《The Empyrean Overlord》Chapter 32: Noble Ranked City


Author’s note: Chapter is sponsored by Jean-Robert L !!?

Host’s note: As always, I’m just a host. My apologies for the irregular posting times.

After conversing with Hu Feng for a while longer, Jin Xia finally decided to head on his way. He had already accomplished his goal on gathering some information on the current Great Azure Country.

While Jin Xia knew that Hu Feng’s knowledge was not extensive, the fact that the latter already knew so much was sufficient enough for Jin Xia. A gist of the situations was really all Jin Xia required.

After all, the main thing that Jin Xia wanted to know was the average strength of all the forces in the Great Azure Country. And from listening to Hu Feng, it did not seem to be very high; with early staged Xing Profound experts already being at the top of apex of cultivation here…

Perhaps, other countries would have more top level talents. Since, according to Hu Feng, the Great Azure Country was ranked as the third to last weakest country, out of the sixteen countries. The other two lower countries were long conquered by a separate nation a few years back.

Even if Hu Feng was wrong, Jin Xia was still not worried. In the end, he believe he will have various means to deal with any problem that comes up along the way. If not, then he would have lived aeons in vain.

Now that Jin Xia had more or less achieved his goal, he decided to spend the rest of his time wandering around the provinces.

Unlike other martial artists who are always desperately trying to upgrade their strength, Jin Xia was completely confident in his own ability. Be it arrogance or absolute faith, Jin Xia was certain he would not fall behind others, even if he were to “slack off” once in awhile.

As an ex-martial deity who had once poured his entire soul into learning the Way of Martial Arts, Jin Xia wanted to instead use this lifetime to enjoy the delicacies and ways of a mortal life. He wanted to explore the regions in this world and desired for those whom he could call brothers and comrades.

Just as Jin Xia was leaving, Hu Feng suddenly asked:

“Brother Jin Xia, where do you plan to go now?”

Jin Xia thought for a moment before saying: “Red Sun City.”

Red Sun City, which was a part of the Taiyang Province, was one of the two Noble Cities in the Great Azure Country. It is said the amount of resources and level of cultivators who live there are much higher than those from a Greater ranked City. Jin Xia was interested in the types of delicacies that such a high class city might have.

As for the other Noble ranked City, Azure City, Jin Xia decided not to visit there for now since he would be going there for the Annual competition a month later. And as for the other cities, Jin Xia was not a great deal interested in them.


After all, the foods and resources of a Noble ranked city were much more extravagant than the rest of the lower cities. It was said that any food you find in the other cities, would definitely be available in even greater quantities in a higher city. Thus, Jin Xia did not pay much attention to the rest of the cities, be it Greater or Lesser ranked.

Hu Feng paused for a moment, before he took a deep breath and slowly asked Jin Xia:

“Then, Brother Jin Xia, since you are journeying out to other provinces to gain experiences…I was wondering if I could come along with you? To be honest, with your strength, I would feel more assured traveling outside. And of course, I can also act as a guide for you along the way; I have studied up on the many provinces since I was young…”

Although Hu Feng was not exactly afraid to travel by himself outside, he wanted to take this opportunity to observe Jin Xia more closely. He still suspected Jin Xia was a reincarnated person like him.

Hu Feng still remembered the day when Jin Xia had revealed to him his cultivation level as a Xing Profound expert. With such strength, Hu Feng was confident that they would be unhindered even if they were to walk across the entire Great Azure Country. After all, only a handful of people would even possess a cultivation such as the Xing Profound realm! He would also get to “understand” Jin Xia better if he were to travel alongside him as well.

Of course, Hu Feng did not know that Jin Xia’s cultivation had dropped back down to the 4th Spiritual Dan realm, and Jin Xia did bother to reveal his condition. Since even with his current level, Jin Xia was still higher than any of the experts present in Harbin City.

The strongest being here was only, at best, in the 1st stage of Spiritual Dan, with the weakest being in the 4th stage of Wudan. This was what Jin Xia had discovered when he used his soul to search the current inhabitants within Harbin City; without considering the young children who Jin Xia identified based on the “age” of their soul.

Hearing Hu Feng’s request, Jin Xia stopped and thought for a few moments before he nodded his head: “Mn. Alright, if I have Brother Hu Feng guiding me through the provinces, it would be of great help. Then, shall we leave now?”

Hu Feng broke into a wide smile when he heard Jin Xia’s compliance. “Alright, but first let me have someone get a carriage ready for us. After all, Red Sun City is still quite a distance away from Harbin City. As for any necessary items, I have them all inside my Spatial ring already.”

