《Blood Emperor》Chapter Eighteen


It had been surprisingly easy to escape the lab. The formation had no form of defense against attacks on the inside. He made a few modifications to it before leaving though as he was still pissed off at Roan. It was a simple alteration, but Roan should take a couple of days to even understand it—at his current level. To escape, however, that would probably take him a week. Hope you suffer being held captive, bastard. Eztli thought, laughing to himself.

Eztli paced through a narrow hall, noticing a lot of paintings. Intrigued, he leisurely stared at them. As he reached the central painting he stopped cold. How? He asked himself. How can something so complex be here?

The painting only portrayed a phoenix overlooking the sect, but it shocked Eztli. The painting was divided into five layers. Others would have taken a long time to pass each layer, but for Eztli it was not too hard—still he went and examined each layer in detail.

The first layer, would give a sense of life to the phoenix and would only get more realistic the deeper you studied it. The second would fill the person with warmth. The third, would give insights on a breathing technique. The fourth held a map and a legend of some sorts. The last, and most interesting of the layers, held a binding technique. Unlike anything Eztli had seen.

Fascinated by the discovery, he quickly memorized everything. One benefit of his old and strong soul was the large capability for memorization. He no longer needed to record anything with crystals, his soul was a better and safer place to store his research. Having memorized it, he then shot a beam of his soul into the painting—destroying all records of the diagram. He was greedy and wanted to be the only person to hold such information. Hopefully, it didn’t look like the people around here knew the immense knowledge it held, for it was being displayed so openly.

Well, this is an unexpected benefit. Eztli thought, eager to analyze it fully, but stopped himself. Priorities Eztli. You have to get to safety before trying to do any sort of research.

He headed down the hall and carefully peeked. Two guards kept watch. Making his small body even smaller, Eztli made his way forward, avoiding the guards. As he neared, he shot a beam of soul energy and knocked them out.

I can’t believe I had to rely on such means. He thought, sighing. It was degrading. He was Lord Eztli—Blood Emperor and ruler of the world—yet, here he was, crouching and hiding from two Fracturers. He shook his head as he remembered how easily he would have killed them. Enough of that. Don’t think of the past. Focus.

Eztli moved forward and probed the souls of both guards. Unlike Roan’s, theirs were fully unconscious, but he was still unable to read their memories. Fuck. He cursed to himself. Why can’t I do this? They are not even high level. My current strength should be enough for at least this. Sighing he gave up and walked outside.

It was dark and the eerie glow of moon gave only made him feel even more helpless. He was lost. The cage had been covered when he was brought to Roan so now he didn’t know where to go. Glancing around he finally decided on a random direction and headed off.

A short while later, Eztli was standing in a maze of wooden shacks—making his current situation even worse. He weaved through the shacks until a sudden noise to his right disturbed him. He narrowed his eyes and stared trying to make out the shadow in the distance.


It was a wolf cub.

Just my luck. He told himself. He searched for a place to hide, but the wolf fell into a run. Towards him. Eztli hopped faster, wiggling through the small gaps between the shacks.

"Don't let him get away you mutt!" a voice yelled. The wolf ran faster and leaped at him. Eztli crouched barely managing to dodge the hit and scurried forward.

"Stupid beast. Get him." Another yell.

Fuck, what do they want with me. Eztli cursed, once again he tried dodging the wolf. This time, however, it managed to get one of his legs. Pain ran through him as he was pinned on the floor, bleeding.

The kid ran up to where he was and smiled. "Good job, mutt. He inched his hand towards the wolf and it cringed back in fear, but the kid just pet it.

"We will have fun and toy with this rabbit now." He said, laughing.

This is fucking great, Eztli thought as the wolf carried him by biting his leg. First a sadistic old man. Now a sadistic kid.


Kael rounded the training ground as he headed to Dean’s house. Even though the chance was slim, he didn't want to meet Brin or anyone else at this hour. Something was going on with him. What happened at the library was not normal.

