knew how long, his body remained motionless, laying on the 'floor' with the little beings crawling all over it, still buzzing.

Even his madness had given up.

And he heard it again:


And he seemed to see the light brighten up, chasing the darkness. That's when he saw humans walking towards him. Three men seemingly in their thirties. The light came from a torch in one's hands.

As it approached, the crawling beings left his body and receded far back within the darkness.

Tears dripped down his face as he saw them approach but he did not have the mental strength to move anymore.

The three men picked his body up and walked back with it.

He was soon brought to something akin to a camp within the darkness. Many people lived there. He could see all kinds of people of all ages. Maybe his torment finally ended?


Far from it.

The men did not bring him back to help him.

As he did not react, they did not bother trying to prove him either. Instead, they dropped him on a table and tied him up. From his shoulders and the top of his tights.

He wanted to speak but after so long he did not remember how to.

Grunts escaped his mouth as he tried to communicate for the first time in ages.

They did not understand and talked within themselves. He was not even able to comprehend their words. He knew that this language was supposedly the same as his own...Yet he could not understand it at all.

After a few moments, the men left and some women came by. They held knives. Sharp knives.


And moments later, Jin understood what they planned to do with them.

They cut his limbs.

From right under the ropes.

Under the immense pain, he screamed like a pig. No, maybe pigs were less loud compared to him. It did not take long for the woman to bring some things and shut his mouth. His screams were muffled and no sounds were escaping anymore. Only sobs and howls filled with grief and pain. It was a feeling that someone who hadn't felt could never understand.

As he continued to be in pain, his sight followed the women. And he saw them start roasting his limbs over four fires. Men, women and kids of all ages began to eat once his limbs were roasted.

After they ate his body, they moved back to him and a few older women began to recite some prayers around him. He saw and felt his limbs regrow.

Five to six hours later, it was time for the next meal.

He screamed in fear as he saw them approach. No sound was escaping his mouth though as it was bound. And once again, they cut his limbs only to cook and ate them moments later.

And then, they prayed and they grew back.

Things continued like that for years. Every day, his limbs would be severed and he would watch those cannibals eat them. From time to time, they also cut or extracted other things such as his entrails, his heart, his eyes, his ears...

Birthdays, Celebrations, Rituals...

He witnessed it all as his body was used as a meat reserve. One that never extinguished. He became food thrice a day, every day.

And he watched as the kids grew old and new kids were born.

He watched as he kept being mutilated for them to survive. He observed as they happily ate with gusto.


Every time the women approached with the knives, he squirmed in fear, doing his best in trying to escape, showing his protest. To no avail.

He was being eaten alive continuously.

By fellow humans.

And lives ended while new began.

He was being eaten by all.

The fear was constant.

Of the knives.

Of the pain.

Of the torment of watching them eating him.

His eyes were always filled with tears.

But he never died.

So, he watched them.

Everything they did.

How they used his bones for construction of all kinds, how they used his skin for outfits, how they used his entrails for....He learnt.

He also started comprehending their words again, little by little.

He never once went mad as the pain and fear forced his conscious to remain.

And after five generations succeeded themselves, a young woman got curious. As she had not ever witnessed him being caught, she was curious.

And she took of the bind over his mouth.

He spoke his first word at that time: "Help"

It was feeble.

But it conveyed everything.

And she, unexpectedly, helped him. She unbound him and helped him up. Then, they fled together.

Within the wilderness, they survived together for a few years. It was blissful. And the world out there did contain wild beasts and food...He learnt to live again and, for the first time in all his lives, loved.

He had two kids.

Two girls.

And then, he heard that sound:


Moments later, dozens of men jumped on him and his family.

They brought the four back to the camp he escaped. It was in a worst state compared to the time he left it. He pleaded, his woman did so as well and the two young girls cried.

The ones who captured them did not listen.

They tied him up once more.

Then, they tied the other three.

What came next was something he would never forget.

They cut his wife and cut his daughters to eat them. He watched them die. And he watched their corpses being cut and eaten. He watched in utter despair and pain as their bodies were being eaten. And he cried and screamed as he saw those monsters enjoying it.

After the meal, he watched as the cannibals prayed.

But this time, there were no miracles.

The three were dead. Never to come back.

He cried.

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