《In Range》Chapter 3: Stats And Gains


Your Name has now been changed from 'Jude Bryce' to 'Eyes Thalion'.

“Nice to meet you, Eyes Thalion.” 13 said, brightly smiling at me. “And now that that’s done, it’s time to start the Stats Tutorial.'' 13 then raised her hands up and the whole ground began to rumble and shake intensely, and I watched multiple huge white structures begin to rise up in the space in front of us. “While those rise I can start explaining to you, now please open up your Character Menu again.” She instructed.

Following her instructions, I tried opening the Menu with my mind this time, and thought “Open Menu.” And the Menu screen appeared again, with the other options still greyed out except for Character. “I really can just think of it for the Menu to open.” Slightly amused by the fact, and clicking open the Character Menu.

When it opened up I was shown a screen that was split vertically in half. On the left half of the screen was an image of my new Elven self, with 5 boxes spaced vertically on each side of the image, and another one above my head. Making a total of 11 empty boxes, each one had a faint line pointing to a section of my body. The boxes on the left from top to bottom were my chest, shoulders, forearm, legs, and feet; while the boxes on the right were, my ears, neck, a box for each hand, and my waist, and finally the box above my head pointing to my head.

“Wow, this really is a game, and these must be my armour and accessory slots.” I thought, seeing the shirt and sweatpants that I’m wearing take up the chest and leg slots. Looking to the right half of the screen, I saw my Stats.


Name: Eyes Thalion

Race: Wood Elf

Level: 1

Class: None

Titles: 0

Health: 15 (10% regeneration per hour)

Mana: 10 (1% regeneration per minute)

Stamina: 10 (1% regeneration per minute)

Vitality: 1 [+] Magic: 1 [+]

Strength: 1 [+] Agility: 1 [+]

Intelligence: 1 [+] Endurance: 1 [+]

Sense: 1 [+]

Available Points: 20

Status: None

Bonuses: None

13 walked over to me and said, “I already know you’re familiar with the concept of Stats, so I won’t bother boring you with the heavy explanation about them.”

“She already knows? Well I guess that makes sense that they know since they brought me here, but it still feels kinda weird that they know .” I thought, listening to her explain.

“All your Stats will increase by 1 every time you Level Up, and will also gain 10 Available Points per Level Up that you can spend to increase them further.” 13 then pointed on the screen, “As you can see, you have been given 20 Available Points to start off, and can spend them at any time and however which way you prefer.” Also explaining, ”If you hover your hand on a specific Stat, it will show you the basic information for what they do.” Doing as she said, I read the description for each.

Vitality: Increases amount of Health by 15 per Point and Stamina by 10 per Point. Total(1) = Base(1) Magic: Increases amount of Mana by 10 per Point, and power of Magical Type Skills. Total(1) = Base(1) Strength: Increases physical strength, muscle density, and power of Physical Type Skills. Total(1) = Base(1) Agility: Increases mobility and flexibility. Total(1) = Base(1) Intelligence: Increases brain function, efficiency of Mana Cost Skills, and effectiveness of Magical Type Skills. Total(1 )= Base(1) Endurance: Increases body’s endurance, efficiency of Stamina Cost Skills, and effectiveness of Physical Type Skills. Total(1) = Base(1) Sense: Increases the senses. Total(1) = Base(1)


“This is pretty basic info, but it looks like there’s gonna be both Physical and Magical Skills.” Reading over everything again, making sure I didn’t miss anything.

“Take note that any spent points are permanent and cannot be refunded.” She let me know, “Your Stats will become very important for surviving the difficulties you’ll surely encounter in Novus, so choose wisely.” 13 advised.

“Permanent, eh? I guess I’ll save them for now then, I don’t know which of the stats are actually good yet.” Closing the Menu, and saying to 13 “Is that what I have to do next?” Pointing to the multiple white structures that had now completely risen to over 200ft tall skyscrapers.

“It is, are you ready to start?” 13 asked.

“I think I am, but what am I doing exactly?” Looking at the whites structure ahead of us that looked to be completely flat on all sides, but had one super slanted ramp leading to a dark open doorway about 30ft above the ground.

“If you’re ready, then allow me to give you your first Tutorial Quest.” As suddenly a screen popped up in front of my face.

Tutorial Quest

Stat Training Courses:

Complete the first part of the course, and move on within 2 hours.