Suddenly, he felt a sense of danger around him. He glanced to his left, towards the center of training ground. For some reason, I get the urge to head there. He thought. Shrugging he decided to head in the direction. As he got closer to the center, the feeling intensified.

Kael frowned. What is going on with me? He wondered. Then, the feeling from the library started to return, albeit it was nothing compared to before.

Something is off. He said, picking up the pace. A sense of urgency crawled to him. He tripped. His leg throbbed in pain. Why now? It hadn’t hurt before. What the hell is happening to me. He fumbled to stand ignoring the pain and rushed forward, the feeling growing stronger.

The smell of blood filled his nose, causing him to gag. Shrieking and laughter followed.

"This is fun. Do it again."

That's Brin's voice. Kael thought as he slowed to a sneak and stayed hidden behind the training rooms. Peeking through the edge he saw the gruesome sight.

The rabbit was strung with a chain, dangling by a leg. Brin stood nearby with bloodied hands in the air laughing maniacally. "It feels so good." Brin said. “More. I need more.” He motioned to his wolf and gave a hard kick. The wolf tumbled away from him, bloodied and what appeared to be a broken leg.

Kael was paralyzed. How can Brin be doing something so...so evil. He was a prick and arrogant to the extreme, but Kael didn't take him for what he looked like now. A maniac.

Brin kicked the rabbit with force.

Kael felt the pain strike him as the kick landed. It sent the rabbit flying, only for it to return like a pendulum.

Why? Why do I feel the pain so intensely? Kael wondered, looking at the rabbit. It felt exactly like when Leggy sent him emotions, but he didn't even have a contract with it. So how could he feel what it felt? It wasn’t logical. Now’s not the time to worry about that, Kael. You need to stop Brin.

Kael stepped forward.


That was the second kick. Eztli counted in his mind as he looked at the bloody kid. I will get back at you when I get out.


It was highly unlikely though. His whole body hurt, several bones were broken. The kid was crazy. After he trapped him he carried him to the center of the training ground and tied him to a chain. Then he went full blown crazy. It wasn't normal. He did not even spare his wolf. Whenever it cringed back he would kick it multiple times.

The kid readied for another kick and Eztli just gave up. He was too wounded and exhausted to try and dodge. He closed his eyes and braced for the impact.

"Stop!" a voice yelled, followed by the sounds of chains clinging.

Eztli opened his eyes slowly. The voice came from Kael. The boy stood in front of him and removed the chain. Kael stared into his eyes giving Eztli a sense of calmness.

"Don't worry I'm here now. I'll protect you." Kael whispered.

Eztli looked up and for a moment his mind overlapped Rhett over Kael's face. Eztli smiled and then fainted.


"Perfect, you are finally here." Brin said, grinning. "I was warming up for the fight."

“You call this a warm up?” Kael said. “You nearly killed my beast and yours.” He clutched the rabbit near him and placed him within his robes.

“Everything is so clear now, Kael.” he said, spreading his arms wide. “Everything feels so good. The pain. The suffering. It’s so perfect.” Slowly, Brin's eyes tinted with red until no white could be seen anywhere. Devoid of emotion. No, there was emotion. Hate and happiness. He grinned.

"What's wrong with you, Brin?" Kael said, barely a whisper. He was terrified. This was not Brin. It was a monster.

"Like I said, getting ready for our match," he said, turning to the wolf. "Mutt get over here." The wolf, however, didn’t move, it just whimpered.

“I said, get over here.” Brin said as he moved forward and gave it another kick. “Listen to me.”

"Stop, Brin. This isn't right. Something is very wrong with you Brin."

Brin stomped his foot and yelled. "I’ll stop once you fight me. I've been waiting all day."

"No, I won't fight you." Kael said, stepping back.

"You will fight me." He said, walking forward.

Crap! He's out of his mind. Kael thought as he turned to run.

Brin lunged forward with inhumane speed and tackled his right leg. Pain shot through him as Kael spun in the air. He hit the ground hard, air escaping him.

“Get up Kael.” Brin said. “We need to fight.”

