《The Empyrean Overlord》Chapter 35 Medical Master(1)


Author’s note: Chapter is sponsored by Noremac, Lorenzo M, John M, and Abdirahman A! :)

Host’s note: I host this, not write it \o/

The night slowly washed away the evening’s memories as a new day arrived once more.

Jin Xia slowly opened his eyes as he let out a light breath. The misty air in his room quickly dissipated after a few moments.

“Only at the peak of Spiritual Dan 5th stage…still a bit slow…” Jin Xia muttered as he got up and left his room.

Looking out the silk covered window, Jin Xia thought to himself: “Those two who were outside my room last night…I wonder what they were up to. Sighh…to think my last feat would have attracted so many unnecessary people here. Fortunately, it seems like those people have already left this large area.”

Having scoured the entire city and a few miles beyond with his soul, Jin Xia had been keeping tally on all those experts who came swarming towards Kaitech Mountain, from the start. With his powerful soul, he was not afraid of being detected by another cultivator.

Unless, that person was nearing the Supreme realm, detecting a fragment of Jin Xia’s soul would be exceedingly difficult.

But if such an expert did appear here, then perhaps Jin Xia would have already been captured long ago. The sensing ability and methods of a being of that caliber was not a joke, after all…

As such, with him being vigilant, Jin Xia had naturally noticed Zhou He and Luo Yi last night. However, as none of them made a move, Jin Xia had left them be, in order to keep a low profile for now.

Meeting Hu Feng outside of the inn, the two exchanged a brief greeting before they started strolling around the city once again.

At the same time, in another area of Red Sun City, there were several people putting up wanted posters on the street walls. People gathered around whispering, as they discussed the person drawn on the posters.

“Who could that person be? Daring to offend the Meng Clan…”

“It’s not only the Meng Clan. Look over there. The Fan Clan is also putting up similar posters!”

“This person looks quite familiar…could he be the same one whom we saw at the restaurant last night??”

“Aiyah…the person in the poster looks so young and already his fate is sealed..”

Oblivious to the two major clans’ actions, Jin Xia was strolling around the Sun Heart Market leisurely, indulging himself in delicacies of all sorts.

If the Black Pearl Market could be considered the largest marketplace within a thousand miles, then the Sun Heart Market could be classified as the largest, and most prestigious, marketplace of the entire Great Azure Country.

Even those wealthy people from Azure City would visit this market to purchase exotic items that are often not found anywhere else in the country.

As such, the amount and variety of foods in this marketplace can be considered to be abundant. This was also one of the reasons why Jin Xia had chosen Red Sun City as his next stop; there were several pieces of gossips on the deliciousness of the meals here.

While Jin Xia was enjoying a Bu-Ti Fox skewer, Hu Feng suddenly stopped near one of the stands. Noticing this, Jin Xia paused as well.

(TL: “Bu-Ti Fox” = “步蹄狐貍” ? Stepped Hoof Fox? Sounded weird, so I just left it as Pinyin.)

Hu Feng’s eyes sparkled as he stared the sets of jade bottles placed on the stand table. In front of each bottle was a price tag along with the pills’ name and star rating.


“Are you interested in those pills?” Jin Xia asked casually when he saw Hu Feng’s enthusiasm.

“Ah…I was only looking. These are 2 star pills after all, they’re still a rarity in our country. Alas, the price is just too extravagant and I did not bring enough coins on me today.” Hu Feng said helplessly.

An middle aged man, who was sitting behind the stand slightly puffed up his chest in pride when he heard Hu Feng’s words.

“Oh? And here I thought you must’ve smelled some roast pork or something, looking all excited like that… Well, which pill were you interested in?” Jin Xia asked lazily.

Hu Feng chose to ignore Jin Xia’s initial comment as he pointed at one of the white bottles with tag: 10 Mind Clearing Essence Pills, 100 Gold Coins, 2 stars.

“I’ve been having a hard time concentrating during cultivation when I’m at home. There’s been a few...issues in my family that has been distracting me for a while. If I had a pill like this, perhaps I could finally focus and break away from the 5th stage of Wudan…” Hu Feng sighed.

Although Hu Feng had expected that he may have to spend a bit on this trip, he had never been a favorite one at night. In fact, he did not even receive a coin of an allowance from his family. And with his status as a young master of the Hu Clan, he was even prevented from going out to do any ‘commoner’s labor’ for money. Adding on the dangers of mercenary work, hunting Savage beasts, and his low cultivation, there was practically no way for him to earn any substantial money.

