《The Immortal Mutant Teen》Chapter 107 - Promise Kept


The band began to play, it was a slow rhythm from the bass and the drums with slight notes being played from the keys. Acheron, on the other hand, stood there in front of the mic his head down as if waiting for something. Acheron looked up, opened his mouth, and began to sing in English.

[Standing in the rain, with his head hung low

Couldn't get a ticket, it was a sold-out show

Heard the roar of the crowd,]

The arena began to make noise as he sang those words. As if on cue, the adults started to stand up. The wives and mistresses, mothers and their older daughters, began to undo their hairs and undid a button or two on their blouses. The men undid their ties and bowties while also undoing some buttons on their shirts.

Their children and those they sponsored began to turn wide-eyed at the sudden turn of events. They weren't expecting this kind of behavior from their parent or sponsors.

[He could picture the scene,

Put his ear to the wall~, then like a distant scream~

He heard one guitar, just blew him away]

Acheron began to play his guitar with a loud strum, some leaned back as if suddenly hit with a gust of wind.

[He saw stars in his eyes~, and the very next day~

Bought a beat-up six-string,]

Acheron stopped playing and the music went back to just the band playing behind him.

[ In a secondhand store,

Didn't know how to play it, but he knew for sure

That one guitar,]

Acheron strummed the guitar again as he continued to sing.

[Felt good in his hands,

Didn't take long, to understand

Just one guitar slung way down low

Was a one-way ticket, only one way to go

So he started rockin', ain't never gonna stop]

The song picked up speed and the Colosseum went wild. Some women jumped up and down while others whipped their long hair around. The men took off their jackets and began to spin them in the air.

While the girls took notice of this unnatural event, they couldn't help but smile and laugh, everyone except for Sakura as she watched in both horror and amusement as her father lost his mind in front of her. This was a famous and prestigious CEO! Why are you taking your clothes off and twirling them in the air, like a teen in a concert?!

[Gotta keep on rockin', someday gonna make it to the top

And be a Juke! Box! Hero!,]

The band behind Acheron leaned into their mic and sang along with the chorus.


(Got stars in his eyes~)

[He's a Juke! Box! Hero! He took one guitar]

(Juke! Box! Hero!, stars in his eyes~)

[Juke! Box! Hero!]

(Stars in his eyes~)

[He'll come alive tonight]

Unbeknownst to everyone in attendance, while the song slowed down again, Acheron reached into his pocket and pressed a button on his ghost box. No one knew that up above everyone, small boxes lined the top of the entire Colosseum.

[In a town without a name, in a heavy downpour

Thought he passed his own shadow, by the backstage door

Like a trip through the past, to that day in the rain

And that one guitar, made his whole life change

Now he needs to keep on rockin', he just can't stop

Gotta keep on rockin', that boy has got to stay on top!

And be a Juke! Box! Hero!]

Now, it wasn't just the band singing, every in the audience sang the chorus. The children who were first shocked about the adults going crazy got swept up in the frenzy and also began to enjoy it like them. This also included the group of girls that arrived with Acheron, the ones that seemed to be having the most fun the most was the Student President and Rose as they threw rock signs with their hands and whipped their hair all over the place.

(Got stars in his eyes)

[He's a Juke! Box! Hero!]

(Got stars in his eyes)

Yeah~!, Juke! Box! Hero!,]

(Stars in his eyes)

The boxes up above started to open up and metal rods began to rise from inside the boxes.

[With that one guitar]

(stars in his eyes)

[He'll come alive, come alive tonight, woah~]

Acheron stepped back from the mic and stepped onto a pedal on the floor as he began his guitar solo. Underneath his eyelids, Acheron's blue eyes flashed with electricity, he channeled a small current into his guitar, had it travel towards the small device and…


Acheron pointed his guitar towards the sky as an arc of lighting flew into the air and hit one of the rods that were on top of the Colosseum. Screams of surprise and awe rang throughout the audience. Every note Acheron played sent another arc of lighting into a different rod, each note amplified by the lightning just like when music is made with tesla coils.

Everyone looked in awe at the spectacular show in front of them. Currently, Acheron looked like the god of lightning and rock and roll but then Acheron's hands slowly began to smoke. Few people had begun to notice and started to point it out to those near.


