《The Empyrean Overlord》Chapter 19: Fei Yu and Fei Qing


Host's note: Author's note was long so I cut it. Basically about going back and explaining some things that people were confused about but that was fixed in previous chapters. Also, the chapter was sponsored by TKA as mentioned last chapter

“Who are they?” Jin Xia asked as he continued to observe the slaves.

“A-ah, they are slaves who were captured during the recent war between our Great Azure country and the Fei Vermillion country. Naturally, the other country is already under our Great Azure country’s control, so many of those high officials were sent over to us to sell as slaves this time around. The slaves are left at our market for two months, and if they’re not sold within these two months, we would have to draw a random lot and send them to the slave market that was drawn. I do not know about other countries, but this is basically a small tradition among slave sites here, so that no one site would be able to control the entire market in the Great Azure Country…

Moreover, these three men here were once high ranking soldiers. Although their thoughts have been suppressed by the Spiritual Shackles, their battle strength has not diminished in the slightest!

As for those two girls…hehe, they were once princesses in their country! What’s more, they are still pure virgins and their innate quality is enough to be assessed as a genius! They are also currently the finest slaves in our Tian Slave Market. You have come at right time, young master Jin Xia!” Da Hai said as a genuine look of pride surfaced on his face.

Jin Xia glanced at the two girls.

They were around the same in height as each other; one had long black hair, round watery eyes, and a beautiful face. She held a demeanor of elegance, even though she was tied up in chains. The other one had short black hair and clear eyes. When the short-haired girl noticed Jin Xia staring at her, she gave a “hmph” and turned her head away.

“Hoh, these two girls…one is already at 6th stage of Wudan while that short haired one is at the 5th stage…” Jin Xia silently thought to himself.

Seeing that Jin Xia did not seem to disapprove of the batch of slaves he brought this time, Da Hai quickly followed up and began to introduce them:

“This male slave over here is one of the Huang kingdom’s elite knights. His cultivation is Wudan 6th stage and—”

Before Da Hai could continue, Jin Xia raised a hand to stop him. Gesturing towards two girls, Jin Xia asked: “What’s their name?”

“Ah, the one with the long hair is called Fei Yu, who was the first princess of the Fei Vermillion country. And for the short haired one, she’s called Fei Qing, the second princess. Both of them are the only daughters of the previous ruler of their country.” Da Hai quickly replied, seeing that the youth was disinterested in the three men.


Jin Xia nodded as he said: “Alright, I would like just those two girls.”

Hearing this, Da Hai’s ears perked up as he ingratiatingly said: “Of course, young master Jin Xia! But it’s just that since those two are the finest slaves we have in our Tian Market, their price is likewise going to be quite…”

As Da Hai was talking, Jin Xia waved his sleeve as a fist sized bag flew towards the plump man.

After Da Hai had caught the bag, Jin Xia turned around and said nonchalantly: “There’s 20 Crystal coins inside there. No need for change. This should be enough for those two, right?”

Dai Hai’s eyes bulged when he heard the amount that Jin Xia had given him.

“O-of course! This is more than enough! More than enough! Hehe, we thank the young master for his generosity!”

In general, normal slaves would often cost only around 70 or 80 gold coins at best. With cultivation slaves who are within the Wudan 1st stage being around 100 to 400 Gold coins, with the price continuing to increase for higher level slaves.

For rare slaves, like a princess or ex-generals of foreign countries, the price would further see a huge boost, in the end coming out to a total of around 700 to 3,000 gold coin(3 Crystal coins)! After all, those were not trivial figures. The price will naturally reflect their rarity and strength, just like any other items in the market.

At first, Da Hai had wanted to ask for 4 Crystal coins (4,000 gold coins) from Jin Xia in preparation to slowly decrease the price a bit if it comes to haggling. After all, while Da Hai did not wish to offend the young master before him, he wasn’t willing to let go of a possible huge profit.

But who would have thought that not only didn’t the young master haggle, he had casually threw out 20 Crystal coins! That was already quintuple the market price for those two female slaves! Even if they were once princesses, in the end, that was a status of the past. Now, they are merely slaves. As such, the price that was paid for them was already quite extravagant…

Jin Xia did not turn to face Da Hai, as he slightly tilted his head behind him towards the two female slaves.

