《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 26


Anyways, Jin had work to do. He didn't come here for recreative purposes. Instead, he came here for business so he went straight to it. He knocked on the counter, greeted the elder and finally asked what he came here for: " Can you point me towards the book pertaining to the shaping of will in the soul sea please? "

This time, the elder nodded and said: " Fourth floor, third alley, it's on the right side. But, you do understand that this is a very advanced topic, right? " to which Jin answered: " Yeah, sure, thanks a lot elder ! " and he was ready to rush over there. Maybe he had finally found an easier way to shape those damn dots. As he was getting ready to hurry off, he recalled that even if he knew where it was, he might not pick the right book.

Since he didn't want to spend days reading all the books there might be there, he asked the elder once again: " Elder, do you have any recommendations to start with? " and the elder seemed to ponder for a moment before answering him : " Hmm...How about the parchment made by U.G Ung-eun ? It is the easiest to comprehend and a good introduction to the topic "

Jin thanked the elder and rushed out. He was now aware of what to read and where it was. As such, after reaching the place, it didn't take long for him to find it. It was as the elder mentioned no more than a parchment without much to it. He began to read it eagerly. It was probably his first time in both lives being so eager to read something...

And it read so: " To my descendants, I leave behind this extract filled with my knowledge. Here I will describe what and how to shape your will through your soul sea. I advise all my descendants attempting this to have reached the 30th stage of spiritual accumulation beforehand "


Right from the start, a useless intro and a warning. Jin cared for neither so he skipped and moved on. It read: " First, one must understand that someone's will can be shaped in as many forms as one can imagine however to successfully shape it, one needs to perfectly grasp the shape itself "

Ok, so far, Jin could comprehend what this was all about. So, he read on: " You need, my descendants, to be very close to the shape, very familiar with it. As such, a tool you have been using for eons is the best pick. For a writer, a pen might be it while it could be an instrument for a musician "

Giving examples to illustrate what he explained. Alright, this does make it easier to comprehend. Jin nodded at the thoughtfulness of the author. He was making this very simple to understand. A good book. So, he kept reading it: " Now, what you need to do is to focus on that tool you find the closest to yourself and, in your soul sea, make it materialize through your will. Wish for it to manifest, will it to appear. "

Right. This was a bit too conceptual but you could still understand that much. Going further : " You will find it difficult to just will a pen or an instrument to appear regardless of your familiarity with them. As such, it is important and easier to manifest your pen or your instrument. Focus on the appearance of a single tool you have been using "

Ok. An illustrated advice. Good stuff. He could work with that. As he read the next line, however, Jin's expression became dark: "Now, my descendant, you have succeeded in shaping your inner will, we can move on to how to use it"


This wasn't that great in the end. It didn't say that much about how to make it happen. Wait. Could it be that he only had to think of the tool and it would appear? Was it actually that simple? Maybe? Since this writer did make it seem so easy, it could be like that.

As such, Jin decided to try right away. He focused and entered his inner sea. Then, while he was in there as nothing but his invisible consciousness, he began to think. What should he pick? What was the tool he was most familiar with? For sure, he was no writer nor musician. He was a warrior. So, it had to be the tool of the warrior Jin. What tool did he use the most and was the most familiar with anyways?

His body.

That's right. It was his body. The greatest tool of a fighter is his body. And Jin, who had reached the peak of a warrior in his previous life, had known his body perfectly. As much as it could be understood. He knew everything about how to move his body and use it. Was there any other tool he knew that well? No! None! His body had been and would be his greatest tool forever.

And so, he began to concentrate hard and try to will his body to form here in his soul sea. He thought of it for minutes with no success until a thought struck him. His body had changed throughout his life, which shape of his body should he focus on? Thirty years old? Forty? Or twenty maybe? What if it needed to be this new body? He became confused.

In the end, he decided to focus on the body he was, at the moment, most used to. And that was his present body. It was after all far easier to grasp your present state than remember all of a past one. And so, while this shape wasn't his strongest, it was the one he believed to be most familiar with at the moment.

He focused on that shape. And he tried to will 'himself' to appear here. He was not going to give up on shaping his will now that he found it possible. It was his only way to cultivate.

And it would begin by shaping 'himself' in his soul sea!

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