《Virago》Chapter 16


Sitting outside I was going to try something new. My manipulation has improved over the weeks, but it’s still an excruciatingly slow process.

I still gathered mana at a slow trickle, and I can only make it flow like a viscous sludge clogging through a pipe.

My biggest problem though is my lack of understanding.

The only thing I could remember that has any effect on space is gravity.

And the best example is black holes that scientists claim even have space-time anomalies the closer you get to them. The sheer mass and gravitational pull from them is enough to distort reality itself, according to some theories.

So my plan is simple since a part of this is hocus pocus based on images and intent. I'm going to try invoking the most powerful image I can think of and hope it will increase my paltry gathering speed at least. I hope that my understanding on what a black hole is sufficient enough that it actually has an effect.

Focusing my mind completely on making an image of a black hole, I try to encapsulate everything I know about them. Concentrated mass of preposterous proportions, a gravitational pull that is stronger than light itself. I remembered some of the feelings from my awakening and I was focusing on the pulling and pressure part that I felt. It should pull everything around it towards itself while having an earth-shattering pressure at its core. The closer you get to it the stronger the pull, and when you get into its event horizon there is no turning back.

Creating that image was easier said than done. The picture wasn’t clear in my head and I could feel it’s instability. But the slight increase in space mana that I was pulling showed that it was a success.

I felt a strain on my mind after a couple of minutes, and when I came out of it I was drenched in sweat.

Smiling to myself from my progress and joy of achieving what I set out for, kinda.

The exertion from my attempt was vastly more than my gains, but it showed me that I was on the right track. Before I was completely lost on what space was. I still am, but now I have an avenue to explore and improve.

Standing up I decided to do some physical training while my mind rested. I really wanted to take a break for today, but I wouldn’t make any progress if I was content with every minor success or stopped for any drawbacks for that matter.

‘A healthy body behests a healthy mind, or something like that.’

I thought to myself while doing push-ups in the garden.

When I was feeling the burn in my muscles I tried to invigorate them with mana, it helped me push out a dozen more than I could without. But it exacerbated my headache while making me dizzy.

Guess I had overexerted my soul, I wasn’t used to the drain my new image put on me.

Standing up i was going inside when I saw Nyla stepping out to train, she looked embarrassed at my bare chest. I didn’t like sweating in the rough linen shirt, I didn’t really like to wear it at all. It was so rough…

Since it was so warm out anyway I decided to just go shirtless from now on when I would train in the sun. The looks I got from the girls seemed like an added bonus.


She shuffled where she stood before hesitantly said.

“You're done for now?”

“Yeah, I tried something new. Was very tiring.”

Nyla deflated a little while nodding and going outside.

I was curious about her reaction, but with my headache the only thing on my head was going inside and taking a nap.


Cassandra had just come home after visiting the guild. She saw a very lucrative mission posted and was ready to hit the road again.

The group had gotten way too comfortable relaxing at home with Alex, they would lose their edge if they didn’t hone themselves in real combat. Those two extermination missions they took were close to the city and weren’t meant for veterans as there aren’t any real threats that close. Just some vermin goblin infestations getting too close to the farms.

The real deal is in the danger zones that have higher mana concentration.

Monsters and treasures can’t grow in populated spaces where the mage tower had siphoned most of the mana so that it would be livable for regular people, plus power the city-wide arrays and their experiments.

If it wasn’t for those advancements humanity wouldn’t be able to expand towards the

endless forest. Creating new opportunities and frontiers.

Calling a meeting with the rest of the crew.

“Our vacation has been long enough, there was a mission posted about a new cave with earth crystals recently discovered. They needed an extermination squad that could clear out the cave for any monsters residing there.”

“Where is it?”

Inara asked.

“It’s towards westridge plateau, they are sending a preliminary party that will set up camp and prepare the whole endeavor. I got us in as a part of the escort group and took the extermination mission at the same time. The reward is very generous since there has been a shortage of earth crystals lately.”

Nyla was nodding along ready to get going, she was eager to get her blood pumping again.

Inara and Lyria looked more hesitant.

“But this mission would last at least three weeks.”

Inara spoke up with some reservations.

“This mission should be easier than the last one we took to the forest, and it pays even better. We can’t sit at home on our laurels, if we stop now we are never getting up to elite status.”

Cassandra refuted Inara while looking reproachfully at her and Lyria who were clearly not enticed.

“What’s wrong, you would have jumped in seconds on this opportunity before.”

Lyria hesitantly answered.

“But what about Alex, he isn’t completely set in yet. Wouldn’t it be good to take a few more easy missions and do the harder ones after he is more comfortable with the language and city?”

Cassandra could only sigh at her.

“He has to take care of himself sometimes anyway, it’s better he gets used to our lifestyle early. We are leaving tomorrow, this is an express mission. You can spend today setting everything up.”

Lyria and Inara resigned themselves, this should be an exciting opportunity but they still sulked.

Inara even muttered to herself.

“Not fair, tomorrow is my turn...”

Cassandra could only shake her head while getting up from her seat.

“I’m going to pack and get everything ready. I suggest you do the same.”

They were getting way too mushy for her liking, she had to whip them into shape on this foray.


