《The Empyrean Overlord》Chapter 33: Disturbance at Flower Bridge Restaraunt


Author’s note: Chapter is sponsored by Noremac !!

Host’s note: Not the author; just a rehoster.

Jin Xia and Hu Feng quickly found the Flower Bridge restaurant. The two of them entered the restaurant and sat down on brown wooden table.

After ordering a few side dishes and main courses, Jin Xia and Hu Feng chatted amongst themselves. When the food was ready, Jin Xia’s eyes visibly lit up, although he had tried to contain his emotions. Without waiting, he immediately started to happily dig into his food.

Seeing Jin Xia’s reaction to the dish of stirred fried Demon Tiger and Shallow-fried Herbs, Hu Feng could not help but give Jin Xia a doubtful glance. This fellow’s attitude seems to changes whenever it came to food…

While Jin Xia and Hu Feng were enjoying their meals, a loud noise rang from above them. It was coming from the upper floor level of the restaurant. Jin Xia did not paid any attention to it as he continued to eat, but Hu Feng was more sensitive as he briefly glanced upward when he heard the noise.

Just as Hu Feng was about to go back eating, the wooden ceiling suddenly came crashing down as two figure fell from above.


As the two figures landed within five feets away from Jin Xia and Hu Feng’s table, they quickly broke apart as they backed away from each other.

“Fan Lei Yi , today I will make sure to teach you a lesson for daring to disrespect my Meng Clan!” One of the figure, a youth in dark blue clothes, growled as he glared at the opposing figure.

“Hmphf, Meng Bei, with just your ability, are even qualified to teach me a lesson? I’ll see just how you are going to deal with me today!” The youth in black clothes named ‘Fan Lei Yi ’ sneered as he looked at the other youth in disdain.

Almost right after the two had separated, several more figures came flying out from the ceiling and nimbly landing on the ground. Loud footsteps could be heard as several people in black clothes came streaming down the stairways.

The people who were originally eating happily in the restaurant quickly all left in fright when they saw the commotion and the large hole in the ceiling. It seems there was a fight going on in the restaurant!

Those people hastily left the restaurant but did not go far as they began to turn around and crowd near the entrance of the restaurant.

Soon, the restaurant became empty except for the Jin Xia and Hu Feng, who were still sitting in their table. They were situated right in the middle of the two opposing factions, who were already glaring at one another. On each side, there was around twenty people.

Although Hu Feng initially wanted to leave the restaurant as well, but when he noticed Jin Xia’s unconcerned attitude, he had somewhat calmed down. And when he remembered about Jin Xia’s strength, Hu Feng felt even more assured and decided stay in his table.


Meng Bei glared at the group on the opposite of him as he said: “Fan Lei Yi , your Fan Clan has been the archnemesis of my Meng Clan for several years now. Today, since you have dared provoked me, watch as I break you all into pieces!”

“Hahaha, with just a bunch of trash? Let this young master here show you the vast difference between you and I!” Fan Lei Yi mockingly smiled as he suddenly shot out a palm.

“Destructive Wind Palm!”


Fan Lei Yi ’s palm suddenly shot towards the youth in dark blue clothes.

Seeing this, Meng Bei snorted as he lashed out a fist against the approaching youth.

“Scorching Sun Fist!”

*Boom!* *Boom!*

The two youth’s confrontation of techniques suddenly caused the surrounding tables to be blown back from the powerful collision of inner Qi.

As fellow Wudan 9th stage practitioners, their body had gone through vigourous training regimens, making their physique as strong as steel. Coupled with absorbing World Qi each day, every time they leveled up a stage, their muscle would slowly strengthen and harden, giving them greater might and defense. At each Wudan stage, they would gain the power to lift about 10,000 jin, increasing more or less at that number rate onwards.

So at the two youths’ current level, they each possess the strength of 90,000 jin in each of their arms. The clash of such power caused wind to generate from their forceful confrontation. It was like two giant boulders smashing into each other at top speed, a bit of shock wave was bound to occur.

*Crash!* *Crash!*

The entire time, Jin Xia had completely ignored the battle that was going on around him as he contentedly ate. Only Hu Feng was paying attention nervously to the battle, as he had noticed the two youths were not definitely not simple characters. But with Jin Xia at his side, Hu Feng had managed talked himself into staying put without losing his composure.

But, when the two youths collided this time, the strong after wind that were generated had blown Hu Feng back as he rolled into a nearby wall. Luckily the wind was not too fierce and Hu Feng did not sustain any injuries at all.

As for Jin Xia, he was just about to stuff a mouthful of delicious Shallow-fried Herbs, when the sudden wind blew the food right off of his chopsticks.

in another short moment, even the table Jin Xia was currently sitting at was blown away.

Only Jin Xia and the seat he was sitting on remained untouched. It was as if the wind did not even affect him at all.

