《The Empyrean Overlord》Chapter 12: Jin Clan's Inner Family Competition(2)


Author’s note: Sponsored by our proud Gary R, once again! Super thanks! All queue is now cleared. (•◡•) /

Host’s note: I’m not the author but someone rehosting the story here with author’s permission

Every person in the audience had a confused expression as they stared at the young man in white robe on the fighting stage.

“Th-that is Jin Xia? The crippled second young master of the Jin Clan?”

“No, no, how is that even possible? That demeanor, tone, and even appearance seems vastly different from the young master Jin Xia that I know of…how could that be of a cripple?”

The crowd was in disbelief when they heard that the handsome youth before them was actually the same young master whom they regarded as worthless before. He was even a cripple now.

But what shocked them even more was the fact that this same Jin Xia had actually dared to challenge the patriarch of the Jin Clan!

An 8th stage Wudan practitioner! Compared to the crippled Jin Xia, it was like the difference between heaven and earth! How could that Jin Xia hope to compete?

Besides the people who were shocked, the ones who were the most startled were Jin Xia’s parents. While Liu Dan and Jia Yue Bing was able to instantly recognize Jin Xia the moment he walked in, after being by their son’s side since he had started changed, both of their faces turned pale with fright when they heard their son’s declaration of challenge.

The two had recently been extremely pleased with Jin Xia’s newfound attitude for the past two months. They noticed that their son had become much more mature and courteous, traits that they never thought would be used to describe their own son!

But at this moment, they felt extremely worried for Jin Xia. He, who did not possess any strength…how could he hope to fight against a real cultivator?!

“Hahaha! Jin Xia, just what exactly makes you think you are qualified to challenge me, the patriarch? With your crippled strength, if we were to battle, I’m afraid people might say that I’m bullying the weak!”, Bao Lei sneered as he glared at Jin Xia. To think that of all people who could have challenged him, a crippled junior would actually dare to!

Still wearing a faint smile, Jin Xia replied in a feigned arrogant manner.

“Qualified? It does not matter if you accept the challenge or not. You are going to die today. Whether you die still or die struggling like the low dog you are, it does not concern me.

Hmph! Having trashes like you around will only further pollute my Jin Clan. If I was the King of Hell, I would’ve made sure to severely reprimand your parents’ soul for giving birth to such a devilspawn like you!”

Jin Xia’s last sentence was sharp and ruthless, giving no face to Bao Lei at all.


Hearing his family being insulted, Bao Lei’s eyes turned red with rage as he smashed his right arm chair to smithereens. “Lowly junior, you dare speak like this to me! Watch if I don’t shattered all your limbs today and put you in your place!”

Bao Lei shouted as he suddenly leaped into the air and punched toward Jin Xia.

The crowd gasped when they saw Bao Lei taking the initiative to strike Jin XIa. Coming from the older generation yet daring to attack a junior first…wasn’t this too much?

But as he looked at the rapidly approaching Bao Lei, Jin Xia had a face filled with disdain as he sneered, “With just your ability you wish to put me in my place? I’m afraid, where I belong is simply too high for you to reach!”

Just as Bao Lei’s punch was about to reach his face, Jin Xia suddenly kicked out his right leg at Bao Lei. Although Bao Lei saw that Jin Xia had moved, the speed at which the latter had executed his kick was lightning fast. Before he could react, Bao Lei was hit squarely in his abdomen by Jin Xia’s kick, while he was still in mid-air.

Immediately, Bao Lei felt as he was hammered by a huge mountain. The area around his abdomen instantly indented inward as Bao Lei spit out a mouthful of fresh blood.


“Get out of here!”, Jin Xia growled as he kicked Bao Lei in the air. Bao Lei’s body instantly crumpled and shot backwards as he crashed through the high chair. But his body did not stop there. It continued to fly back until crash into one of the Jin Clan’s servant housing quarters. After blasting through the small building, the stone house shook before a soft rumbling could be heard.

Moments later, the entire small house crumbled down to the ground from the impact.

Silence. Absolute silence.

Everyone held their breaths. They were unable to tear their eyes from the scene before them.

Cold sweat dripped down from the three clan masters’ back after they saw what happened to Bao Lei. They, too, was unable to see Jin XIa’s strike.

This strength, was it really something a cripple would have?

If becoming a cripple meant having such strength,then everyone would gladly become a cripple instead! But they knew that was clearly not the case. Something had definitely changed with this once-unnoticeable second young master of the Jin Clan.

“Hmph! What a piece of fool. He talked all big yet was still finished off by me in one move. I didn’t even get to warm up yet!”, JIn Xia cursed out loud, surprising the crowd as they would not usually associate such a pretty face with the vulgar words spoken a moment ago.

