《A Slayer’s Diary》Day 4,571


Day 4,571

It's been three days since we left the unknown village.

Our journey has been relatively quiet and peaceful, but I still couldn't shake the feeling that we are being watched. In fact, it has only grown stronger with each passing day. Of course, I didn't mention this to anyone. They wouldn't believe me, and I don't want them to think I'm losing my mind.

There is nothing much to say here. It has become a little boring lately, and the company of Eina and my other friends is the sole thing keeping me focused. Slayers are aggressive by nature, and we are not accustomed to uneventful journeys. We always like a fight. Even the mercenaries are getting restless.

Of course, that's not to say I want trouble. The gods know I hate trouble. Perhaps I'm just craving for a good fight, something I've not had in a long time. Too long a time.

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