Hu Feng, who was blasted away, slowly got up as he looked towards his table only to see Jin Xia sitting calmly on a wooden chair amidst an empty space, with his chopsticks posed near his lips and his mouth slightly open as if he was ready to eat something.


This strange scene almost made Hu Feng want to laugh, but when he noticed Jin Xia’s eerily calm expression, he suddenly felt a chill go down his spine.

As Fan Lei Yi and Meng Bei continued to fight, they did not seem to notice Jin Xia who had slowly placed his chopsticks on the side of his chair as he closed his lips.

“It seems you are pretty good for a trash!” Fan Lei Yi mocked as he dodged an incoming fist.

“Ha, so are you. I have to say, your skill at dodging like a pathetic monkey is definitely top notch!” Meng Bei spited in returned as he continued to parry against Fan Lei Yi ’s strikes.

Meanwhile, the followers of the two youths continued to stay where they were as they watched the fight between their young masters. Without their young master’s order, the groups of people did not dare carelessly intervene.


Fan Lei Yi and Meng Bei glared at each other as their fists and palms collide against each other once more. This time, they did not part as both attempted to forcefully push the other back.

In the Wudan stages, the muscles and bones in one’s body is trained. Because of that, it is often painful when training due the tearing and recovering of bones and flesh! They essentially “break” their body through physical training during the day and then “repair” them at night through absorbing World Qi to give depth to their cultivation and strengthen their physique.

There are even some who are skilled enough to directly absorb World Qi, use that Qi to break apart their muscles and bones, and then repair it –all during meditation. But the process is much more painful and concise, having less than 1 in 500 people attempt such method in the Wudan realm. This was method that Jin Xia often trained in.

Because of the grueling process of refining one’s body, it takes great patience and endurance that many could not achieve. And for many people who was born with low innate quality and a few open meridians, they could only absorb the World Qi around them at a snail-like pace; causing problems with their breakthroughs!

So after years of hard trainings and eating good elixirs that the two youths’ wealthy family could afford, both youths’ body were as extremely tough, having reached the peak of the Wudan realm. A few external pain by now was not an issue for them.

“Hmph…let’s see how long you’ll last against my Golden Sun Palm!” Meng Bei growled as he continued to exert strength into his palm.

“Don’t worry…with just your little technique, you are one who may not last any longer!” Fan Lei Yi grinned evilly as he tightened his fist and continued to push forward.


But while the two youths were interlocked with each other, a white blur appeared on the right side in between them.

Without waiting for Fan Lei Yi or Meng Bei to react, Jin Xia grabbed the back of two youth’s head and ruthlessly smashed them towards each other.


When the two youths’ face slammed into one another, blood effortlessly spurted from their noses and mouths. Some of their teeths even fell out due to the impact.

Before Fan Lei Yi and Meng Bei could grasp what’s happening, Jin Xia swiftly chopped horizontally at the back of the two youth’s neck. Having their acupoints hit, the two young masters quickly fainted from the overload of pain.

In a mere moment after Jin Xia had appeared, the bystanders had only witness the two youths crumpling lifelessly right after. They barely even perceived what Jin Xia had done.

It was as if the moment he appeared, the two youths were instantly defeated!

Jin Xia did not kill the two youths.

He had merely gave them a quick, painful lesson and then put them to sleep. Though, he was still feeling a strange feeling of irritation rising in his heart from having his meal disturbed.

“Did I let them off too lightly?” Jin Xia silently pondered to himself.

“Y-you..who are you? What have you done to our young master!” One of the people in black clothes suddenly shouted while pointing at Jin Xia in anger.

“Yeah! You won’t get away with this!”

“Capture him! We must not let him get away! To offend our Meng Clan like this, only death awaits him!”

Very quickly, both side began to close in Jin Xia as they unleashed their respective martial arts. Looking at the approaching waves of people from both sides, Jin Xia suddenly had a faint smile on his face.

“Ah…this was what I was waiting for.” Jin Xia thought as he used his Firefly Evasion agility skill and instantly disappeared from his original spot.

Interweaving among the two groups of cultivators, Jin Xia fiercely struck out left and right. With each single attack, an attacker would fall to the ground. They barely even had the time to cry out in pain, much less properly defend themselves before they were struck down by Jin Xia.

But even for those who managed to put up a defense, their so called “defense” was utterly useless in front of Jin Xia. They were equally beaten down in one fluid move from Jin Xia.

Like a ghost, Jin Xia easily moved between the groups of youths. No one was able to touch him at all, yet one by one the number of people began to dwindle.

Several moments later, there was no one left standing besides Jin Xia and Hu Feng, who was still standing on the side with his eyes slightly bulging in utter shock.

Host’s note: I still have to look into that comment on chapter 3 but I keep forgetting or get busy, like now as I have class in ten minutes. I’ll try to take a look at it before I post the next chapter.

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