《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 29


Once he woke up and realized the situation, it didn't take him long to understand what hapenned. He wasn't a smartass nor a doctor but he didn't need to in order to understand what was going on. He made two spears and strangely bled out twice. Both things being related seemed to be quite probable...

Scratch that, it was obvious.

As such, he sent the rest of the month studying what he could do inside his soul sea. Of course, instead of going to the library, he tried it by himself. Which meant that he ended up spending a lot of time unconscious and even more time bleeding.

At the end of the month, he got out of his house. He had learnt a lot. Turned out that it wasn't solely because he made one spear. It was because he shaped a certain quantity of will. He had tried to shape smaller spears and it worked. Better yet, he only lost consciousness after reaching a certain number of those. Little by little, he understood the limit and experienced its growth through training.

Now, he basically had thousands of minuscule spears inside the darkness of his soul sea. And while he wasn't sure what to do with them, he knew he would find something.

Still, at the moment, there was something else he had to do. Throughout the month, he became closer with his two neighbours and spent most afternoon having tea with them. When they weren't doing things outside and such, of course. Today was one such day where they stayed at home. And since he spent the morning sleeping, because he had played in his soul sea, it was now afternoon. Which was the time to drink some tea with his new friends.

They chatted of random things and joked around. Then, Han-Bi ended up asking him: "You've been looking very sickly these last few weeks, is something wrong, little brother Jin?" He certainly couldn't hide it. The blood loss did take a toll on him and the mental fatigue was real. Even if he took rests and replenished what he was losing, he had the body of a child. This whole thing had been rather taxing on him and it showed.


As such, he didn't lie. After a sigh, he said he had a problem. The other two became serious and he decided to ask them what troubled him these past few days: " Let's say you have a sphere that you want to mold into a strand. But you can only make spears. How do you do that? "

The both of them looked at each other. Considering Jin had yet to forge his core, it was obvious that it referred to that. However they couldn't quite pinpoint where the spear-thing came from. Regardless, they decided to try to think of a solution to what he asked. He was being very open about his problem already so they should at least give some pointers...

Sang-Min asked him: "How many spears you got? How big are they compared to the sphere?" and Jin answered: "Unlimited numbers, all sizes." to which Han-Bi added: "Then you have a lot of leeway, don't you?" But Jin shook his head as she said that and he told her: " A spear can only do so much... Slashing, Piercing, Hitting... Not molding "

Sang-Min nodded and said wisely: " It is best to use your hands to mold clay, shouldn't it be the same here? Just stop using spears and use your hands instead " It was a sound advice. After all, if you couldn't do it with something, you could try something else. The problem was that Jin couldn't. He had tried many times to shape other things, anything, but failed every single damn time. Only spears could be shaped. He couldn't understand why but that was the hard cold truth.

Jin sighed as he shook his head sideways and explained: "If I could have done so, I wouldn't be having a problem. I only got spears " and Sang-Min told him with a grin: " Then why don't you use the spears to make hands? The hands of spears~ Or something like that? "


As he heard it, his eyes nearly poppet out. Right. It was more than doable. He couldn't believe he hadn't thought of that. Sometimes there are dumb solutions and sometuimes those work. He couldn't make hands and only spears. But he could move and resize the spears however he wished. So, couldn't he use the spears to make hands? He could!

In his elation, he got up and screamed at Sang-Min: "You're a genius! Thank you!" then rushed away back to his house and his bedroom. Leaving behind himself two young adult quite bewildered by his act. They looked at each other and Sang-Min said with a grin: " Heard that? I'm a genius. Still not falling for me? " Han-Bi snorted as she decided not to retort and instead opted to sip some tea. It was, as usual, delicious tea...

Meanwhile, in his bedroom, Jin sat down and entered his soul sea. It was still dark but filled with thousands of very small spears. He began to will them to move and little by little 'fused' them into the shape of a hand. Unfortunately, they weren't really fused as they remained many entities but he forced them to remain close enough together that it would work. He made two very small hands of spears and was ready.

As he exited his soul sea, he noticed a very small drop of blood dripping from his nose. It seemed like moving so many at once in a complex pattern was taking a toll on his endurance. But it wasn't that dangerous. And it seemed like he would be able to use it for some time before he bled to unconsciouness again. His limit and control had gone up throughout the month too so he was quite confident in himself.

He took out a candle and lit it. As the dots appeared, he jumped and swallowed three. He felt more and more like pac-man as he cultivated... Was pac-man actually a cultivator?

Anyways, he had absorbed the three dots required to form a triangle. Time to work on it.

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