Some people started to worry as they thought Acheron was starting to get cooked because of the current that could be passing through him, but Acheron had other plans. Once again, underneath Acheron's eyelids, Acheron's red eyes were already glowing. Just as the last note and the last arc of lighting escaped the guitar,


Acheron's guitar caught in a blaze of purple fire. The screams and cheers of hundreds in attendance were raised to a completely new level, so much, that the Colosseum trembled just a tiny bit. Acheron then stepped towards the mic again and continued to sing.

[Yeah, he's gotta keep on rockin', just can't stop

Gotta keep on rockin', that boy has got to stay on top]

This time there wasn't a single person in that entire Colosseum that didn't sing along with Acheron.

[And be a Juke! Box! Hero!]

(Got stars in his eyes~)

[He's a Juke! Box! Hero!]

(Got stars in his eyes~, Just one guitar!)

Juke! Box! Hero!

(Got stars in his eyes)

[How he's just a Juke! Box! Hero!, (aah~ aah~ aah~)

Juke! Box! (stars) Hero!, (stars, stars) jukebox hero, (stars, stars)

He's got stars in his eyes, stars in his eyes]

The song ended and the crowd set on another frenzy, hundreds of people students and adults gave Acheron a standing ovation. They chanted his name, they whistled, they screamed and cheered. Acheron slung the guitar on his back before walking up to the edge of the stage. He spread his arms wide receiving all the adoration as if basking in the sun.

Suddenly, something dropped in front of him. Acheron looked and smirked, it was a pair of panties. As if on cue, panties and bras started to rain down into the arena. Acheron had to dodge a couple that almost hit him in the face, the band hurried out of the arena and into the tunnels, while Acheron took his time waving at the crowd.

'Old friends, my promise has been kept...' Acheron thought as he proceeded to tap his watch.

Back in Acheron's home, on the fourth floor also known as 'The Vault', a small metallic drawer with an old cassette tape in it slowly came to close. The hissing sound of an airlock engaging and a small click signaling the sealing of the item for who knows how long.

Acheron turned to look at the group of girls, only to burst into laughter. Rose and Akeno seemed to be struggling as they attempted to stop Amazoness from removing her panties from her already revealing slutty maid outfit. Sakura could be seen grabbing Kotone's hand as she shook her head 'no' towards her. While President Akira covered the eyes of an already blushing Vice President.

Sakura's father, on the other hand, seemed to be slowly regaining awareness of what has just transpired along with the hundreds of adults who were also affected by Acheron's hypnosis. When the adults, especially the women, realized what they have done in front of all these children, and on international stream no less, quickly escaped from the Colosseum not even bothering to attempt to reclaim their lost underwear that was currently in a sea of panties and bras down below.

Acheron met up with the girls outside of the Colosseum. Before they could congratulate him or berate him, a loud cawing sound from above interrupted them.

Acheron looked up to see a murder of crows slowly lowering a black and red suitcase in front of the group.

The crows flew up and stood by on the trees and powerlines nearby, all except for one. Acheron walked up to the suitcase with a crow standing on it. The crow cocked its head and scanned those behind Acheron.

"Fuck me dead! Its true!" Sakura exclaimed as she jumped back in surprise.

She had noticed the beady black eyes of the crow turning read and expanding and contracting in size like a camera lens.

Ignoring the commotion Sakura was creating behind him, Acheron squatted down to eye level of the crow.

"Is it ready, Hela?" Acheron asked,

The crow's mouth opened and instead of a cawing sound, the voice of a little girl came out.

"Of course, Daddy! Everything went according to our design, these are the first working prototypes," Hela said, as she was the one currently controlling the crows.

"Daddy?!?!?!" some girls exclaimed from behind Acheron.

"Good, you had your fun, now return the crows, you know they're dangerous," Acheron said as he tapped the crow's head with his finger.

"Yes, Dad~" Hela responded a little unwillingly, before having the crow take off along with the rest of the murder.

Acheron shook his head with a wry smile as he watched the crows leave. Those were 'bomber' crows, each had an intricate system packed with Azidoazide azide. Like all azides, it reacts with water to emit a highly explosive, highly toxic hydrogen azide. Azidoazide azide has been called "the most dangerous explosive material in the world." And she just brought a whole murder of those exact crows. To a school. For fun.

Acheron chuckled,

"Crazy girl…"

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