The total asset on Hu Feng right now was only a mere 500 Silver coins — and that was all small pocket donations from elderly servants in the family who had either pitied or still felt affection for Hu Feng. In truth, with his current money he should not have been able to afford the inn’s fee they were staying at. But as Jin Xia was open with his money, he had paid for Hu Feng’s half without needing to consult him.

As such, Hu Feng had felt gratitude in his heart, and felt a bit awkward mentioning the pills to his ‘brother.’

Jin Xia furrowed his eyebrows when he saw the pills. “What? You want pills like these? Aiya, just leave them be. Wait until we get back, and I’ll give you some pills that are hundred times better than those. Think of it as a few gifts for your help so far.”

Hearing this, both Hu Feng and the old man’s face changed.

“Brother Jin Xia, do you know how to make pills?” Hu Feng asked.

“Hm? It’s just making a few pills, of course I know how to. But I wasn’t saying I’ll make some pills for you. I already have a few pills ready to give you, was what I meant.”

Hu Feng’s eyes lit up when he heard Jin Xia. “That’s great, Brother Jin Xia! I’ll have to thank you in advance. Hehe, I never knew Brother Jin Xia was a Medical Master!”

“Medical Master?” Jin Xia repeated to himself.

In the previous host’s memories, there was a bit of information on Medical Masters. These were special professions where a cultivator focuses on the arts of healing and pill making. Although medical masters were also broken down into ranks, Jin Xia had no previous knowledge on how they were divided.

But he did know that a peak leveled medical master was much more luxurious and desired than a peak leveled rune inscriptionist!


That is because it was rumored that a peak medical master would be able to create godly magical pills that could easily elevate a person’s strength, and would be so heaven-defying that they could even supposedly bring back a person from the brink of death! There were even more exaggerated rumors of peak medical masters bringing back the dead, too!

But of course, those were mere rumors from ancient times, though many people still believed in them even now. Thus, while rune inscriptionists generally hold a higher status than medical masters, if they were to be compared at their peaks, the medical masters would outrank the former by far. After all, who wouldn’t want another layer of protection for themselves and their people, while having the opportunity to raise their strength greatly?

Even so, both were still highly respected positions, as not everyone can be a medical master nor rune inscriptionist.

“I only know a bit of medicine, so I can’t really be considered this ‘medical master’ you speak of.” Jin Xia replied as he continued to stroll around the market.

“Really? But since Brother Jin Xia claims himself able to create pills, you should generally be considered a medical master…but if you’re not, then I’ll assume you do not have a medical robe?” Hu Feng asked.

“What is that?” Jin Xia asked back.

“Eh?” Hu Feng asked, a slight surprise flitted across his eyes. “Only those who possess a medical robe would be considered a medical master and could even set up their own official stores. Unlike these pill stands where only uncertified, or even second-hand sellers use to sell their pills.”

Since Brother Jin Xia does not possess the robe, how about we go register you for one? That way, I would also be able to witness Brother Jin Xia’s skills.”

“I don’t care either way, but is there any benefits registering? Jin Xia asked, with a bit laziness in his tone.

“Of course there would be benefits! Brother Jin Xia, did you not know that medical masters are the second most coveted people in the world? Not speaking of other countries, but even in other continents, medical masters are often in high demand, and a high leveled medical master would not only be sought after by powerful clans, just their status alone would present a big deterrence for others.” Hu Feng said excitedly with a yearning expression in his eyes.

“Oh? Serving as a deterrent force, huh…” Jin Xia muttered. “If I become a medical master, it should serve to further heighten the Jin Clan’s power and status.”

After a moment of thinking, Jin Xia asked: “Alright, so how do I register to be a medical master?”

“I heard there is a famous pill shop around here where one could not only purchase high quality pills made by certified medical masters, but could also take an exam to become one!” Hu Feng replied. “I think it was called the Red Sun Healing Tower.”

“Then, let us be on our way there.” Jin Xia said. “I want to see just how difficult it is to become a medical master.”

The two walked deeper into the city before they reached the Healing Tower. The shop was one of the largest building within its surrounding, with its structure covered with glamorous golden tiles and pillars. A large, wooden board was displayed out front with the following words: “Red Sun Healing Tower”. It looked quite grand and imposing.

When the two youths walked into the big shop, they saw an old man, who looked to be around the age of fifty with a hair full of whiteness, sitting behind a wide counter, He looked to be immersed in reading the yellow, aged pamphlet in front of him. Behind the elder was a large wall, concealing the inside the shop.

