《Overlord - The Beast of the Apocalypse》Chapter 005 - Enter Fairy and Blood Elf


Overlord - The Beast of the Apocalypse

Hey Guys. Here is the fifth chapter.

ENJOY! And for everyone who was asking why Overlord didn't make a whole bunch of Swarms or millions of Pillars. The answer is quite simple. While he could do that, he does not trust anyone, so why would he risk creating a force that could one day betray him and possibly defeat him? Something that would be able to destroy all of the Gods would also have the ability to seal or banish him from this plane of existence.

So that is why Overlord is taking his time with his revenge. After all Revenge is best at Absolute Zero(science expression, it's like -459 degrees Fahrenheit)...............Also if he just created a whole bunch of Swarms, then this story would be over after a single chapter, and I know that no one wants that.

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Chapter 5

Overlord POV

I groaned slightly as I stretched my arms. Playing the moronic fool was really tiring. I had given a quick reminder of my status to Minerva and Dimitri, due to their laughing at me and that was also rather tiring.

I wasn't too harsh, simply because what they experienced watching me acting like a fool, was similar to what I would experience if Sebastian put on a tutu and started dancing like a moron. If I was capable of being amused, then that would definitely be what would amuse me.

Anyway, they are now back to their normal respectful selves. Although honestly, Minerva and Dimitri were always the least respectful out of all of the Pillars. Dimitri because he was so obsessed with experiments, new specimens, and genetic manipulation, that he never really paid to much attention to anything else.

Minerva was also rather disrespectful because she was such a bloodthirsty maniac. She was a warrior through and through, never seeing the point unless it involved killing someone immediately.

Whatever. I have more important things to do. To keep up my disguise I will have to continue to act like a merchant. That means boring trips to the marketplace, and haggling with human trash. It is obnoxious but bearable. Later on today we will meet with Sharil and find the seal.........if it exists.

Thravis POV

I quickly assumed the nonchalant attitude from the day before. It was imperative that everyone see me as a fool. My face reverted to the serious face of the Overlord for a moment as I spoke.

"Allright. Septimus, today you will contact Sharil and bring her to a meeting point of pre-determined orgin. Sebastian, Dimitri, Minerva, and Shakira will accompany me on a shopping spree. If you get bored then deal with it. Your job is to protect me from any threats. Make sure your power is hidden so that it appears you are only S-ranked demons. Feel free to look tough and snarl at any obnoxious humans."

With that I reverted to the obnoxiously perfect smile that Thravis wore and turned before walking out the door, with my subordinates following behind me. It was time to play the merchant.

I led them down the stairs, and through the tavern ignoring the fearful and admiring looks from the rich patrons. Pathetic. They have absolutely no style. They should at least try and contain their fear.

We walked through the streets, stopping frequently to look at and buy worthless merchandise, under the pretense that we would sell it for double the cost in my home country. The streets were crowded but the humans quickly parted whenever we moved close to them.


I am having Dimitri carry the bags of items, while Minerva, and Shakira walk behind me on either side and Sebastian walks beside me. This is boring, having to play the young j*ck*ss who buys crap to sell it as expensive crap.

But then I felt something. It was a faint spark of power. One like I had not felt for nearly a million years. It came from a fairy. The Fairies were Irenia's greatest creation. They were few in number, and stayed far away from the Demon Continent. They were beings who dwelt in the light, the darkness and horrors of the Demon Continent did not suit them.

Fairies were magical spirits who could take a human form with the exception of wings and a strange air about them. Even though Irenia was blind, she created the fairies so that they were all beautiful, and had strong magical powers. Fairies possessed a strange magic that not even I fully understood, it came directly from Irenia and was not bound by the usual laws of magic.

I turned and walked down the alleyway that the faint trail of power was coming from. I could tell the others were confused, but it didn't matter. They were here to protect me, no matter what I did, their job remained unchanged.

Hmm. So this is the shop the power is coming from. It is a shady looking storefront, with a slightly rundown enterance.

Interesting. It is called Slaves4U.......... Really? That is the best name they could come up with? Pathetic. Even just entering a shop with a name this bad is embarrasing........Or it would be if I could feel embarrassed. What I felt earlier was just immense irritation at having to act like a fool. I pride myself on my control, so acting like a fool, is similar to a vegetarian going out and eating several steaks(Real Meat Steaks, not that Tofu stuff).

I entered the shop and glanced around. It was rather dark, and there were cages all over the place with slaves sitting inside them. It was a rather dark and depressing atmosphere........I liked it. It was a suitable place to keep slaves. But I didn't come here to look at the store, I came here to find the source of that spark.

"Ah. How may I serve you Master?"

I turned to find a rather short, fat, and bald man looking up at me. From his clothes it seemed he was the owner of the shop. Hmm. He has a shifty appearence. I should be careful, and not let anything slip.

"I am just browsing. I will probably have a few questions about the slaves I wish to purchase. You may answer them then."

"Of course."

I watched as his face turned pale when he saw Minerva and Shakira enter behind me. Hmph. It seems that all humans instinctively fear demons after all. Well it is not a suprise. Even the weakest of demons is stronger than the average human.

