《In Range》Chapter 21: Oros


“Hey, that’s mine!” I shouted, “Give it back!” Crawling like a worm towards the Giant—unable to free my legs and arms from the strong roots still binding me.

“I don’t think you’re in a position to be demanding—” The Giant quickly pulled up his old leathery apron and covered his mouth with it, as he let out another heavy and nasty sounding cough.

When he stopped coughing and let the apron hang again, I could see there was blood left on the corners of his mouth, and thought to myself “Is he actually sick? Or is he injured or something?” I quickly looked over his giant body, but saw nothing that could be causing it, just a lot of old scars all over the exposed parts of his body.

He then said to me, “Now about this quiver, where did you get such an incredible item? I’ve only ever seen two other like it.”

“Wait, you know what this is?” I asked in surprise.

“I do, it’s an item of God-Make.” The Giant answered, “Did you think I was just another monster for the Adventurer’s Guild to hunt down?” He asked with a slight disdain in his deep voice.

“You know the Adventurer’s Guild? and that I’m a part of it?” I asked in surprise again.

“Of course I do, who else would try to follow a Cyclops at night? A giant one at that.” Adding, “And the Guild Bracelet I took from you was a dead give away.”

Wriggling my hands inside the root bindings, I felt that not only was the Guild Bracelet gone, but also the Ring of Strength I had on my finger. Sitting myself up, I said “I am an adventurer, but I promise I wasn’t hunting you down, I merely ran into you by accident.” His giant eye unblinkingly glared at me, “And I’ve only ever met horrible goblins, so I didn’t know monsters could be as kind, intelligent, and amazing as you are, O’Great Giant-Cyclops.”

“Goblins can be pretty horrible creatures.” Letting out another heavy cough, “And no need for fake flattery, I’m not going to kill you.”

“You’re not? Didn’t you tie me up and take my stuff so you can eat me for dessert later?” I half-heartedly joked, feeling a little safer cause he said he wouldn’t kill me.

“Haha...no, but it has been a while since I’ve eaten an Elf.” He gave me a joking grin, and I gulped out loud anyway; the Giant chuckled at my reaction, and said “As you must know, most people that come across a monster will try to kill it, without any regard for the monster itself, especially you adventurers.” Holding his left hand out, “I was only keeping myself safe by taking your stuff, I apologize if the roots squeezed you too hard.” Then the Giant's left hand emitted a green magic, and the roots binding me started to unravel themselves—quickly withering away as they fell to the ground.

“Wow, thank you.” I said, carefully standing up and expecting it to be a trick, but stopped when I saw him look more sickly than a second ago. "Maybe I was too quick to judge him, I don’t get the feeling like I should be scared of him, even though he’s at least 10ft taller than me while sitting down, and he could’ve easily just killed me when I was knocked out.” Admiring his giant stature, “Plus it looks like using his magic really took a lot out of him.” The Giant heavily coughed again, “He also seems to be much more intelligent than I thought a talking monster would be, especially for a Giant or Cyclops who are usually known for not being that smart.”


“Here you go.” He said, tossing Infinity back towards me, “I’ve already had quite a good look at it.” As I caught Infinity in the air.

“You had a good look at it? What does that mean?” I asked, strapping Infinity back onto my back, “Cause when a Master Blacksmith used his Identify Skill on it, he couldn’t see anything about my quiver.”

“If it were any other bounded Rarity item, or if it was an unbound God-Make item, it would be possible to see the Stats of the item, but since it is a God-Make bounded to you, no one other than you or the God who created it for you may see it.” Then looking super intrigued by me, he said “It makes me question who you really are, because I haven’t heard of any of the Gods being seen for centuries now, and you definitely don’t look like an Elf who’s lived for that long.”

“Uhh...yeah don’t worry about it, but back to my quiver, how were you able to see the Stats then?” Changing the subject away from me.

“Oh I didn’t, were you not listening to my explaination just now?” He smirked at me.

“That’s such a lie!" I pointed out, "What did you—” The Giant quickly turned completely away from me, letting out an incredibly heavy and bloody cough into the space behind him—blood spilling out of his hand trying to cover it. “Woah, are you okay?” I asked, genuinely concerned, “You’ve been coughing like that ever since I met you.”

Sucking in the blood in his mouth and wiping the rest off with his apron, he struggled to say “Thank you...for your concern...”

“No problem, it’s only natural to be concerned for someone who’s really sick.” I spoke softly, uselessly trying to help the Giant as he tried to lay down on his side.

“Not for everyone it is…and not for creatures...considered as monsters…” His breathing turned shallow, “And I’m not sick...I’m dying…”

“Dying!?” I quietly exclaimed, “I’ll go get help right away then, there should be plenty of Healers that’ll be happy to help you in town.”

