《The Immortal Mutant Teen》Chapter 109 - Demi-Humans


As Acheron and Rose neared the beautiful Yuki-onna in the blue kimono, Rose noticed something peculiar. While the demi-human stood there looking into the window, the people walking by were doing so while giving a wide margin of space between them and her.

Just as they neared 5 meters away from the woman, Rose found out the reason why people were staying away from her; she walked right into a wall of freezing air. Rose’s steps faltered at the sudden change of temperature; it was at least 20 degrees colder than what it was just now.

“This is the reason they have trouble finding lovers and husbands. Their bodies emit a freezing-like aura around them due to their low body temperature. They need to be in a warm place to meet people, especially males.” Acheron said noticing Rose faltering.

Sensing someone approaching her, the Yuki-onna slowly turned to look. Her eyes widen in surprise as an arachnoid seemed to be approaching her. Her head tilted in confusion the more she looked at the young man approaching her, was it an Arachnoid or an Insectoid? The young man had eight eyes, typical of Arachne and arachnoids but antennae weren’t found in arachnoids but insectoids. And the tail and hair were even weirder since insectoids don’t have hair and arachnoid’s hair is usually a shade of gray or black, and neither of them has a tail.

‘A new kind of demi-human perhaps?’ the yuki-onna thought.

She didn’t know the reason for this young demi-human to approach her, but she doesn’t have the time to deal with anyone, her life was on the line right now and she must keep all movements to a minimum. Her body was currently dropping in temperature fast, it didn’t help that it was winter, and she was new to Tokyo and couldn’t find the entrance or the club.

As she was about to turn to look away, Acheron extended his hand out to her. The yuki-onna looked at the hand and then at him, she gave him a questioning look but only received a nod with a smile.

Acheron saw as the Yuki-onna in front of him was hesitating on whether to take his hand or not. It was understandable, at her current temperature she could give frostbite to a regular human.

Yuki-onna tend to be silent and expressionless creatures due to being so cold, but they mostly show their emotions and intentions through their eyes. That’s why Acheron said nothing and just looked at her and smiled, but since his eyes were closed, he expressed his intentions with his smile.

While looking at the young man, the yuki-onna not sensing any bad intentions, raised her arm. The sound of ice crackling escaped from her joints as her hand moved towards Acheron’s hand.


The moment her hand touched his, the yuki-onna expected him to pull back his hand from how cold she is. Instead, Acheron held her hand tighter as she attempted to pull back instead. She was not prepared for how hot his hand was and pulled back unintentionally.

She looked up, only to see his warm smile and two eyes glowing red underneath his closed eyelids. The heat slowly spread from her hand, up her arm, and into her chest. Her once cold body quickly warmed up from head to toe, reaching the equilibrium she had so hard been trying to achieve.

Her look of surprise quickly turned into one of friendliness and gratefulness. Acheron softly let go and handed her a piece of paper from his pocket.

“Directions,” Acheron stated simply,

The yuki-onna needed no more and understood what he meant. She grabbed the piece of paper and bowed towards Acheron’s back as he walked away. Rose had just stood back and watched Acheron’s interaction with the demi-human the entire time, she did not say anything and just followed behind Acheron. She turned back to look at the yuki-onna, only to find some shards of ice on the ground and a ‘Thank You’ written on the shop’s glass.

“I spent hundreds of years learning the customs of each demi-human race. From the way they communicate, to how they seek partners or friends, their culture. There’s not a person alive that understands them more than I, yet not once have I killed any of them without a proper reason… yet humans and mutants fear them, hunt them, and kill them. It’s sad, really. But, what can I expect from a race that judges others by the color of their skin?

And I’m not saying demi-humans don’t do it either… As even now, the insectoids and all those with bug characteristics are hunted down and killed. The yuki-onna had no hate because she probably never met one before. Yet, why is it that demi-humans in general have to hide when they are the stronger species? Is it because of human’s weapons? Some races eat metals for breakfast and some that are bulletproof. Nukes and technology? There’s a race that thrives in radioactivity and what makes humans think they don’t share the same technology as them? Haha… they think just because they resemble monsters from their ‘Myths’ that they live in caves and forest, like savages? Laughable!...

