《Friendship Overload》Ch. 70 One Man Killing Machine


Benjamin Rice was one of the Wilson family’s highest ranked guards. As such, when he started initiating his son into the ways of magic, everyone had simply turned a blind eye. As always in Last Heaven, power was everything.

However, despite the somewhat superior standing he was born with, Connor Rice was still forced to serve the family. He and Charles were of similar age, so they ended up attending the Academy together.

When the noble forced him to beat up a defenseless girl, the boy had no choice but to oblige. When Charles ordered something similar a few months later, he was once again compelled to do his job.

Unfortunately for him, it wasn't quite so simple this time around. After seeing how easily Ethan dispatched his lackeys before entering the mountain, Connor started searching for allies.

Some joined him after promising them to also take care of Arthur. Others were promised tokens after carrying out the job. Quite a few had noticed the three mages’ actions from afar and were glad not to have to face them alone.

In just a few hours, more than 130 students from the various fighter classes had gathered. There were even classmates of Arthur among the crowd.

“You do realize I’ll pay you back later, right?”

At Arthur’s words, a few enemies retreated to the back.

“There will be no later.” growled a girl holding a worn down sword. There were plenty of people who hated the nobles enough to commit murder.

“Unfortunately, we cannot let any of you escape.” confirmed Connor.

If it were just Ethan and Ana, a simple beating would have sufficed. However, not only had some of the teens joined only after promising them Arthur, but all three targets were found together.

‘If the Hunts find out we’ve attacked their son, it's over.’ This matter had to be resolved here and now.


“If you’re all so eager to die, then be my guest.” said Arthur. He then pulled out his sword and waited for the rumble to start.

In his eyes, these amateurs were only slightly more dangerous than goblins. Ana too seemed ready to skewer Connor while Ethan looked around with a cheeky expression.

“You sure you want to do this?” Arthur asked once more.

“I’m afraid so.” Conner pulled a scroll out of his dimensional pocket and ripped it in half. A green wave of mana washed over his troops improving their senses and energy.

Everyone took out their weapons, ran their circuits, and waited for the signal. However, Arthur wasn't willing to give them the initiative.

“So be it.” With these words, he sharpened his mana and slammed into a wall of mages. While his sword cut several students per second, his middle rank one energy covered his body turning him into a veritable tank. By the time the teens organized themselves, more than a dozen were out for the count.

However, they did eventually recover, and spells were shot from all directions trying to halt the teen’s movements. There were so many of them that Arthur couldn’t even dodge. Still, several minutes later, the boy showed no signs of stopping while Connor’s so called army had dwindled considerably.

“Don’t let him get near you! Shoot from a distance.”

Arthur mowed through his opponents while fire, ice, wind, and earth smacked his body relentlessly. Eventually, the boy was all but covered in them. After taking a particularly strong blow, he was forced to momentarily stop.

“Now!” yelled Connor.

So many spells poured down on Arthur that his body disappeared from sight. A large crater was formed where he stood, and rocks and earth went flying everywhere.


“Not bad.” Ethan’s voice was heard from nearby.

When the dust finally settled, a shiny black set of armor was revealed. The mana emanating out of it was in the first stage of rank three. Needless to say, the teen wearing it was unscathed.

“F**king nobles.” growled one of his enemies. Arthur was already an expert in body reinforcement, so when wearing armor, would they still stand a chance?

“I was going to keep this as a surprise for later.” said Arthur calmly. “But, since you bunch don’t seem like the type to keep your mouths shut, I’m afraid I’ll have to shut them for you.”

The youth slowly lifted his sword towards the sky. His blade, Natalia, could absorb its enemies’ energy during battle. After cutting down so many opponents, the amount of mana inside it was nearing rank three.

“Blade Storm.”

From the tip of his weapon, dozens of mana blades shot out in every direction. Few could defend against them and most of Connor’s mages were helplessly cut into ribbons. The boy himself barely survived using a healing artifact bestowed to him by his father.

A few dozen feet above the ground, a couple of mages were also busy dodging.

“Thought he forgot about us.” chuckled one of them.

“You should’ve just let me fight.” complained the other.

Right after Arthur’s attack, Ethan grabbed Ana and flew above their opponents’ range. From there, the two had been casually observing their friend’s rampage. It was good information for Ana and beyond entertaining for Ethan.

“Relax.” said the boy while they both descended. “Your target’s still kicking.”

Indeed, though out of mana and panting heavily, Connor Rice was technically fine. However, the same could not be said about his comrades as half of them were dead and the rest unconscious.

“Wasn’t killing against the rules?” asked Ethan amused.

“Nobody gives a s**t!” answered a pissed off Arthur.

After all, the more students died each year, the easier it was to keep the commoners in check. Only the talented ones would survive, and they’d soon be dealt with or taken under a noble’s wing.

“That still doesn’t make it right.” said Ana in a cold tone.

Realizing how she might interpret this massacre, Arthur began cursing under his breath. Fortunately, the girl did not care for him at this moment. Her scowling eyes and clenched fists were directed entirely towards someone else.

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