“Let us go.” Jin Xia said as he walked towards the exit.

The two girls hesitated as they looked at Jin Xia’s departing figure.

“What are you two doing? The young master Jin Xia had already paid for you! Why are you still standing here?! Do you want to go back to the chamber again?!” Da Hai yelled angrily at the girls when he saw that they were not moving. The smiling expression disappeared from his face when he looked at the slaves.


Hearing this, the two girls looked at each other before biting their lips and shuffled together after Jin Xia.

Outside the Tian Market establishment, Jin Xia walked into an empty alley while the two girls followed him in. Once there were no one in sight, Jin Xia stopped walking and turned around to face the two girls.

Although Jin Xia had looked at the girls back inside Tian Market, he had not prudently observe their appearance but rather their soul and innate quality.

Now that he looked closer, Jin Xia saw that the one called Fei Yu had a beautiful porcelain face coupled with a seductive curvy figure and a fulfilling bosom. Although her sister Fei Qing was still in her growth period, her figure were likewise catching up to her older sister. Nonetheless, the girl exuded a childish, yet cute atmosphere with her arms folded in front of her while pouting.

They were both indeed extremely beautiful, save for the fact that they looked a bit tired and dirty with their brown, ragged clothings.

The two girls and Jin Xia stared at each other for a while before Jin Xia spoke:

“You may call Jin Xia. Earlier I just helped purchase your freedom. Even though I “bought” you two, as a person who abhors deceitfulness and traitors, I am willing to give you both two choices.

One, you can follow me and I will give you back your full molility. I can also help you further increase your strength, up to the point where you will not need to fear others suppressing you like you were today.

Second, I can still help you erase your status as a slave nonetheless, and you are free to leave afterwards. I will also provide your with some money and from then on, we will no longer have any connection with one another. Which choice do you wish to choose?”

Fei Yu and Fei Qing looked at each other in surprise and shock after listening to Jin Xia’s offers. The conditions the person before them had proposed were all extremely beneficial to them. But they were still hesitant to make a decision…

As if he could read their minds, Jin Xia said: “Oh, as for what I want in return if you gals choose to follow me, are your loyalty and strength. In the future, when you both are strong enough, I will require your help. Your lives might even be at risk many times in the future, if you select to stay with me. Therefore, the benefits shall likewise be just as equivalent. These are my final conditions.”

The two girls fell silent for a while.

The sisters sank into deep contemplation, thinking back to their awful days…was everything that’s happening right now, real?

No more sleeping on cold floors in the future? No more being bullied from by vulgar men, like when they were imprisoned? We…could get back our freedom?

Since the day they lost their country, the two girls have been living in misery. Each of their day was spent inside a dirty chamber, where barely any light reached. The food were made up of bitty leftovers. The air stank of vomit, manure, and death.

To say the least, the girls lived the past few months of their life in anguish and depression. If not for the binds that restricted their entire being, perhaps they would’ve long ago committed suicide. They might even have been played around by the other slaves, if it wasn’t for managers wanting to keep the girls “fresh” in wait for one of those wealthy members to come purchase and enjoy them.

Fortunately, they were bought off by a person who did not have a shred of lust in his eyes when he looked at them. This was the main reason why the two sisters decided to follow after Jin Xia. There was the lack of beastial look in his eyes. And the girls very well knew the attraction force of their own body…

After a while, Fei Yu stepped towards Jin Xia. She bowed gracefully as she said in a soothing voice: “I, Fei Yu, wishes to follow this young master Jin Xia.”

Fei Qing, who was still hesitant, cutely bit her lips and went forward to greet as well: “I, Fei Qing, will follow my sister’s decision.”

Jin Xia nodded in satisfaction before turning around again and continuing his walk.

“Alright, then let us return home now.”


His voice gently floated towards the two girls before they quietly followed Jin Xia, their eyes slowly being veiled by a light, watery mist…

Host's note: I'll be honest. I have no idea about when the next chapter on the main site will come out, all I know is that the author is planning on releasing it eventually. I'll contact the author and see if he has a time in mind. I have to anyways because this story is about to meet the reqs for a donation button so I'm going to ask if he wants one here. I'll post more info in later chapters once I hear back.

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