Whatever. I walked deeper into the store, heading for the darkest corner, where two cages were located. Ah, there she is. No wonder no one has bought her.

I crouched down and looked into the cage at her. It was a fairy in the form of a little girl, but she had been horribly mutilated. Both her hands and feet had been cut off, and her body was covered with horrible burns and too many scars to count. She also had stubs of wings on her back, leading me to the conclusion that her wings had been ripped out.


I suppose I could buy and heal her. She could serve as a comfort for Harak, once we release him, and before we find Irenia. Normally, Harak would be devestated at finding out that Irenia was still sealed and would become unstoppable in his search for his wife, but perhaps the fairy girl would calm him down some. He always had a soft spot for Irenia's creations.

And I suppose that even if she wouldn't calm down Harak, I would still save her. Not out of some misguided sense of pity, but because she is a creation of my true friend, who fought for me and was defeated and sealed by her companions. Yes. I began to reach through the bars of the cage when.


Huh. What the hell? I glanced into the other cage and jerked back my head as a pair of small hands tried to gouge out my eyes. Well. That was unexpected. I looked into the other cage to see another small girl, although this one was probably a couple years older and was definitely not a fairy. From her ears and fangs, I would say she is one of the rare Blood Elves.

Minerva grabbed her cage and tightened her fists, crunching the metal bars like they were made out of paper, her snake-hair hissing and trying to bite the little blood elf.


"Calm down Minerva. No real harm was done. If she posed an actual threat I would have eliminated her immediately."

Minerva glared at the girl for a few seconds before reluctantly nodding her head and releasing the bent cage bars. I turned to face the furious little Blood ELf and questioned her.

"Why? Why should I listen to you or your pathetic demands? Give me a good reason and I will consider it."

"Because I am the only friend she has and if you take her away she will lose all emotional support and become a walking fairy golem, without any reason to live!"

Oh. That is a suprisingly good reason. It seems that the little Blood Elf believes that she is the only thing that is keeping the little maimed fairy alive. Hmm. I reach out and use magic to read the little fairy's mind.

It seems that the Blood Elf is correct. Her connection to the fairy is the only reason that she hasn't died yet. Ugh. How annoying. Now I will have to buy both of them, so that I can use the fairy to pacify Harak, at least for a while.

"Hey, I'll take these two slaves. How much for both of them?"

"Hmm? Are You Sure? I was getting ready to dispose of the two of them. The Fairy is useless even as a sex-slave, due to her condition, and no one wants the Blood Elf, because she has killed the last four people who bought her, despite the slave crest."

Oh, that is interesting. To be able to endure the pain the slave crest causes when you try and disobey an order is praiseworthy, but to actually manage to kill your master and survive is pretty much impossible.

I wonder if she uses the fairy as her link to reality, just as the fairy uses her. I suppose that makes sense. It would explain why neither of them have died or gone insane.

Ugh. This is a waste of time. "I don't care. I will take both of them. How much?"

"Hmm. Well if you don't mind being killed then that is your decision. 30 Silvers for the Fairy, and 1 gold for the Blood ELf."

"Aren't you trying to cheat me? You just said that you were getting ready to kill them. Whatever. I don't have time for this. Here. Now give me the slave crests and get lost."

I tossed the money at him, before reaching out to grab the slave crests he offered. I reached into the cage and placed it on the fairy's chest before cutting my finger and allowing a drop of blood to fall on it, claiming her as mine.

I turned to the Blood Elf, only to watch Minerva rip apart the metal cage and drag her out, before offering her to me. I sighed and repeated the process.

It seems that Minerva really doesn't like the Blood Elf.........Or anyone else who would try and attack me, for that matter. Well, I suppose that we had done enough shopping to hold our cover. I could fix up both of the new slaves and still have time for a good dinner before going to meet Sharil, and Septimus.

I stood and brushed the dust off of my clothes. "Sebastian. I would appreciate it if you began to prepare my dinner. Shakira, please pick up the fairy and follow me. Minerva, you take the Blood Elf and follow me as well."

I had ordered Shakira to take the fairy because she was definitely more gentle and aware of her strength than Minerva.Minerva might accidentally squish her to a pulp, because she was so freaking strong. Just because her fighting style was based upon speed, it didn't mean she was weak, in reality her strength was what allowed her to move so fast.

It was easy to see her muscles, as she only wore a light scale armor to cover her breasts and parts of her legs and arms. It completely exposed her muscled stomach among other things.

Huh. That is strange. I glanced down and willed my d*ck to settle back down. Odd. I have never once desired sex in my entire life. It was simply a way to feel pleasure and reproduce. I was never interested because I thought of feeling as a waste of time, and was able to create creatures with magic, so for me sex was useless.

Why would I feel the urge to mate now? Perhaps it is because of this human body?

Yes. That makes sense. Each body is prone to certain instinctual desires, such as food, drink, and sex. However, my demon form did not feel the urge to mate, because demons are immortal and have much better control over their emotions. That is especially true of the higher demons, as they are able to have absolute control over their emotions, if they don't want to feel something then they do not.

