《HofN original》Chapter 14.1- Learning Hell


So this isn't too important at the moment, but it doesn't really belong in another chapter, so you guys get 1 full chapter and 2 mini chapters today, lucky you. I'll get the girl chapter out in... before my midnight and after the full chapter

And on a side note, We're over 1000 average views! Yay


When Steel closed his eye, he expected to feel the slow fall into unconsciousness. He did not expect to feel his body fall forward, as if he was flying toward the ceiling. He opened his eye to fin himself falling into a void.

Flailing around, he tried to right himself, but was unsuccessful. His need to scream was cut short as he fell into a room and landed in a chair.

The chair locked his hands and legs into it, and his head was forced back.

Steel was suddenly very nervous.

"Ve 'ave vays of making you talk." a very cliche sounding voice came out from behind him. Slowly, with the clacking of heels, a tall women walked out and stood in front of him.

Her entire outfit screamed business, and also sexless, and her stern gaze made Steels' bounded legs jiggle like jelly. She had her long hair in a bun, sharp glasses and nose, a frown that looked plastered to her face, and a complexion that would make a ghost jealous. Her outfit consisted of a long skirt that ended at the ankles and a blouse that gave no hint of what should have been a bountiful harvest. Her arms looked muscular, and her nails looked like deadly weapons.

"Um, hi?" Steel said weakly.

The lady frowned and faster than Steel could see back slapped him.

"Speak only vhen spoken too." She said slowly.

She looked his body up and down like she was sizing a horse to buy for glue. Steel silently prayed for his virginity...never mind she was free to take, he didn't need it. Almost as if she heard his thoughts, she raised one heel and stepped in on his crotch to look him in the face.


Steel felt his future was in terrible danger. His other brain screamed in fear.

"Vhat should I do vith you I vonder?" The lady pondered, absentmindedly rubbing her heel into Steel.

Steel felt liking leaving would be a great idea, but he kept his mouth shut, his eye glued to his his precious treasure.

Seeing Steel not react, the lady pouted. A change came over her, her hair fell down, her clothes changed to a more casual set of jeans and t-shirt, and her body became more feminine.

"So sad, your not any fun." She pouted, her voice also changing to that of a teenager.

"Ehm, do I know you from somewhere?" Steel asked tentatively.

She shook her head, "Nope, I'm your new A.I. teacher, call me..." She pondered for a moment, her hand on her chin in a cute manner, "Call me Mrs. Hell-ena." She beamed at him expectantly.

"Mrs. Hellina?"

"No, Hell-en-a, or call me Hell." She said brightly.

Steel was not reassured. "So Hell." He said slowly, "What am I doing here exactly?"

She smiled at him, "Why your here to learn remember? The humans want to make sure you keep up with your studies so you don't become an idiot."

"I see. What makes you qualified to teach me then?" Steel asked curiously.

"Why, because human studies is my focus of expertise." She said proudly, her hands on her sides like a superhero pose.

Okay then, an A.I. that specialized in humans, that was something Steel hadn't seen coming. He thought he'd just be given books and notes to look over. It looked like the administration was taking this seriously.

"Good to know, and a pleasure to meet you Hell." Steel said slowly, "Any chance you can remove these restraints so we can start the studying?"


She giggled, "Silly, no why would I do that? My studies have shown that humans are prone to distraction, so I designed the code for that chair to make sure you stay completely focused on schoolwork. No getting out of it, nope nope." She declared proudly.

"Oh, so you've tested it before." Steel said, relaxing a bit.

"Nope, so let me know if you feel any discomfort."She said nonchalantly, "Okay, lets get this show on the road!"

A large screen appeared in front of Steel, and a speaker came on, starting to speak about the history of the human race.

"Oh by the way, you'll get a tingle if your attention starts to wander, so be careful." Hell said cheerfully as she left the room.

"..........zz.....OW!" Steel yelled as a jolt of electricity shocked the crap out of him.

He spent two hours listening and learning in the room, unable to move, before it let him go. He returned to find little time had passed in the game world, and he promptly fell back asleep.

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