《ANNO: 1623》V2 - Chapter Two: The Motions


The Motions

The Next Morning.

The Keep,


LEVI AWOKE TO THE SEEMINGLY perpetual wails of the wint’ry morning, wooden shutters clattering noisily with each frigid gust of wind. He let out a low groan as he lifted the rather primitive patchwork sheet of deerskin that was his bedcover before proceeding to carefully disentangle a slumbering governess from his person.

With a slight shiver, he slid off his bed as the early-morning chill rushed to embrace his naked form before he could drape a woollen blanket over his shoulders. With a tired exhale, found the lidded chamberpot in a chamber attached to the room into which he emptied his bladder before silently slinking back to his bed where he sat for minutes on end in a seemingly contemplative mood.

“What troubles you, m’lord,” Miss Jin, Javi’s tutoress, asked as she awoke to the sight of a ponderous earl. Her hands slid up Levi’s back with her rising bust before curling around to cup his chest, ample bosom pressing sensuously against his back.

“It’s nothing,” Levi replied. He turned in place to face the woman before planting a soft kiss on her lips. Brushing back a few strands of dark brown hair from her face he gazed calmly into her eyes. “I believe I am just being impatient,” he said with a weary sigh, “that’s all.”

“I wonder what great trouble worries m’lord so?”

“Paltry issues, my dear,” Levi replied with a small smile. “That aside, you look quite radiant, m’lady. I take you had a pleasant night?”

“Oh,” the governess giggled as she trailed circles on his chest with her right index finger, one arm curled around his lithe waist, “I didn’t know m’lord was one to brag. But, yes. I did have a wonderful night.”

“Well, I trust you did,” Levi said imperiously. “After all, it was I, the hedonist deity of the rod and foreplay, Levi the Lance, who did bed you.”

“Oh stop!” Miss Jin giggled again as she playfully slapped his chest, “that’s the fifth line already you’ve stolen from Countess Leslie’s books since last night.”

Levi simply smiled, his sloe-like eyes staring into hers. “But, you indeed till seek my corrupt taste again don’t you, young missus?” He asked softly, his right hand slowly caressing her waist.


“How beastly of you, My Liege,” the governess whispered back, but moved a hand to restrain Levi’s wandering fingers, appearing quite visibly reluctance. “Oh, I wish we could,” she said, gasping softly, “that you would so deeply ravish me once more, but we mustn’t. The young miss’ class begins soon and I must make preparations to make myself presentable.”

“Besides, what would we use?” she added with sultry giggling. “It’s not like it is customary to own a spare condom, or does m’lord strive to defy yet another one of my many expectations?”

“Nay, I do not, but you make a solid argument m’lady,” Levi said, rubbing his chin in thought. “I am not sure if the butcher would still have more in stock though. Perhaps I could have him make a few more this week? Just for convenience's sake. Anyways, I understand, go prepare for Javi’s class. Though I wonder, would I by any chance be once again graced with your lovely presence this evening?”

“Of course, Your Lordship,” the governess giggled. “Now, where do I get washed?”

“The bathroom is that way and inside to the left is a wash basin. In a few minutes, servants would bring in a few ewers of hot water and some oil-scented soap. Would you also like a fresh change of clothes? I am sure that could be arranged even on such short notice.”

“Yes please,” the governess replied in an apparently pleased tone. “I would love that.”

Levi smiled faintly as Miss Jin made for the bathroom with a spring in her step. Sometimes, he always wondered why popular literature, even here in Udoris, depicted women as strange mystical creatures beyond understanding, when in reality they were just normal people who had mostly the same desire and ambition as any man. Surely, not all women want the same thing nor do they all tick the same way, but if there is one thing they mostly have in common―one thing most normal men miss―it is that they love to be appreciated, respected, and have their opinions taken into consideration. To be honest, there were even times when he felt women were infact quite painfully predictable.

And yes, while most psychiatrists and human psychologists―the foolish lot―might argue that his opinion is rendered invalid due to certain aspects of his emotional spectrum being naturally suppressed, Levi called hubris. The lack of something doesn’t make necessarily make it bad, conclusive proof being the social advantage granted by his ability to view things clearly through a completely unbiased lens untainted by emotions.


Weak, blind things they all are, the writers, doctors and experts who coined the term psychopathy and associate it with negative connotations. But still, Levi refused to lay blame as would a lesser being. It is in human nature to fear and abhor what they fail to dominate, control or understand.

And with these thoughts, he once again went through the motions. The servants brought in the bath water, paying obeisance as they came and left. Later, a clean dress was brought in for his companion, Miss Jin, as she freshened up before bidding her goodbyes for the morning.

Soon after, Levi had his bath. And solitude. In the dim light, he gazed at his copper mirror upon which the rigid lines of recently formed masses of muscle―a testament to his efforts at self-improvement―vaguely reflected. The room was silent as he sat in solitude. Surely, he sometimes found the company of others pleasing; Miss Jin being quite an enjoyable companion, but in his heart, nothing could truly replace the serenity brought by these few moments stillness. Moments that became ever more infrequent with each passing day.

Another bland breakfast came and was devoured with a normal lack of gusto, the empty dishes carried out as the earl proceeded to groom himself.

Levi sighed, rubbing what little liquid he still could from the messy mass of obsidian curls that crowned his head before proceeding to fold his damp towel unto his table. The next minute however, his disarrayed hair was tamed in a neat knot by a single length of red yarn and his lithe form now decked in dark tunics and a fur coat strode out of his room towards the Keep’s hall.

Even from a distance he could hear Sir Carter’s boisterous voice echoing faintly through the otherwise silent hallway.

“Good morning, Robert,” Levi greeted as he entered the hall to see the butler conversing with his most reliable advisors. “Good morning, Lancelot. Carter. I trust you all had pleasant nights?’

“Good morning, m’lord,” the three men greeted back.

“I am sure we all did, m’lord,” Lancelot added with an undercurrent of jest. “But, I never knew my daughter’s noble governess could look so spry. I must thank you while also trusting you had quite a pleasant night.”

Levi raised a brow in response, a light of amusement flashing in the depths of his eyes. ‘Hm, I see you have chosen death,’ he thought to himself before asking the man. “Do you not worry for your house, dear viscount?”

“...What do you mean, m’lord?” Lancelot asked, appearing confused.

“My,” the earl said with a hint of pity, “should Lady Junita hear word of this, she might truly divorce you and come running to me. It would indeed be a great pity if by some chance―an accident of course―I caused my most dependable viscount to lose his young wife at such a doddery age.

“Should that to happen I am sure the people would curse me behind my back, famous writers would smear my name and many a great bard would sing of me as a deplorable beast, but it would only be unjust to blame me for your apparent dearth. Or would it not, my dear viscount?”

Lancelot guffawed while the other two men looked on confused, the joke quite clearly having sailed well over their heads. “I appreciate, the young lord’s concern, but it is still a needless one. I am sure I am beyond sufficient in that aspect.”

“Yes,” Levi nodded in a consoling manner, “do keep telling yourself that.” Yet another valid warning completely ignored. A pity. In James’ past life, the last man to utter such words to him was rendered a single father of two in just three weeks. Funnily enough, the fellow still had the guts to go around dispensing blame.

It was saddening to watch, but there was little James could do as it was beyond him. Most possibly another one the of innumerable defects most normal humans were born with.

Levi retracted his wandering thoughts as he turned to the men gathered. “Now Robert, since the three of us are here, the inspection might as well begin. I do believe one is in good order and well past due.”

“Yes, Your Lordship. Please follow me,” the steward nodded as he led them out into the Keep’s inner bailey.

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