Reward: ??? Time Limit: 2 hours

While I read the screen, 13 explained “All you need to do is to reach the end of the first part of the course to move on, and don’t worry about failing at an obstacle, you will just be respawned to the start of the course you're on.” 13 then began flapping her black raven-like wings and flew off the ground, “You have 2 hours, I’ll be waiting for you at the end, I hope to see you there.” She waved, flying over to the white structures, and then disappearing into the dark open doorway.

Closing the Quest, I thought “The quest seems simple enough, but I better hurry up, 13 said there were bonus rewards for finishing the tutorial first, and whatever the reward is, I’m sure I’ll want it. Plus, I’m sure other Players are already ahead of me.” Feeling my competitive spirit motivating me again after so long.

Heading over to the ramp, I stumbled and was completely off balance, still getting used to my new height and how my body moved. When I reached the bottom of the ramp, I realized it wasn’t a ramp at all, and was instead a seesaw. Walking about half way on the seesaw, I saw that there was a huge gap between the seesaw and the ledge of the doorway. Stepping on the higher side, I immediately felt the seesaw going down, and stepped back on the other side to bring it back up.

“Looks like I need to make a run for it before it goes down.” I said to myself, walking back to the bottom to get a full run up. Then running as fast as I could up the ramp, it slowly went down because of my weight, but I made it to the top and jumped off, just reaching for the ledge. Barely grabbing onto the ledge with my hands, I slowly pulled myself up, and a new message appeared.

You have gained 1 Agility.

And my body surprisingly felt slightly lighter and more agile, and I said to myself “Seems like these Stats are more than just numbers, they actually affect me physically, and that must mean there are probably more ways to increase my Stats.” Looking to the round boulder in front of me blocking the path.


“Oh, I forgot to tell you.” I jumped in surprise as I heard 13 speak from behind me, “Oops, sorry about that, but just in case you were wondering, once you complete an obstacle you can no longer gain a Stat from it. You also have access to the Quest Menu now if you want to read the Quest again.” She then quickly flew back up and disappeared from my sight.

“I didn’t even think of that, but that’s good to know.” I thought to myself, putting my hands on the boulder and pushing it slowly. As the boulder rolled in the tight corridor, I realized I was pushing it up a slope, making it even harder to push as the slope increased in height, but as soon as I reached the top, the boulder disappeared, and I found myself in a closed room with no doors, as another message popped up.

You have gained 1 Strength.

Again I felt my body change, my muscles getting slightly bigger and stronger. Getting excited by the Stat increase, I looked to the next obstacle which was an image of a giant maze that kept on changing, with a dot in the middle, a joystick underneath, and a 60 second timer at the top. Immediately knowing what I needed to do, the moment I moved the joystick the timer started, and I tried my best to move the dot out of the maze.

When I finished the maze with 8 seconds left on the time, a door appeared, and a surge hit my head.

You have gained 1 Intelligence.

Walking through the door, I entered another closed room and the door behind me disappeared. However unlike the room before, this one was completely empty. Stepping into the center of the room, it really looked empty, but my senses were telling me otherwise. I felt and heard a feint slight breeze in the corner of the room. Following the breeze, it led me to a camouflaged handle on the ceiling. Turning the handle, it opened outward, and I pulled myself through the opening.

You have gained 1 Sense.

Finding myself in another corridor, I could feel my senses heighten, when suddenly I heard a strange sound coming from one side of the corridor. Turning my head to the sound, I saw that the ground was rapidly disappearing with no bottom in sight. “Oh, shit!” I thought, immediately running the other way. The ground was disappearing at a steady rate, only about 9 or 10 steps behind me, keeping me at a running pace. I followed the solid and narrow corridors, twisting and turning in all directions, even going down and up a few flights of stairs, but to no end.

After about 5 minutes of running a message popped up.

Prolonged physical exertion will naturally cause Stamina to drain, halting Stamina regeneration, and any Stamina usage past zero will cause you to gain the Physical Exhaustion Status.

Then in the top left of my vision a Stamina bar appeared, and I saw my Stamina go down.

Stamina: 10 -> 9

Running for another 10 minutes, I saw the white light outside and I could see that it led to a huge gap between the white structures, with a doorway slightly lower on the other side of the gap, and without thinking I jumped for it. While I was in the air, I looked down and saw that I was over 100ft above the ground, as I then landed and rolled into the doorway, and 3 messages popped up.

You have gained 1 Endurance. You have gained 1 Vitality. You have gained 1 Magic.