What do you think, Rose?” Acheron asked,

Listening to what Acheron said, Rose had no idea how to answer Acheron. She was by all means just a regular human, at the peak of human potential, but still just a human. She doesn’t know that much about demi-humans other than the fact that they exist but… watching other humans and seeing how destructive and evil they can be, she has no right to judge anyone.


“I don’t know, Acheron-sama,” Rose said, almost like a whisper.

“Though we can rule this world… we are not gods…” Acheron said,

Just as Rose was about to say something, they were rudely interrupted. A group of young adults with piercings and tattoos walked out of the alley they were just walking by.

“Oi! Look at this hot babe!” One of them said as they blocked the way.

“Sweetheart, what don’t you leave this blind bug looking loser and I’ll show you my Batarang,” another said a cheesy pickup line,

Rose was ready to attack but Acheron stopped her with a smile.

“We don’t want any trouble, move out the way,” Acheron said, a clicking noise sounded from his throat.

“Heh! You don’t want any trouble? Then follow us or you will get hurt,” the leader looking one threatened, as he pulled out a switchblade

Acheron nodded, and Rose followed behind him as they were led deeper into the dark alley.

Once they were deep enough and away from the general public, the leader turned around, his knife still in his hand.

“Give all your clothes and that suitcase,” the punk leader said, a sadistic smile on his face.

Though Rose wore her costume mask and they couldn’t see her full face, just her body alone was enough to entice this group of degenerated. Also, Acheron seemed to be wearing expensive clothes and seemed to come from money.


“Did you hear what I said?!” Threatened the leader.

Acheron paid him no mind and looked around as if checking for something.

“Hey! Are you deaf too?!” exclaimed one of the other punks.

The leader pointed the knife at Acheron’s face and threatened one more time.

“I want everything you have… NOW! And also, leave that babe behind, we are going to have ourselves a Halloween party!” the leader said lewdly, his eyes scanning Rose’s body up and down.

Acheron started to laugh. He found this whole scenario incredibly funny.


“What's so funny?! Are you making fun of us?!” one of the punks asked,

“To think people like you actually exist! Like some 5th rate villain in a manga!” Acheron said,

“But, chose a good place… for you to die of course!”

Acheron’s hand shot out like lightning and gripped the leader's throat before lifting the 200-pound young man into the air.

“Hrrrk!” the sound of the man choking echoed through the alley.


“Let him go!” one of the punks had pulled out a pistol and was now threatening Acheron.

Rose by this time had stepped back and leaned her back against the wall as if watching a show.

Being behind Acheron, she saw as Acheron’s tail slowly slithered up his back and stopped just before his neck. The tip of the tale opened up and a spike, that was the length of a forearm, slowly came out.

“If you don’t let him go in three seconds, I’ll shoot! 3!….. 2!.... And-,”

The punk wasn’t able to finish because just as he was ending his countdown, Acheron’s tail flashed just above his shoulder and penetrated the skulls of all the punks in front of him.

The leader saw something flash by him and then the sound of bodies dropping was heard from behind him. He tried to struggle, his face was already red, and he could hardly breathe but the blind boy’s grip was supernatural, it was like an unmovable vice. He then saw as the boy's tail, which he thought was just part of the costume, retreated and the long spike was covered in blood and gray matter.

“You wanted my things, right?” Acheron asked, his voice was as casual as if this was a walk in the park.

The leader shook his head frantically, he wished he had never left his house today.

Acheron lowered the man back into the ground but instead of letting go, he forced him to his knees, his hand still holding onto the leader’s throat.

“If you want it so badly… You can have it!”

Acheron’s smile turned cold, as he took off his shoe with his free hand and raised it above his head.

Terror gripped the man’s heart as Acheron forced his mouth wide open. It was at this moment he realized he was not getting out of here alive. He wanted to scream, but it was already too late.


Rose turned away from the gory scene; it was a little too much for her. Acheron had forced his shoe all the way down to the punk’s stomach. The Punk leader’s head and neck was a gory mess, the jaw was unhinged and torn, only being held up by a strip of jaw muscle. His neck was shredded and bled like crazy as Acheron forced his spiked shoes down the man’s gullet, blood spraying everywhere.

With another sickening squish and splat, Acheron pulled his hand out from the man before grabbing his other shoe and finishing what he had already started.

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