Jin Xia turned around and faced the terrified Feng Hao. This was the person who had crippled the previous host. But now, this kind of figure was barely worth any importance to the current Jin Xia. It was best not to dwell on minor characters like this.


With a single wave of his hand, Jin Xia muttered, “You may scram now.”



Feng Hao did not even have time to cry out before his body was effortlessly knocked away from the pressure of Jin Xia’s wave. As his body crumpled down to the ground, Feng Hao’s body had ceased its movements…forever.

Seeing this, the crowd suddenly began to register the scene before them as their heart turned cold with dread. When did this Jin Xia become so tyrannical? It was as if the person before them was a completely different being!

“Huh? The hell, I gave him a light push and he actually went and died! I haven’t even thanked him for helping to cripple me. What a shame..”, Jin Xia sighed as his right hand lightly palmed his forehead.

The audience stood in stupefied silence as they listened to Jin Xia’s words. Thank him? My god, have this Jin Xia gone insane? His personality is totally different from the previous young master they all thought they knew…

While Jin Xia had his palm on his forehand, a dreadful aura suddenly exploded forth from his body. The pressure instantly engulfed the crowd as everyone had a panic-stricken expression on their face.

“How tyrannical! T-this pressure…how can such a pressure come from a youth like this!”

“A-ah, this, this…is he really that Jin Xia?!”

Groans and whimpers spread throughout the audience as they were subdued under the pressure; everyone, except the main family members of the Jin Clan.

The main family was stupefied when they saw the pained reactions of the audience around them. Even the branch family members were moaning in fear. But the ones who were most delightfully surprised was Jin Xia’s parents.

“Oh god, even though I am not under the pressure, I can faintly feel the tremendous energy that’s being released from Xia’Er… Aiyah, to think I,as his father, would still misjudge my own son’s progress…it may seem that from the start, Xia’er had full intention of hiding his strength, even from us…”

As Liu Dan muttered up until here, his eyes dilated from excitement as he stared at his son. For him as a 6th stage Wudan cultivator to be unable to judge his son’s cultivation level externally anymore, would mean that the latter has most likely already advanced beyond the Wudan layer…

This was practically a dream-like conclusion for Liu Dan. But he could find no other explanations that would explain his son’s mighty display of strength at the moment. Even a great 8th stage Wudan practitioner was unable to last even a minute against Jin Xia.

Jia Yue Xia, who had watched Jin Xia’s actions from start to now, had a beaming smile on her face. “My son is not a cripple anymore…My son is not a cripple anymore…haha, the Heaven has eyes! The Heaven has eyes!” She continously muttered under breath as she proudly watched over her son.

She, like the other main family members, was not bothered about Bao Lei’s death. They were enemies to begin after all.

Meanwhile, everyone, including the three clan masters, were being bound down by an immense pressure from Jin Xia.

“Brat! How dare you use trickery to trap us like this! If you are man, discard away your tricks and confront us head on!”, Ting Tang, who felt increasingly pressured by Jin Xia’s aura could not help but shout out at the youth. He did not believe this aura was coming from the frail youth.

“Haha! Do not worry, your turn will be coming up very soon. Today, I plan to eradicate the Gao clan, Fei clan, and Ting clan. I know that all three of you bastards have colluded together with the Jin branch families in order to devour our Jin Clan.”, Jin Xia replied in a nonchalantly manner as he slowly lowered his hand.

“Wh-what, do you have proof! J-just because you are a bit stronger now, you cannot accuse us wrongly like this!” A person from the branch families shouted out as he attempted to resist the pressure. But for him, who was only a 1st stage Wudan practitioner, how was that even possible?

Moreover, that person seemed to have forgotten that their clan master and the genius of the Jin Clan had both been effortlessly dealt with by Jin Xia, who was said to have been crippled. That kind of strength simply could not be called “a bit stronger” anymore…

In fact, at this moment, every single person was fully alarmed and panicking. They had more or less forgotten that Jin Xia had once been a cripple. Some even believed that the youth standing on the stage wasn’t even the “real” Jin Xia.

(Note: Well, that’s true..)

Jin Xia raised an eyebrow as he slowly turned towards the Jin branch family. “You want proof? Then let me tell you now, to deal with evil spawns like you, my words are proof enough!”

Without any warning, Jin Xia’s body instantly flashed before appearing right in front of the person from the branch family who had spoken out.


Jin Xia forcefully backhanded the clansman, directly blowing off the pitiable person’s head as blood splattered everywhere.

The youth’s snow white robe was suddenly tainted with splashes of crimson blood.

Host’s note: Turns out I accidentally posted 4 chapters in a day before. I’ve been posting 3 chapters a day and it confused me yesterday when I was about to post the last chapter and the fiction page already had the prologue and chapters 1-11. So, I did only 2 chapters yesterday.

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