Taking a good breath, Kael used his good leg to stand. “Brin, stop now.” He said. “Before you do something you'll regret.”

“I won’t regret anything.” Brin said, lunging at him.

Kael managed to jump to the right—evading Brin—but he lost his balance and fell, landing on his chest.

Quickly, Kael checked the rabbit. The landing caused to give a whimper. It was still breathing, but he needed to get him some herbs.

Brin attacked again. With no time to prepare, Kael stuck out his wounded leg in a kicking motion. It hit Brin square in the face and sent him flying back.

"Good.” Brin said. “Finally, you fight back.”

Kael stood and faced him, but a punch landed on his stomach causing him to kneel on the ground. A kick, sent Kael flying back.

“Fight. Fight. Fight." Brin Chanted as he approached and kicked Kael’s wounded leg repeatedly.

“S-stop.” Kael whispered, feeling intense pain then numbness. Brin continued to stomp, but Kael couldn’t feel his leg any longer.

Brin didn’t listen. He continued to chant and he sat on top of him, raising both hands. Kael saw how his blood vessels bulged and throb causing his arms to slowly expand—doubling in size. Then, Brin grabbed his neck and squeezed with unreal strength.

“S-stop.” Kael managed a whisper. Feeling his lungs pleading for air, he struggled to get free of Brin’s grasp. Fear sunk in. I’m going to die. He thought. I’m going to die. Kael stopped fighting. He no longer had the strength to do so.

Darkness filled him, but suddenly a voice rang inside him. Kael, you’re giving up now? His father’s image lit up the darkness and asked. I thought you promised you were going to surpass me. I’m disappointed in you. Giving up so easily. When you have the strength to fight back.

I don’ have any strength left dad.

You do. I left this in case you were close to dying. He said, pointing at an orb of light. It was a formation so complex the symbols just intertwined with each other. I know I left so suddenly and I wanted to say more. Just tap into it. It will give you strength. It’s the last thing I can do for you. Don’t give up, son. The figure gave a big smile then disappeared, leaving him alone with the orb.

Kael was confused and many question rang in his head. Was that even possible? Leaving a formation inside someone? He felt himself fading. He reached towards the orb and pulled it. A cold feeling washed through him; giving him strength.

Kael opened his eyes and tightened his fist and gave a hard punch. Brin let go and fell a few feet to the side. Kael gasped and coughed as he filled his lungs.

He turned and saw Brin stunned. His eyes had turned full black.

“Pain. So wonderful.” Brin said, smiling. “I need more.” He proceeded to claw at himself. His nails cutting deep into his own arms, ripping the skin clean in strips.

"Blood…So nice." He repeated in a whisper. “Blood, more blood. Pain…”

"Stop now, Brin." Kael said, watching in horror.

But it was in vain. Brin continue to tear at his own skin.

I got to stop him. Kael thought.

Taking a deep breath, he tightened his fist and punched him as hard as he could.

Brin fell, laughing and still clawing. Kael got on top of him and tried to hold his arm and yell out for help, but Brin overpowered him.

Kael steeled himself and punched him multiple times on his face trying to knock him out. Blood oozed and splashed with each punch. Kael even felt bone cracking—unsure if it was Brin’s or his—but he continued to punch. Brin never stopped smiling and laughing until he finally fainted.

Exhaustion spread throughout Kael's body—the rush of energy from the orb all gone. He sprawled on ground gasping for air, the pain hitting him, whispering at him to sleep. He willed himself up and walked in Dean's direction. They needed help.

The walk was a long one. Each step took everything he had. He fell several times, but got back up. His screams were just whispers and at one point he slowed to a crawl. Gripping and clawing at the loose ground he somehow managed to reach Dean's house. The light was on, which was good news—meant Dean was awake. Using the last bit of force in him he knocked on the door.

Waiting for the door to open seemed like an eternity. Finally, it creaked open and Dean rushed to him as soon as he noticed his wounds.

"Kael!" he screamed. "What happened to you?"

"The training...ground...Brin." He whispered before everything went black.

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