“I doubt that…” He coughed again, “And there is no need to go to such lengths...I expected I might not make it...to Asheton…”

“You really are heading to Asheton, what’s there for a Giant-Cyclops to be going there?” But then shaking my head, and saying “No forget that, I need to go get you some help, I know a few Healers that will definitely help if I ask.” Starting to climb the tree to find out the direction I needed to go.

“Why are you so concerned…for a stranger…for a monster?” His weakened voice still loud as I climbed upwards.

“I...I lost someone I cared about…he died because of me...and I couldn’t even do anything to help...” Reaching the top of the tree, “So you may be a stranger, but I can’t just let you die without trying to help, when I can actually help.” Loudly saying to him below me, as I quickly spotted the taller tree I was standing on earlier, “That's the way to town.” Quickly climbing back down, “And stop calling yourself a monster, from the little time I’ve talked to you, I know that you’re clearly not one, at least not one I consider an actual monster.” Facing the direction of the tall tree, I activated Sprint, but the moment I took a step, my back leg was grabbed by something and I couldn’t move it. I turned around to see that it was another magical root from the ground, and asked “What are you doing? Let me go!” Trying to pull my leg away, but still not being able to break free of the strong magical root.


“I think you have the wrong idea...I’m not dying from an illness that can be healed….I’m dying from old age.” The Giant clarified.

“Old age?” I repeated.

“Yes...it’s been almost 350 years already, and it’s about time I move on from this world...”

“350 years?! That’s incredible!” I exclaimed again.

“You’re one to talk elf, umm...I never caught your name…”

“Right, well it’s kind of ironic when I’m talking to you, but my name is Eyes.”

He laughed upon hearing my name, but his laugh quickly turned into another cough. “Well Eyes, it was a pleasure to come across you...in my last moments…” Then turned his lying head towards me, and asked “Can I ask you to do me a favour, Eyes?”

“Yeah of course...umm, I didn’t get your name either?”

“It is simply Oros…”

The name rung in my ears, “Oros? It can’t be, right?” Then asking, “So what’s the favour?”

“I was hoping...to see some people in Asheton...”

“And you want me to carry you there? Sure, just hop on.” Playfully gesturing to him to get on my back; he laughed loudly again, this time turning into a horrid cough. “Oh sorry, I shouldn’t be trying to make you laugh.”

“No, I am very grateful to have someone like you...to share my last moments with...”

“Awww, don’t talk like that, you have still have plenty of time." Trying to keep him optimistic, "What did you actually want to say?”

“...I heard that somehow both my old friend...and my only apprentice live in Asheton...I wanted to ask you if you can give them a message for me?” Oros’ cough got worse, and blood was dripping out of the corners of his mouth.

“Of course I can, but don’t you want to say it to them yourself, I’m sure I can bring them here if you want?” I suggested.

“No, it would be too late then—” Oros started to cough uncontrollably, and I needed to take a few steps back just to avoid being crushed by his giant coughing body. All the ground in the area rumbled and shook, as Oros recoiled against it when he let out heavy coughs—continuing for 3 whole minutes.

Really concerned, I softly asked “A-Are you alright, Oros?” Seeing blood dripping from his mouth, his rough scraggly grey beard, and the side of his face.

He barely nodded to me yes, and spoke to me with an extremely weakened voice, “...All I ask...is for you to get...those tools in the sack...to my apprentice named Drune…to tell my friend Hensley...Thank you for saving me...” Then Oros turned his head to face me again, “And for you Eyes...to end my suffering...” His voice gave out and he lay on the ground with shallower breaths than before, but popping up in front of me was a new Quest.


Oros’ Dying Wish:

Deliver Oros’ Smithing Tools to Drune, inform Hensley of Oros’ Last Words to him, and for you to end Oros’ suffering.

Reward: ??? Time Limit: Before Oros dies. Failure: Oros is left with doubt and regret about your ability to complete his Dying Wish, and will not be able to rest in peace.

Will you accept:

[Yes] or [No]

My eyes widened at the Quest, “He really is the Oros Drune and Mr.Hensley talked about, this can’t just be a coincidence, right? Or did I just get really lucky and find people related to each other? And how can a ‘Monster’ even give out a Quest?” But seeing Oros’ Name, it suddenly changed from Lv.50 Elder Giant-Cyclops to just being Oros.

