《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 325


The battle robe was certainly exquisite. Similar in design to those of the Captains, it was a crystal-like battle robe with golden-armored protections here and there. The only difference was that the cape was blue instead of red.

He donned the outfit and admired it. As he used his secret eye technique, he saw the many inscriptions and arrays upon it. This was an armor designed for battle and not just beauty.

He nodded to himself as he quite liked it to be honest.

Practical and powerful.

Judging it from his meager knowledge, he believed it to be at the level of a rank-1 artifact. For this continent, this was already a very decent equipment.

He proceeded to strap the Sword of Glacial Light to his waist. It was very light despite being a regular sword in size. The scabbard was white and blue depicting snowflakes. As he unsheathed it, he marveled at the design. A deep blue guard and cyan blade with white designs of snowflakes. It looked beautiful.

Certainly, it was nothing compared to his spear, the gourd or the other sword he owned. But this was a peak weapon he could use in this continent fearlessly.

Well, if he kept it. Depending on the situation with Harold, he might have to give it back to the man in exchange for his safety...

He said it to himself many times but he truly did not want more problems... They just seem to keep coming though and he was never able to dodge them regardless of what he tried.

It wore him down.

In any case, this weapon would either be a very good or a very bad thing to him.

Next, he proceeded to check the two spatial rings. One contained quite a few pills and gold coins. Of course, it was nothing compared to what he still had but it was still a small and decent fortune.


The other ring, however, was filled to the brim with pricy items and coins. If he had been worried of not being able to live lavishly, he did not need to anymore.

There were a few millions of gold coins in there.

And the value of the art pieces, jewels and other things would probably be even higher. This one clearly belonged to Captain Harold...

It did not bring happiness to Jin however. Instead, his back was drenched in cold sweat. If him holding onto the sword was enough for the man to consider him his natural enemy, this was just adding more fuel to the brazier.

The hatred that Captain must hold towards him was likely off the charts.

He sighed as he placed the rings to his right hand.

Since he kept his personal spatial ring within his left corrupted arm, there was nothing else to grab. As for his own battle robe and such, he threw them into a bin. He did not need them anymore and they were no longer in top shape.

As he left the room, Hun Han bowed deeply in reverence. Clothes made the man indeed!

Hun Han escorted Jin to the exit where Ame was waiting for him. She smiled brightly at him and waved as he exited. He smiled slightly at her, the source of all his problems. He waited until she was within arm length before he grabbed her and with an angry glare told her: "Explain"

She might be stronger than him by a landslide but this gaze still instilled some fear into her. Just a tiny bit.

Then she laughed it off and stated: "Sure! But first, let's go grab a drink to celebrate! It's not every day that you get out of prison~"

He sighed as she began to walk away. And he followed.


They walked side by side as they moved through the Palace grounds. The whole thing was built over such a huge area and the jail being in a far-away place, they took quite some time to leave the premises.

As they moved, they encountered many soldiers, servants and workers. All of them bowed and greeted them respectfully. Ame did not even bother greeting them back on the way. And Jin understood why soon enough. Greeting a dozen people was fine, even a hundred though exhausting but when it came to greeting thousands... It became a pain.

And judging by how things went, it was quite likely that every fucking random guy would be acting this way towards them. He gave up after a few dozens and simply ignored it as well.

It might have seem like arrogance but it was truly too taxing to greet back everyone...

After they left, Ame led him to a fine restaurant located in one of the branches. They were granted a private room with the table on the balcony. It granted one of the greatest sceneries one could expect from the capital. The view was certainly impressive.

Jin jokingly stated to Ame: "I did not know you were wealthy enough to book such a place. It seems like becoming a Squad Captain gave you many benefits"

She answered back with a sweet smile: "No way~ It's because a wealthy man is covering the expenses~"

Jin asked back: "Uh? Who would-.... No. Are you trying to have me pay?"

She laughed as the waiter arrived and asked them what they wished to order. With a big grin, she stated: "Your establishment's new owner is here for the first time, I'll trust in your services~"

The waiter frowned then turned to Jin and sweat began to drip down his forehead. He hurriedly bowed at ninety-degrees as he said: "Master Baem! Forgive this lowly one for not recognizing you earlier! I will make sure that you are served with our very best!"

Jin was baffled by the man's attitude. Even after a few seconds, the man remained in his bowing posture, not even daring to move a muscle. Jin uneasily said: "Sure...Give us your best..."

The waiter hurriedly left.

Jin looked at Ame with a puzzled look and she burst into a fit of laughter.

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