“Do you not need to inform your parents or someone that you’re leaving?” Jin Xia asked.


“Eh? Ah…haha, it’s fine. I…doubt they’ll care.” Hu Feng replied with an awkward smile.

Jin Xia shrugged and did not question any further.

Several minutes later, wearing a barely suitably sized blue robe, Hu Feng was ready to leave. Boarding the carriage with Jin Xia, Hu feng told the carriage driver their destination as they began to rush towards Red Sun City.

Within half a day, Jin Xia and Hu Feng arrived in Red Sun City. It was almost night time outside, but there was still many people walking around on the streets.

The city was lit up with beautiful, round lanterns the color of red apples, and many restaurants and food stands remained open. The two youths got off the carriage as they slowly wandered through the dark sea of people on the streets.

Jin Xia was feeling a bit excited when he saw that the city was still “alive” even at night. He was afraid he would not have made it in time to enjoy the delicacies of the city. Hu Feng, who was walking besides Jin Xia, was likewise feeling enthusiastic. This was also his first time visiting a Noble ranked City that he had heard so much about from others. Normally, he would only visit those nearby Greater or Lesser ranked cities.

Even at night, Red Sun City was still truly appealing to the eyes.

Jin Xia’s eyes were continually darting left and right as he scanned the mass of restaurants. The city itself was much larger than Harbin City, thus even after walking for a while, Jin Xia could still see that there were several more restaurants lined up in distance.

Moreover, Jin Xia had also noticed that the level of cultivators here in Red Sun City were stronger than he had initially expected, albeit still weak in his opinion. Using his soul, Jin Xia had sensed that many of the cultivators here ranged from the Wudan 6th stage to the Spiritual Dan 2nd stage. Even the weakest cultivators here were at least Wudan 5th stage.

With so many high level experts gathered in one place, it would seem the title of a Noble City was not merely for decoration purposes. Its strength was truly higher than a Greater ranked City.

Furthermore, Jin Xia had also detected two strong presences hidden within the city. Those two people were surprisingly in the 9th stage of Spiritual Dan realm!

Though, they were still quite weak in Jin Xia’s eyes, he guessed that the two must be the head of their respective major clans in Red Sun City, given their “better-than-average” strength.

After gathering intel on his surroundings, Jin Xia faintly wryly at the lack of threat he found in the city. He had been secretly hoping that there might some slightly stronger experts here that would pique his interest, but alas, there was none…

Burying his disappointment in his heart, Jin Xia focused his entire attention on the restaurants around him as he debated to himself which one to taste first. Hu Feng, who saw Jin Xia fervently looking around at the restaurants with eyes that almost seemed to sparkle, gave a light chuckle to himself.

“So even a Xing Profound expert can act like this, huh…” Hu Feng thought to himself. His initial impression of Jin Xia had been that of a scholarly and mysterious individual. Thus, when he saw Jin Xia behaving almost childish like, he could not help but modify his impression of Jin Xia once more. Hu Feng could not read the mysterious youth in white at all.

After a while, seeing that Jin Xia still could not decide where to dine, Hu Feng spoke up, snapping Jin Xia back to reality:

“Brother Jin Xia, we have wandering around the city for quite some time now…how about we go to the Flower Bridge Restaurant. I overheard my father, who have visited here before, saying that the food there is very good.”

Hu Feng took a moment to look around him before he said wryly: “After all, it seems if we don’t settle down somewhere soon, we will be swarm with people soon because of Brother Jin Xia…”

Jin Xia looked at Hu Feng with a slightly confused expression. But when he lifted his head and looked around, he finally understood what the youth had meant.

There were several females of varying ages crowding near their location, staring attentively at the duo, or to be more precise, at Jin Xia.

From the moment the two people had entered Red Sun City, many of the residents were quickly attracted to Jin Xia’s stunning visuals. His handsome appearance gave others a strong feeling that the youth in white clothes was not of ordinary origin.

Hu Feng’s outrageous belly also attracted some shock.

While the strange atmosphere surrounding Jin Xia prevented many from approaching or even causing trouble for them, it did not stop many of the females from gathering to see Jin Xia.

Scratching his hand in a slightly awkward manner, Jin Xia gave a dry cough before he followed Hu Feng. He was not used to getting such attentions from the females, especially after his emotions were unsealed in his mortal form.

Even after living aeons, he was still unable to let go of various emotions and childish feelings. But perhaps that was what made the ex-deity so “pure.”

To be able to retain one’s childish heart and emotion, just how many could achieve it?

To be able to remain unchanging in the face of the brutally changing ages, just how many would have such heart?

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