《The fool's paradise (dungeon novel)(complete)》chapter 6. Deal with the devil


"Greetings I am Lucifer Morningstar you can relax if I wanted to kill you, you would be dead. Want to make a deal". I said…But to be answered with only silence how frustrating I’m finally talking with another intelligent being and this is all I get. How about I continue the conversation and hope she responds to the beautiful stone without thinking shes lost her mind OK. “do you know where you are” she flinched to that and started backing up to the wall only for the skeletons to grab her shoulders and restrain her. After struggling briefly she calmed down or at least seemed to give up considering the strength difference between her and her captors.

Selenia’s Pov

Waking up with a start from horrendous pain in her chest and limbs she found herself in a circular room with a glowing stone in the center, after my eyes adjusted I became aware that I was not alone in the room. 7 skeletons made from beautiful translucent stone stood guard around the exit and near the stone. I looked around for my weapon but found it missing. Fear started to grip my heart as I realized that I'm not going to die a quick death, dungeons are not known for their benevolence. Then it spoke and introduced itself startling me once more.

Taught that dungeons are only beings running purely on instinct for a long time and that named dungeons are extremely ancient and powerful made her instantly wary the moment it spoke. Then it asks if she knew where she was which sounded like a threat from such a cruel being, panicked she started to back up. Looking for a weapon after finding none she was quickly subdued by the skeletons, surprised that these simple undead had such great strength she gave up resisting them in her current state and can only hope she could stall for her mana to come back.


Lucifer’s Pov

She still unresponsive, But knows her place now which will help move things along. Becoming impatient with the rate of the conversation I decided to speak first “do you want to live” the statements meaning being further demonstrated by the skeletons that moved their bone taggers to her jugular. The pupils in her eyes become pinholes making her bottomless emerald eyes more apparent before quickly stammering out “yes I would not believe anyone who would say otherwise”

“I can see you are trying to get into a philosophical debate but I care little for human beliefs, so I’ll skip the chatter and get to the point. Become mine.

“what do you mean become yours I am no slave I would never give up my freedom just to live an imprisoned life”

“then I will hand you back to the men above,” he said as he chuckled a Little inside

“you bastard” Selenia yelled getting up to her feet ignoring the blades drawing blood on her neck.

“for someone willing to walk into the abyss to get away from someone I am sure you would rather die then place your fate with them so I will not be so boorish to threaten you with death.”

The girl remained in quiet contemplation for some time. Her beautiful face changed many times some expressions I recognize some more complicated to see through with a glance/ but soon she came to the desirable outcome her desire to live and something else prevailing, she said “fine” while glaring at me so intensely that if stares could kill I would be in pieces by now.

With her decision now made I proceeded to instruct her on how to help set up the contract. The contract is one of the first things I received via Earthmail that I had yet to see a use for. Taking the free will from others is not something that strikes my fancy, but after realizing the dangers of people and knowing quite well of their insatiable greed humans possess. I began to see the necessity of such a spell, my only comfort is the fact that the spell is so complex that even using the most basic willpower to resist it would cause it to fail. During the process, she screamed quite loudly when I carved my seal onto her soul, quite a treat for the ears if I may say so myself. After complaining about the pain I forgot to warn her about I returned her weapon while wondering whether a Japanese person crafted the sword with its similarity to a No-Dachi katana. She said that was a unique sword she found in a dungeon that she created a style for herself which I am interested to see.


Pov adventurers

We have been walking in this dungeon for what seems like hours now and it is becoming eerier by the step, because all the dungeons we have explored so far have had small first floors with nothing really dangerous in them for anyone trained, but this place’s first floor goes on for god knows how long and has these bloody ants everywhere. They are not particularity difficult for us to handle even without a mage with just the two of us but the strain has been building up David’s leg is now dead practically dead weight.

After Davids' leg started acting up again we started to backtrack to the surface, although slower than when we came in we are making progress. The bloody ants are coming in droves now with little break in between waves, if we weren't A rank adventurers with good gear we would have been buried here a long time ago. I realize too late that these things have been toying with us this entire time, they attack a little to keep our guard up and test our defenses. Until we are either too tired, wounded or too far into this deathtrap to escape, then they come in force. Several times we have had to stop for what feels like several minutes just to pass a junction so we don't get surrounded moving past it. I can feel the wind moving now we are close to the surface and if I remember right this is one of the last junctions we have to cross before we can get out of here David seems exhausted, can’t blame the guy bleeding from his arm moving on a bum leg all the while keeping the barrier up whenever any enemy's come up. I have been trying to move ahead when there is only a few around to let him get a little rest now and then, the thought of just ditching him going through my mind on several occasions.

We come up to the entrance of a junction and I see only 3 of the little buggers so to save some time and hopefully get out before they send reinforcements I rush forward to kill them. The first jumps at me and I step at forty-five degrees and twist my hips dodging the charge leaving my blade in its path decapitating the thing, too flashy I know but I'm getting impatient. Then the second and third jump me from both walls at the same time trying to clothesline me. While derisively spiting on the ground I lunge at them fast enough I pass by them both before they can turn mid-air and attack leaving a sword in each one of their skulls as I pass by, just as I pat my hands and start to retrieve my weapons I see a shadow lunge for me shit its bigger than the rest.

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