《The Suit-Maker》Requesting Feedback


Hi guys,

Just want to inform everyone The Suit-Maker is currently undergoing editing and I hope to hear from the editor soon. I haven't really started on Book 2 yet as I want to see how Book 1 does first. I am thinking of writing another story in the meantime and for this, I am requesting some feedback on which story you would most like to read.

Idea 1- supervillain story

A supervillain, Sweet Fist, has just been released after spending twenty years in jail. Upon release, he got a System called "The Reunion". The System inform the supervillain that he has many kids and even some grandchildren. The System will give missions to reunite the supervillain with his family, and if the supervilaain fails, he will die. Only one problem; the supervillain never knew he had any kids. How is a bad guy supposed to reunite with a family he never knew existed?

Idea 2- VRMMO story

In the future, gaming is big business and gaming companies always look for ways to outdo each other. The Genos Corp believes they had found a way and they are making an offer to poor families that they believe the families can't refused. The Genos Corp will install a gaming capsule for the family free of charge, but in return the family members can only play their games as 'monsters'. Monsters that have poorer stats, and worse equipment than the real (paying) players. This is a story where the poor are the gaming cannon fodder of the rich, and how one poor family achieved success despite the disadvantages.

Idea 3- Ghost Shop

In a world of magic, the Niwa family owns a small illusion shop. Players go to such shops to fight against illusions as a form of enjoyment, but the Niwa shop is not a success. That is till one member of the family got possessed by a ghost. The ghost enters the shop and fought against the players who thought it was just another illusion of the shop. The players loved it, and the shop suddenly became successful. However, one ghost isn't enough for all the players so the family had to possess other ghosts, something that can only be done if the family rediscover the forbidden art of 'ghost magic'. A magical art that has been banned for centuries.


UPDATE: Thanks for all the comments guy. Please keep it coming. Some readers has asked for more background on the ideas so here goes.

Idea 1- supervillain story

Sweet Fist is a joke. He has no superpowers. He is merely a guy with some martial arts who dress up in a costume with a candy theme. He says things like 'Sweet Dreams' and 'Choco Punch' when fighting. He was an embrassment to the community when he was active, but while inside, he became respected by the villains as he kept quiet rather than make a deal with the heroes. I'm thinking of letting the System give him some cultivator-like martial arts that make him a real villain. He will take in students, create a villain group, and maybe even have bases like candy stores and chocolate factories.

Idea 2- VRMMO story

The family wIll have four members and they will be playing monster in games run by Genos Corp. To make things interesting, Genos will not allow the family to choose which world they will be playing in as each time they die in-game, they may be ported-out to a different game that has less monster players. They will die often as monster players are worth more xp than regular monsters, and that's bad as the pain setting is at 50% with no way of lowering it. The family will also get bonuses depending on how much they level before dying to the regular players, and how long they managed to survive before dying. So the first priority isn't to win (you can't as a monster), but to survive as long as you can in the game. Think of it as a survivial-VRMMO story

Idea 3- Ghost Shop

The Niwa family is a family of weak magicians but one of them found a spell that could capture ghosts. Not only that, they discovered that the spell allows the ghost to possess them, thus allowing them to use the ghost's powers. Seeing how useful it was, they endeavor to find other ghost spells. That's a problem because 'Ghost Magic' is banned and there is no special school or hidden master to teach them anything. They will have to make deals with the magicial underworld, raid forgetten tombs, steal spells from libraries to get them. Think of this as a story about the slow descent of a family into the forbidden.


Thus far, the poll is pretty even which means either all the ideas are just as good, or just as bad, as each other. Let's see in a few days. Thanks!

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