《A Slayer’s Diary》Day 4,568


Day 4,568

We found an abandoned mine in the mountains, akong with a nest of Frugruns

It seems the tower we saw from the village yesterday was some sort of outpost just like the first one we found four days ago. The second one is smaller compared to that, but it is still standing, albeit in a decrepit state. Nature had already reclaimed it, and at first it looked like a weird branchless tree until we hacked away at the vines covering the base and entrance.

We found nothing worthy of attention inside, so we left and continued our exploration. There were ten of us: myself, a Ranger named Oris, three mages, a healer, a few escorts, and Eina. We trekked into the mountain until we discovered an old mine shaft.

The mine was obviously abandoned, and most of its tunnels had already collapsed. But many of the trolleys still had ores in them. The miners and overseers had probably abandoned them in a hurry.

There was only one thing we found interesting while searching its various rooms: an old map of what we assumed was the entire Untamed Lands. However, it was mostly faded from time, and we could barely decipher its contents. Even so, we decided to take it back. Perhaps our cartographers could make sense of it.

Along the way, we encountered a family of Frugruns and their nest. It was a relatively easy fight—the rat-like creatures might be as large as a grown man, but they were easily frightened. In the end, we managed to slay all of them and destroy the nest.

After returning to the camp and reporting our discoveries to Adren, I retired to my room. We will be leaving early tomorrow, and I will need ample rest for another long journey.

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