"Woah, that was a close one." I thought as I rolled away from the ledge just in case the ground disappeared, but it didn’t, and I laid on the floor tired and kind of exhausted.

Picking myself up from the ground, two doors stood in front of me. One was a grand, well crafted wooden double door, with golden lionhead ring door knobs, the door frames having a beautiful golden engraving along them, and above the door were golden words that said, Skills Tutorial. On the other side, was a single door, with broken and rotten wood, and a half broken doorknob.

Seeing the words Skills Tutorial, I thought “This must be the end of the course then, I wonder what kind of skills I'll learn.” As I walked towards the double doors and was about to open them, I looked back at the other broken door, and I stopped myself. “Something doesn’t feel right." Looking around, "Didn’t 13 say she would wait at the end for me? So why isn’t she here?” I asked myself, walking over to the broken door, and opening it instead.

Quest Updated Tutorial Quest

Stat Training Courses:

Complete the first part of the course, and move on within 2 hours

Hidden Quest Unlocked:

Complete all the courses within 2 hours.

Reward: ??? Hidden Reward: ??? Time Limit: 1 hrs 39 mins

Having an epiphany about the Quest, I said “Of course there was more to it, there were multiple structures outside meaning multiple courses, and 13 not being here only proves that this isn’t the end.” Going through the broken door, I read the Quest again. “But if I wanna make it in time, I better start picking up the pace.” Starting to run to the next obstacle.

I started going through the obstacles as fast as possible, not knowing how many or how long each course were, and only stopping to recover my Stamina a bit. The obstacles came in all sorts of different variations, rapidly increased my Stats, and making each course completion gradually easier and faster. The Strength obstacles all boiled down to pushing or lifting something heavy, but the most notable one was scaling up the side of one of the white structure, from 20ft all the way to the top. Agility was all about speed and running, except for a long swimming obstacle that also increased my Stamina. Intelligence was puzzles, such as a box with moving parts to get a key, while the room was closing in on me. Sense being the most varied, using our everyday senses, with a simple one needing to dodge multiple almost invisible swinging objects while crossing a bridge.

Exhausted and panting, I climbed the flight of stairs and the course completion Stats finally appeared.

You have gained 1 Vitality. You have gained 1 Magic.

Reaching the top of the stairs, I smiled seeing 13 standing on the roof with the same double doors I saw before beside her, and knowing that I completed all the courses with 3 minutes and 10 seconds to spare. “I made it…” Panting excessively and flopping to the ground.

13 smiled beautifully back at me, and said “Congratulations Eyes Thalion, you have fully completed the Stats Tutorial, and the only one in your group to do so. I knew you would be my favourite.” She clapped excitedly. “And allow me to relieve you of your tiredness.” Blowing a kiss to me, I watched as a yellow mist-like magic traveled from her hand and surrounded my body, and it instantly made my body feel rejuvenated. “Oh, and here’s your Quest Rewards.”

Tutorial Quest Completed Stat Training Courses and the bonus Hidden Quest completed. Reward: 10 Available Points Hidden Reward: 10 Available Points

Reading the rewards, I said while laying down “You said I’m the only one in my group to fully complete the Stat Tutorial, right?”

“That’s right.” 13 answered.

“Then do you know how many fully completed in other groups?” I asked, sitting up.

“Sadly no, they’re being guided by my brothers and sisters, and I won’t know until after the Tutorial and we share the results.”

“Hmm...ok then, so what would've happened if I didn't complete it in time?”

“You would’ve only gotten the Reward for the Stat Training Courses Quest and not the Hidden Reward, but you would’ve kept the Stats you gained from the obstacles you completed, then you would've automatically been sent to the next tutorial." She informed. "Now, shall we go? There's still another Time Limit you have to worry about.” Pointing to the huge Time Limit in the sky.

Tutorial Time Limit: 4 Hours, 51 Minutes, 22 Seconds

Standing up, I said “We shall.” Opening and entering the double doors, and giving a look at my Character Menu to see the Stats I’ve accumulated.


Name: Eyes Thalion

Race: Wood Elf

Level: 1

Class: None


Health: 150 (10% regeneration per hour)

Mana: 100 (1% regeneration per minute)

Stamina: 100 (1% regeneration per minute)

Vitality: 10 [+] Magic: 10 [+]

Strength: 10 [+] Agility: 10 [+]

Intelligence: 10 [+] Endurance: 10 [+]

Sense: 10 [+]

Available Points: 40

Status: None

Bonuses: None

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