“What does this mean? If a Monster can change into an Npc, are they even actually Monsters in the first place? And can it go the other way around too?” Then settling my racing thoughts, I spoke softly and said “Oros, it might be hard to believe, but I actually know both Drune and Hensley, and I’d like to think we’re friends.” Oros’ ear twitched a little when he heard that, “They said they haven’t seen you for a very long time, so would you like to hear about them before you leave?” He nodded his head ever so slightly, and I smiled and began telling him about Mr.Hensley first.

I told Oros how I met Mr.Hensley through a Guild Request for collecting bodies of the townspeople, explaining that he was no longer a missionary, and just worked as the town’s gravekeeper. I described Mr.Hensley’s appearance and how he was also getting up there in age, but that he was happily married now to his wife that worked in the marketplace. I ended by retelling some stories that I could remember Mr.Hensley telling me about on the ride to the mine.

Recalling how I randomly found Drune’s shop in the marketplace in Asheton, I described every little detail I could remember about it, from all the weapons and armour on the racks, to his slightly messy forging workplace in the back. I described what Drune looked like now too, explained how he'll probably have his very own apprentice soon, and told Oros that Drune still wondered about where he went after all these years.

Oros smiled the saddest happy smile I’ve ever seen, as I saw his eye begin to water, and he shed a single large crystalline tear; but before landing on the ground, the tear strangely disappeared into thin air. Not really thinking twice about it and taking it as a random occurrence, I began to wonder how to humanely help end Oros’ suffering, but as I was beginning to think, Oros slowly turned his face towards me again.

“This is it...this is what I saw in the Vision.” I thought, watching Oros slowly raising his enormous hand towards my head, “It wasn’t something bad after all.” Letting his heavy hand lightly press on my head.

Oros didn’t say a word, but from the look in his eye, I could feel him saying thank you; then as he closed his eye, all of a sudden my own eyes surged with power, and the ethereal tendrils forced themselves out. I was completely caught off guard and immediately tried to bring them back in, but they wouldn’t listen, already starting to wrap themselves around Oros’ giant eye.

“Hey no, stop that!” I shouted at the tendrils, trying anything I could to reign them back into me, “That’s not one I want to take!” Refusing to take his Oros’ eye.

But as I said that, Oros’s hand lightly patted me on the head, “It’s...okay…” His voice barely audible through his blood filled mouth.

Still about to reject his consent, I noticed something different about the ethereal tendrils; they weren’t forcefully and aggressively taking the eye like with the others eyes I’ve already taken, but were instead being very passive and gentle, almost seemingly like they were caressing and hugging Oros’s eye. When the first siphoning pulse came from the tendrils, it felt as if Oros was giving me his eye, and then not even realizing when it happened, I found myself floating back in a familiar golden space—eyeballs swirling all around me. “Is this place the Seer’s Eye Collection?” I asked myself, recognizing the eyes around me as the ones I’ve already collected. Then I felt another siphoning pulse come to me, and almost as if it was my own, I could see a memory.

Being pinned down by an enormous giant boulder on my back, I lay flat on my stomach on the hard rocky ground, arms and legs spread out like an x, and wasn't able to move at all. I screamed out “Nooo!” Terrified of 4 glowing hot metal cuffs being brought—by a few really short figures—towards each of my limbs, and a glowing hot collar being brought to my neck.

Before I could witness the inevitable searing and branding pain, another siphoning pulse came, and I was pulled into a memory of myself teaching a small child how to hammer a sword on an anvil. The only thing I could make out from what I was saying, was me calling the child "Kid." And I could kind of recognize the child’s face as Drune’s.

Then one more time, a pulse came and I saw a memory of me running for my life—my body absolutely bloody and battered—then collapsing to the ground, moments later a young man with a familiar face came rushing towards me, instantly healing me the best he could, and giving me food and water.

After that last memory, I was brought back to the golden space and Oros’ giant eye was floating in front of me; a second later I was instantly brought back to reality—the ethereal tendrils having already returned to my eyes—and now in front of me were a few messages. I didn’t bother reading them, and just stared at Oros with his eyelid closed and smiling at me.

“I saw a bit of what happened to you.” I said to him softly, “I’m so sorry.”

Oros opened his mouth slightly, so I got closer to listen to his extremely weakened voice, “T-Thank...you..” And when I believed those to be his last words, I could barely hear him saying something else to me, only making out “...E...go…”

“E-go? Ego?” I repeated, not understanding, but I didn't wanna question him about—knowing he was too weak to talk anymore.

Sitting myself next to him, moments passed and Oros breathing slowed further and further, until finally it just stopped; his body became very still, and knew he was gone. I didn't know if it was because someone died in front of me again, or if it was because I felt connected to Oros from the glimpses of his past, but a feeling of real sadness came rushing into me, and tears started to fall from my face.

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