《They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!》Chapter 28: I Will Survive


The three trolls attack at once. The largest one, the leader, smashes into Rowan. The only reason Rowan didn't break was because of his shield, taking the hit for him and breaking into pieces.

This is not good, so not good.

((Rowan, return to the storage! I will try to outrun them!))

"No mistress! I cannot leave you when you are getting attacked!"

((We have no chance of winning this! If this continue, you are gonna die!))

Another troll, the leaders mate, attacks with the same log her son had used before he died. She swings it towards him but luckily Rowan evades by rolling to the side. But when he does, the other son runs into him at full speed, making Rowans left arm and some of his torso, shatter.

But Rowan stands firm, still fighting with a sword in his hand. I quickly cast Heal on him and he starts to regenerate. But before the spell can finish the leader attacks, destroying what had just been healed. They have no intention of letting him recover.

((Rowan, please! If you do not comply, I cannot summon you to the Storage!))


Rowan ignores me. He swings his sword towards the leader but he just catches it with his bare hand. Holding it in a firm grip he then takes the initiative to chop Rowans arm of with his hand.

Even then Rowan continues to fight, ramming his head into the troll leaders stomach. It has no effect. The leader slaps Rowan away with one hand, causing Rowan to fly into a tree. I can feel his mind fading away. This is my chance.

Quickly, before he have the chance to resist I summon Rowan into the Storage.

"Mistress! Let me out!" he shouts

This time, I am the one that doesn't answers. The trolls, confused my the disapperance of their enemy, notice me and attacks. The son reaches after me, trying to grab me. I evade by running behind him.


The son gets furious and tries to attack me by slamming his fists into the ground where I stand. I avoid it by jumping up in the air and landing on his shoulder. When I do I use Sonic Screech and screams into his ear. This makes him lose balance, but only momentarely.

He turns his head around and tries to bite me. For a second I stare into his mouth. I can see yellow sharp teeth and between them what appears to be an arm. A human arm.

I jump off his shoulder and lands on the ground four meters away, behind a rock. I am really thankfull for my jumping skills.

The trolls momentarely lose track of me but after sniffing in the air for a few seconds they find me. A strong sense of smell eh? The leaders mate charges at me but I jump up in the air before she can react. I charge my foot with Quake Stomp and lands on her head. It is very effective.

The mate screams in pain lose her foothold, causing her to fall on her stomach. I am sorry for calling you weak Quake Stomp! The mate tries to stand up but I once again use Quake Stomp on her, this time on her neck. I can hear a snapping sound. The mate stops moving.

Uh, did I just... Break her neck?

\You have gained enough levels to level up! Please select a species!\

Oh. That is... Good? But before I have a chance to check my evolution choices something grips my whole body. It's the leader. He's got mad eyes and roars when he sees his mate. I can hear the son roar too.

The leader opens his mouth (Urg! The stench!) and tries to eat me. He puts me closer to his mouth.


"Mistress!" Rowan shouts.

He must be worried like hell and afraid for my life right now. But I have no thought about dying yet!

Before the troll can but me in his mouth I use Hypnotising Voice on the son. Even if he is higher level than me he is alot dumber! The son rams into his father, causing him to drop me. I take the chance and puts a distance between me and the two trolls. The leader roars at his son and slaps him across his face. The son crouches together and seems to apologize by growling.

The two of them turns towards me. Pure rage can be seen in their eyes as they stare at me. Suddenly the leaders skin seems to glow and soon afterwards it catches fire. Crap. Is this what Fire Variant meant? I better escape.

I turn around and starts running but suddenly something besides me explodes. The pressure causes me to get thrown a few feet.

"Mistress! Are you Ok?!" Rowan asks, sounding really worried

((Y-yeah I'm fine... Ow, but what happened?)) I look towards the trolls.

The leader stands there with a fireball in his hand, smirking. Does this mean he's got a long range ability. Not good! Really not good! Like this I won't be able to escape!

The leader charges the fireball in his hand and fires it. I try to evade it but some of it still hits my leg.

It hurts. It hurts like hell. I look down on my leg. Most of the feathers are gone and the skin is colored deep red. It smells like chicken.

Crap, like this I can not longer evade!

"Mistress, call me out! I will act as decoy while you escape!"

((No! I will not let you do that!))

"But mistress..!" Rowan pleads.

I ignore him, once again. Sorry Rowan, I will not let you sacrifice yourself for me.

The leader fires another fireball. This one lands right in front of me. I have no chance of escaping. The explosion throws me away. The pain is almost unbareable. I can no longer feel my legs and my wings have gone numb. And my eye... I can no longer se anything from it. I think it is gone.

It hurts, so much... The trolls are coming closer. They are smirking, this must be really fun for them, giving me pain like this... I hate them so much...

But I will not die. Not again. I will survive. I will live to see another day. I will not let them kill me! I have but one hope left.


Ruler of Earth.

\Activating Ruler of Earth will come with a price and you cannot undo what you have done. Are you sure you want to use this ability?\

... Yes. I will survive, therefore I will accept any punishment.

As I activate the ability the world around me goes white as my mind fades away. The last thing I hear is screams of anguish from the trolls and Rowans worried voice.

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