Walking up to the elder, Hu Feng gave a polite greeting and said: “Greetings, elder. This junior wants to know if this is the place where one could take an exam to become a medical master?”

The elder behind the counter did not look up as he replied: “Yes, yes, this is place. If you want to take the exam, that’ll cost you a fee of 10 Crystal Coins for a try, regardless of failure or success.”

Hu Feng’s mouth twitched. Ten Crystal coins as a fee just for an attempt? Outrageous! That was equivalent to handing out a thousand gold coins just like that!

Before Hu Feng could say something, Jin Xia stepped forward and loudly slapped ten Crystal coins on the counter.

The noise startled the elder as he lifted his head and glared at Jin Xia. Ignoring the elder’s displeased look, Jin Xia indifferently said: “I want to take the medical master exam.”

The white haired elder collected the ten Crystal coins and said: “Go through the left door. An examiner will be there to instruct you on what to do.”

Jin Xia turned his head and began to towards the left wooden door. Since Hu Feng was not taking the test, he could not follow after Jin Xia, and thus could wait patiently in front of shop.

After entering the left door, Jin Xia walked into wide room. Inside the room was a long table, where a bunch of ingredients and a cauldron was presented on top. The walls were dully colored with a dark tinted green color, with the room looking almost naked and plain.

A middle aged was also sitting near the table. The man had a gentle disposition and his face was quite normal to look at.

But his entire body gave off a powerful feeling to whoever that looks upon him. On his blue robe, there was a flower-shaped crest on his left chest, but it looked incomplete.

The flower shaped crest seemed to have seven petals, but only two of the petals were filled with in with a deep, pink color.

Seeing Jin Xia entered, a surprised look flashed across the middle aged man’s face before he got up and gave a simple greeting to the youth. He did not expect the test taker to be so young this time around.

Although the man did not usually give such a greeting, upon witnessing the extraordinary demeanor that the white robed youth gave off, he had deduced the latter may have come from a prominent family. As such, he did not take a risk to test his patience and instead, politely acknowledged Jin Xia.

“I am here to take the medical master test. So, what should I do?” Jin Xia asked as he stood looking around the table. He recognized many of the ingredients present, but to him, they were basically trash-like materials.

Just by looking at the ingredients, Jin Xia could already somewhat guess that he would be required to create a pill and then present it for the examiner to inspect. A typical examination process.

“Hmm, such a young age and already aspiring to be a medical master! I am guessing you must be here to get a feel for the test? I have seen many youths come take this test initially. before failing and coming back years later again for a retest.” The middle aged man spoke with a smile on his face. “It’s good to gain some experience for the future. But remember to take things slowly. Only by building up a solid foundation, would one be able to walk far on the roads of medicine and cultivation!”

Jin Xia gave a nod as he listened to the middle aged man. Although these were basic things he already knew, it was always respectful to acknowledge those who wish to teach you with goodwill.

The middle aged man smiled and said: “Alright, then I shall introduce myself and explain the rules first before we begin. I am known as Instructor Guang, a 2nd Petal medical master. Since you are here to register to be a medical master, I’ll assume this your first time and that you’re here to take the 1st Petal exam. Even if you have a medical master as teacher, I am still required to give an introduction, so bear with me.

But if you want to be promoted to 2nd Petal, you will have to visit another medical hall to take the exam for 2nd Petal medical masters, and so forth.

As medical masters, we do not base our ranks on cultivation, but rather on the strength and control of our soul. With a powerful soul, we would be able to refine better pills and be able to perform more effective healing methods. As such, each time you want to level up a rank, you would have to take a higher leveled exam to test the strength of your soul. Our status can be divided up into seven ranks, or as we call it, Seven Petals. Each time you are promoted, a petal on your medical robe will be filled in, symbolising your new medical rank…are you following me so far?”

Jin Xia gave a knowing nod as he listened to Instructor Guang.

“Good. Now, for each petal, we are also broken down into titles.” Instructor Guang continued.

“A 1st Petal master is known as a Medical Adept, 2nd Petal is Medical Grandmaster, 3rd Petal is Medical Bishop, 4th Petal is Medical Lord, 5th Petal is Medical Sprite, 6th Petal is Medical Saint, and someone with 7 Petals would be revered as a Medical God. And to tell you, as of now, the 7th Petal is at most, only a legend in this world.

No continents have ever produced a Medical God before. Not even a speck of rumor exists for such a being.”

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