《The fool's paradise (dungeon novel)(complete)》Mission ego 18


After years of traveling Bryon's reason and restraint become non-existent under the harsh reality of constant life or death battles and seeing the worst facets of humanity day after day.

Now all he lives for is money and power, although he is just a subordinate to the second in command of the Night Hawks Mercenary band, he lusts after the position himself and to one day take over leadership of the band. Ambition drove him to gather the newbies into his own camp giving him a base of power and training them to be proficient in battle and thief skills all the while getting into the good graces of the higher-ups by giving up the more favorable loot and to their subordinates and taking the dirty jobs everyone hated, all in the name of making the mercenary band more prosperous.

After lots of hard work, he now has a large base of power and he is almost rivaling the second in command in popularity, it's only a matter of time before he takes the position for himself.

During the current mission, the band made their way as a punitive force to suppress and maintain the security of a newfound dungeon. During the first few days, he helped out in making the perimeter of the camps and even lent his men out to other people to help in creating the barricades. Bryon then sent his men in first who were proficient scouts when the others were wary of entering an undiscovered dungeon, the recruits trained by him showed their worth when they returned with valuable intel and every one of them came back alive valuable loot, making it difficult for him to hide his smug smile for hours afterwards, surely the top brass would see his worth as a leader and a trainer after these results.

However, after the initial search, the scouting party encountered a door and after seeing it refused to even go back into the dungeon resulting the leader sentencing them each to 50 lashes, during which they cried like little girls and begged for mercy when there was none to give causing the mercenaries watching to laugh, having his men be seen as such useless wimps was utterly humiliating for him and made him grind his teeth in anger.


Afterward, he put together a team to delve into the dungeon and regain some of his reputation as leader, his goal this time was the very same door that caused this humiliation in the first place, he refused to believe that a simple door would stop his advance, he had broken past so many so called impenetrable doors in the past that noble used as a safeguard against theives.

When he entered the dungeon with his men the first thing he saw was a dark tunnel so he took out a light bead from one of his many pockets and attached to his false hand and continued deeper.

Several hundred meters into the dungeon it opened up into a dense jungle leaving him breathless for a moment, he just wasn't prepared to see such a scene underground even with the reports from his men. Continuing deeper he found several rare plants and even managed to kill a deer with a throwing knife to the endless praises of his men.

He began to inspect the corpse and discovered that this deer is a little larger than the normal ones outside and its fur is the finest he has ever seen from a normal animal, after ordering his men to dissect the deer and to remember to save a large piece for him he continued on towards the door with the shabby map that his scouts had drawn up.

It did not take long before he arrived at the door but, when he did he froze there for almost half a minute in mute horror at the visage of it. after calming down he said amazed "if the preachers were half as artistic as this dungeon, parents would have far more obedient children." eliciting awkward laughs from his subordinates.

Making sure to steady his voice he commanded one of his subordinates at random pointing towards the person wearing a bright red shirt named John the shirt being his most prominent feature other than his Expendables he says that "he wears the shirt because it hides the blood better".

John startled jumped a little but soon started making his way to the large door with unsteady steps.

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