That does not mean that they can't have sex. It just means that if they don't want to, they can completely remove desire from their body. I had been doing that unconsciously for nearly a million years, so it was no wonder that this excitement came as a suprise.

It seems that humans have much less control over their bodies than other intelligent creatures, with the exception of the beast people. That is a rather bad design flaw. Those f*cking gods really messed up my original design. Once they had sealed me, they had obviously made several different changes to all of the humans I had created, or at least to their offspring.

Hmph. They really have no idea how to do anything correctly. And that is yet another reason why they should not exist. Of course I was going to get rid of them anyway, but even if I wasn't the changes they made to my creations were reason enough to destroy them.

I dropped that line of thought as I led the way back to the tavern and our room. Hmm. I would have to completely reconstruct the fairy's body and regenerate her missing appendages. Perhaps I would make some changes to her genetic code, some of it seems to be altered or corrupted. Strange.

I led them quickly up the stairs and into the room, where I had Shakira and Minerva deposit them on the bed. I think that I will start with the little fairy first. I quickly straightened her body on the bed, and removed the Blood Elf to the other bed.

The little fairy looked up at me with tear filled eyes, full of terror. I suppose if I were in her situation I would be terrified too.

"This is going to hurt a lot. But bear with it and I will restore your body."

She stared up at me for a few moments before slowly nodding her head. Whatever. I was going to heal her whether she wanted me to or not. She is a necessary peice in my revised plan, so her opinion does not matter.

I raised my hands above her body and concentrated, letting the power gather in my hands before sending it into her body. I closed my eyes and invisioned what would happen.

Most of the humans, gods, and other species used and created different spells to perform magic. But they were actually pretty clueless about what magic actually was.

Spells did allow you to use magic, by imprinting a certain image in your mind when you recited them, and allowing the magic to take that form. They were only able to use magic inefficently because they relied on spells to create an image, instead of creating that image themselves.

I envisioned what I wanted to happen, and the magic did what I had envisioned. It was as simple as that. Spells were usefull as cheat codes, where you recited a buch of stuff and got a predetermined reaction, but true magic was using power to create or alter an object to match your desires.

I concentrated, and watched in my mind as the fairy's body hovered in the air, before having all of her skin and flesh stripped off, leaving only her bones and organs.

Hmm. It seems some dark curses have affected her body, corrupting her genetic code. I quickly burned all her flesh and skin to a crisp before fixing and improving her internal organs, extending their life spans and making them far more efficient than they were before.

Then I began working on her skeleton, regenerating her missing appendages and changing her bone structure. Instead of making them harder, I made her bones softer and more flexible, giving them a rubber like consistency that went well with her small flexible form. This way, it would be almost impossible for her bones to be broken and most attacks would only be able to bend her bones, before allowing them to revert back into their original form.

Hmm. Now that that was done, I merely had to reconstruct her flesh and skin. I envisioned flesh, muscle, veins, and nerves spreading along her bones, recreating her physical form. It took mere moments, but flesh covered her entire body, completely encasing her body.

I looked at it for a few moments, before accelerating her natural healing factor, and infusing mana into her body, giving it more strength and durability. And now that I was finished, all that was left was to grow her skin and hair.

I created a small patch of normal skin, before altering it to my desires. I made it a light silver, as well as giving it some reflective properties, giving the illusion that it was shining. I then increased the molecular density and thickness, making it soft and supple but at the same time nearly impenetrable from stabbing wounds. I then replicated that patch of skin and allowed it to cover her entire body.

I released a small sigh, as I finished, now all that was left was to grow her hair, and replace her wings. I decided to make it similar to her skin, so that it would complete the sparkling illusion one recieved from looking at her.

I made her hair a silver-white, and grew it to her shoulders, before flipping her body and beginning to work on her wings. I re-created her wings so that they should be virtually indestructible from natural forces, only extreme magic would be able to damage them. I made them so that they would resemble butterfly wings, since them melded with her small form better than bug or bird wings.

I leaned back and opened my eyes with a deep sigh. That was over, and her body was now perfect. Hopefully, this would help pacify Harak until we managed to find and free Irenia.


I glanced at the little fairy girl who currently had a death grip on my arm, it was like she was trying to hug the life out of it. I looked down into her smiling tear filled eyes and groaned inwardly, something tells me that this one is really going to give me a headache.

"Whatever. What's your name?"

"I am Lucy. Thank you very much for healing me! No one besides Marie has ever been kind to me before."

Huh. Oh, I guess Marie is the little Blood Elf. Hmm. Maybe I should do some changes to her biological structure after tonight. I watched as they both hugged each other and cried. Ugh, why do I feel like I want to throw up.

By the way this is what Lucy and Marie look like now.

Lucy - http://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=160408

Marie - http://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=455198

Ugh. I looked at the both of them and for some reason got the feeling that they were going to be more troublesome than this freaking Thravis character I had to play. Whatever. I will still complete both the plan and the mission. No matter the obstructions.

Well, I suppose now we should go meet Septimus and Sharil. I wonder what we should do with Lucy and Marie. Hmm


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