Lyria was frantic after the meeting, there was so much to do.


This was honestly the best mission they ever gotten so it was understandable that Cassandra picked it without discussing it with them.

An express mission was a hot commodity that got snatched up the second they were posted for their lucrative bonuses.

She still didn’t feel comfortable leaving Alex at home alone so soon. He was barely acquainted with the city and being left alone for up to a month was a long time. So many things could happen.

Lyria was packing as fast as she could while getting everything she needed ready.

She didn’t have time to waste, it was important to teach and show Alex everything he needed to know before the day ended. There was just to little time. Why didn’t she do this earlier, she was lost in the moment and completely neglected to prepare him for this possibility.

She always knew that they would get back to their usual routine someday, but it came to fast.

While worrying her heart out she stormed out of the room towards the backyard where he was usually training at this time of day.

Coming outside she saw him sitting shirtless in the sun meditating, there was a slight distortion flickering around him at random intervals. She lost herself for a moment looking at his bare body that was glistening in sweat.

‘No focus, you can enjoy him tonight. This will be the last time for a while though...’


He opened his eyes when he heard her voice, he visibly grimaced while putting his hand on his head.

Lyria worriedly ran up to him seeing him like that.

“What's wrong? What happened?”

Giving her a strained smile.

“Nothing, I’m working on new image for space.”

So that was what the distortion was, but it seemed like it was in its infantile state with how unstable and minuscule its effect was. It was still extremely impressive that he was moving so fast in his training, most waited a year before they had enough clarity and understanding for an image to manifest.

“You shouldn’t force an image so early, especially for space. Building up a reserve of space mana that can reinforce the image would make it a lot easier and without the headaches, if it’s properly done.”

He bashfully scratched his head while muttering.

“But it’s so slow without… Anyway what’s up?”

Again he talked in his weird terms, couldn’t he just say what’s going on or something…

“We took an extensive mission, it will likely take over three weeks to complete...”

He looked surprised for a second before asking.

“Can I come along, it seems like a long time.”

Shaking her head she looked sadly at him.

“No we can’t bring people on this expedition, besides it’s too dangerous.”

He shifted in his pose while looking uncertain.

“I’m going to show you around the city again, we can also go to the monastery and if you’d like you could stay there as well. I think it would be better than being alone at the house for so long...”

While explaining her plan Inara burst through the door.


She dramatically yelled out his name before seeing Lyria standing there with him and slowing down.

“Ohhh, Your already here.”

“Yeah, I just told him.”

Inara nodded to Lyria before looking unusually stoic.

“You have to stay away from ruff women, if they give you trouble ignore them and walk away. Don’t walk in deserted streets or shady looking parts of town. Never go inside an alley and never ever go outside when it’s night time.”

She continued peppering him like a concerned parent with an innocent teenage girl that would stay alone at home for the first time.

After she barraged him with everything she could think of.

“Damn it, why don’t we have reliable friends that could take care of him while we are gone...”

Grumbling to herself Inara was pacing around getting more worried for every scenario she laid out for Alex.

“Actually I thought about letting him stay at the monastery while we are away, I think it would be good for him to be around people so he can practice Valerian and not be stuck alone.”

Inara looked thoughtfully at Lyria.

“Yeah, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. It’s not like those chaste priestesses would try something funny.”

Nodding to herself Inara was again making her own plans in her head, muttering to herself.

“And then I know who to blame if anything happens.”

Lyria was horrified when she caught what she said.

“No Inara! You're not doing anything, and nothing is going to happen.”

Lifting her hands in defense.

“No I was just joking, relax.”

Inara awkwardly laughed while waving her hands in denial.

Lyria could only take a page out of Cassandra's book and sigh at her.

“Sometimes I wonder what goes through your head… I’m sorry Alex, I would’ve liked for us to stay at home for a few weeks longer, but duty calls.”

"It's okay I understand."

Alex answered sadly.

Inara decided to tag along with them, they went from the house and towards the monastery while Inara and Lyria tried to point out anything that might be relevant for his stay alone.

They pointed out the stores and taught him what things where worth, the money was copper coins, silver, gold and lastly mana crystals. It traded ten for one and crystals had several grades as well, but crystals were mostly used for runic gear or resources. Only things pertaining to the gifted would cost in mana crystals usually.

Eris was really open about letting Alex stay with them. She said it would be nice to have a guy around for once.

When they were getting back home towards the evening Inara couldn’t keep her big mouth shut.

“Hey, how about we go for a threesome tonight.”

She was wiggling her eyebrows while saying it.

“What? No! How can you be so shameless.”

Lyria was feeling exasperated with her now, looking at Alex for help she felt shocked that he was looking intensely at Inara while his nostrils flared, before he looked pleadingly towards her.

When he noticed the incredulous look she gave him he coughed while looking embarrassed.

“Sorry Inara, maybe another time.”

Oh my god, he was just as shameless as Inara, how could a guy be so frivolous.

Well he did jump her the first time he saw her naked.

“But this will be the last time in a while, you would have joined if it was my turn.”

Inara pouted.

“It wouldn’t have come up if it was your turn.”

She felt slightly bad about shutting down Inara like that, since she planned to thoroughly enjoy herself tonight, but just slightly.

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