《Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)》CH. 19


It was only at lunch time that he woke up. From the knocks on his door. They weren't heavy nor loud but the sound went straight to his ears. It woke him up instantly. As one who had lived in the wild, his insctincts were quite sharp. They needed to be. He quickly got dressed and went to open the door. Han-Bi and Sang-Min were there.

Jin thanked the young beauty first for keeping her words and then greeted Sang-Min. Then, the three of them went on their way, strolling merrily towards the cafeteria. As they were walking, Jin couldn't help but ask them " Are the both of you a couple ? " and they answered at the same time " I wish / He wishes " and that nailed it. Turned out that Sang-Min was pursuing her.

Seemed like he wasn't doing a good job though...

Sang-Min spoke first after that: " For now, we are the best of friends, I guess? " to which the girl nodded and he went on to say " Well, I would really like for things to develop further though " And Jin found it slightly weird that they remained the best of friends in such a situation. It wasn't his place to probe further into their relationship though. If he said something he shouldn't, he might end up creating shit.

That being said, the both of them seemed to be very easy-going about it and Sang-Min kept on: " She's crushing too hard on that fatty Chong-Oh right now " ending his sentence with an exagerated sigh. Han-Bi scoffed as she teasingly retorted: "If you were as dreamy as he was, I'd fall for you right away~ "

And Jin couldn't help but ask her : " You like fatties, Sister Han-Bi? " to which the two older disciples lightly laughed. She told him that she didn't and Sang-Min added that it was basically impossivle to remain fat for cultivators. Since they pursued the perfection of themselves, the impurities were to be extracted from the bodies, and as such, fat cultivators were non-existent. Unless in some special cases where the cultivation required them to...It wasn't the case for Chong-Oh.


Sang-Min spoke further: " He doesn't need to be fat but he choose to. And while no one really cared when he was...Well, this foolish girl and a few others ended up seeing him after he exited a closed-door cultivation..." Jin waited for the story to went on and only after sighing once more did Sang-Min spoke: " He was thin when he got out. And it turned out that he is fucking handsome when not fat "

Jin looked at Han-Bi with a curious expression and asked her: " Brother Sang-Min is quite handsome himself, how good could that guy be? " to which Han-Bi turned around with a bright grin and said: "He's ten thousands times hotter!" As Jin turned back to Sang-Min, he saw the guy sighing. Jin wasn't finding that too manly so he said: " And you're okay with that, brother Sang-Min? "

Sang-Min explained himself: " Well...The guy is our age, you see? And he's at the top of our generation in cultivation. He's a very nice guy to chat with too and easy-going. You can't dislike him, something like that? And it's true that he's hotter than me though she exagerates a lot. I'm just waiting for that fad to pass. We got centuries ahead of us after all "

Was this how cultivators' relationships went? They were fine waiting hundreds of years for the ones they loved? This did sound very romantic. But also very dumb. If he loved Han-Bi, he should just try to woo her harder.

Beyond that, though, Jin was interested in the fact that the guy choose to remain fat. He asked the two if he cultivated something special and the answer was 'no' then he asked if it was due to a particular fighting style and the answer was again a 'no' so... He couldn't help but conclude by himself aloud: " This guy must have a complex about his looks then "


Both of them looked at each other then back at Jin. It didn't sound right at all. Chong-Oh was smart, strong and handsome, what more could he need? Where were his deficiencies? So, Han-Bi asked Jin with a snort: " And what kind of complex could he have? " to which Jin answered half-heartedly: " Dunno? Maybe he got a small dick? "

Han-Bi and Sang-Min never expected to hear such a thing from their new little friend. Just how mature was the kid to come up with such an incredible and weird idea? They were so surprised and stunned that only did they stop talking but they also stopped talking and fixed Jin with their eyes. It was only after a moment that Han-Bi blushed and Sang-Min began to laugh hard.

After that, they began to joke around until they reached the cafeteria. It was smaller than the one in the outer court but still grand. More than anything, there seemed to be better free dishes here. Considering this was the inner sect, it was to be expected.

As they entered, Han-Bi spoke to Sang-Min: "I will get us some seats, you guys go get the dishes~" and went ahead. Sang-Min had Jin follow him and while they queued, he told him: " Don't tell Han-Bi but the reason that guy Chong-Oh stays fat is because of another girl. When we were still in the outer court, he was a little bullied by some other guys because of his fat. So, one day, he was bawling under her tree and swearing that he would get thin after becoming a cultivator..."

Jin interrupted: " Let me guess, a girl told him he was fine as he was? And she said so even though she didn't care?" to which Sang-Min laughed a little and said : "Yeah, that's about it but the problem is who it was" and that raised some curiosity from Jin.

It was however their turn to get the food. It was only as they were moving towards the sitting and waving Han-Bi that he said: " That girl was Seung-Ja, our little team leader "

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