《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 314


She pondered.

Song Xun was quite unlikely the culprit. He was pretty docile and weaker than her. Stronger than Baem but not that much.

Then, Ren Jing? That was dumb, she was just a mortal...

"Wait... What if she was not a mortal...Wouldn't that mean?..."

If Ren Jing was a cultivator, it meant she was stronger than her. Ame's face paled at the thought. She thanked the heavens that she curiously peeked at this guy the first time. If not, she would've been stuck with a cultivator stronger than her and unaware of it. How scary....

Wait. Wasn't that woman too young to be stronger than her though? She seemed so youthful...

"It couldn't be...? A transcender of the 30th stage? On this continent?"

After all, one regained one's youth after reaching the 30th stage. It was well-known throughout the continent. Even though few managed to reach such a height, people were aware of it. The pinnacle of this continent... She yearned for it. And she also feared those who reached it.

After a few moments, she shook her head and discarded that thought. It was impossible. There were few of that level even in the Church and they would likely not be dispatched for her... Or, wait, could it be that it was not for her?

After all, that guy was the one to flee first...

Could it be that he was a bigger target than her?

It would explain many things. And why he planned to go and get hired as a royal guard even though the Church's threat was non-existent for him.

How unexpected! She might have found a big fish. He did seem special. He was a very good actor and had mystical arts.

What faction was chasing him did not matter. She was now aware that he had something good. Something worth sending a great transcender after him.


Well, it was still up-to-debate whether she was one.

She could be a genius in cultivation heavily doted upon. Or even someone from the outside... Or just a regular mortal and they fled for nothing.

What mattered though was that she was now the closest to him and his treasures. She did not know what he owned but she got interested. She would follow him all the way to the capital.


Jin rushed through the forest until he reached the next village a day later. There were only a few tens of thousands of mortals settled in this place. Quite a few cultivators roamed around as well. Either travelers or those who settled here after ending their journeys.

Jin stopped at the closest inn and ordered a meal. With some Frone as per usual. That drink was tasty.

However, only a few moments after he finished ordering, he heard a voice he recognized. A female voice with a playful tone. It was addressed to the waiter and she said: "Double that order"

Then she sat in front of him, grinning.

It was Kaen Ame.

Jin remained silent.

Was she actually the one tasked to watch over him by the Cartel?

She dissolved this question he formulated with a single one of her own: "So, Baem, what do you have on you that would make you such a scaredy cat?"

She did not know. Or she was a godly actress. Jin would rather bet on the first possibility. She did not seem like an actress. Of course, mixing truth and lie was the duty of an actor. But she simply seemed real.

He would still keep his guard up.

Especially now, considering that she followed him and asked such a question.

He answered her: "Nothing. I simply felt uneasy with you guys"


She snickered and cursed: "Bullshit"

Then, she added: "Spit it out or don't blame me~"

Jin turned serious. The spiritual ring was hidden within his 'arm'. Corruption circling around it. Since it was unable to be corrupted, it was the perfect hiding spot. There was no way that she could find out his real treasures.

However, what could he say to her?

An idea came up suddenly and he stated: "A secret technique"

She stared at him with a dumbfounded expression, not having expected an answer. And even less this one. Then, she composed herself after a few coughs and asked slightly flustered: "I-is that so? A secret technique, uh? W-what kind?"

Jin smirked as he stated: "Secret"

She frowned for a moment while glaring at him and then sighed. She said: "Forget it. I don't care about whatever techniques you might have"

She did say that but she seemed to be eyeing his reaction. Jin was close to dropping his guard as she seemed so readable... He said: "Good. Since we have nothing left to discuss, please leave"

Honestly, even if she was not being harmful, she remained a danger. Keeping someone stronger than him by his side did not feel like a smart idea. Someone stronger that he couldn't trust fully. And he never ever trusted anyone fully in both lives.

Because humans were selfish.

And he believed in that truth wholeheartedly.

The dishes and drinks were served and Jin began to eat. Kaen Ame proceeded to do the same a few moments later. Then, after finishing a mouthful of Frone, she stated: "Let's make a deal"

Jin stopped his fork and knife and looked at her. He turned his gaze back to the plate as he said: "Carry on"

Deals were worth listening to. Because at least you would be aware of what the other party was after. Even if he rejected her in the end, it would not hurt him to know what he had that interested her.

He did not expect the answer as she said: "I'll protect you until we reach the capital and you finish the test there and in exchange you will teach me those mysterious movements you practiced every night"

Well, it was his turn to have a dumbfounded expression. First, he did not think she was such a stalker. Second, he did not understand why she wanted to learn mortal's martial arts.

But the deal in itself...It was not bad.

Not bad at all.

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