《Reborn as a Magic Firefly, Help?》Chapter Eleven: Frog fight frog fight frog fright no wait toad


Alright, so my thinking goes that: if Mr King can't tell the difference between one of the little fireflies I can summon and yours truly, I can easily escape by distracting him, which is 10x as likely for me to survive as facing this guy head-on.

So, with my mana fully recovered by stealing all the mana the toad had, I summon about seven or eight little burning fireflies, each one as fast as I am. I could tell them to attack all parties involved, myself not included, but that would be the opposite of what I plan to do. No, instead, I make the fireflies swish about, seemingly at random, and I follow along the fast motions to blend in somewhat.

It may look like I'm just flying at random, my squad of fireflies all around me in a cloud, but that is not the case. It is the case, sure, but I am not nearly as inattentive as I seem. No, as I fly about, my eye lingers on Mr King, and, partially, the lackey toad.

I was right in observing the lackey as well, since it actually is flicking at the fireflies with its tongue. It misses every time, but this does prove that it is a stupid idiot frog bastard that doesn't know shit and IS NOT sentient. Good.

But Mr King is worrying me quite a bit. It might just be my imagination, but I feel like his gaze follows me a bit too closely. He'll look at me, and then look at a nearby firefly, but I always feel watched. Even when he's supposedly looking at something else entirely. It unnerves me, and I know he can tell he's getting to me.

My flying grows sloppy. I start to wonder, why hasn't he taken me yet? If he was quick enough to take me before I even realized it before, then why is he biding his time? What is he waiting for?

As it turns out, what he was waiting for was exactly what I was giving him. Unease, and sloppiness.

And the very second I realized this fact, the moment I understood what he was looking for, he struck.


A tongue, thick and yellow like a python, emerged from the depths of his gaping maw, rising to strike at my body like a venomous cobra. I didn't know it, I didn't understand it at all, but my short readiness, the few seconds I had before he struck, was enough.

The second I saw that thick serpentine tongue rise to drag me back into his acidic stomach, I struck. Every single neuron in my body, every nerve and thought I had, all broadcasted the same order:


And the fireflies obeyed.

They weren't many, but even so, they flew at the glistening wet tongue, everything moved so slowly. I was so focused on sending all the fireflies at the tongue, that I didn't realize he had already gotten me. That slimy disgusting thing involved my small, insect body, but even so, my thoughts were on my magic.

The fireflies bolted at the tongue, all shining and burning like embers in the night sky. And the next second, they all struck. Fire bit into the tongue at various points, turning the moistness into dryness, cracking skin and burning flesh.


Spell (Fireflies) has gained a level

With that cry, Mr King released his grip on me, his tongue retreating into his mouth.

My hypothesis was correct. The SRI never mentioned anything about the inside of the frog being any resilient to magic, only the hide.

Sadly, this also confirms that I will not be able to escape this match. His tongue is fast enough to catch me, and he is clever enough to distinguish me from my clones. Darnit.

So, all I need to do to scorch him to death is to simply make him open his mouth. Then, I'll pour everything I have into a fireball or something, and boom! The cooked frog is fried.

Now, how to go about this... I could try sending fireflies into his eyes, but he'll just close them. If these frogs can communicate like the goblins, I'm sure the lackey has already told Mr King about my abilities, so he won't allow me to even try it. So, that leaves me with magic.


Magic, magic, what magic to use...

Oh! I know, Blind never fails to make people scream! I'll just use Blind on him, swoop in, chock him full of fireballs, and then I'll win! Sounds really simple, and it is, but if it works, it works.

Mr King eyes me suspiciously, no fear or hatred in his eyes. He clearly doesn't see me as a threat.

Let's change that.


In a burst of bright light threatening to blind me as well, I heard Mr King croak in surprise, and in this moment of surprise, I pounced, flying straight at where Mr King was, a spell dancing on my lips.

Spell (Blind) has gained a level


I shouted, pouring an excessive amount into the fireball, which shot out from my abdomen, fiery and rageful. It flew faster than I ever could, straight for Mr King's open mouth.

A mere second later, the ball of fire exploded in the face of the oversized toad, bathing his head in scorching flames. The head could be felt even from where I was, and it felt like it might just scorch my wings straight off.

Spell (Fireball) has gained a level

But, after a few more seconds, the fire died out, licking youngest of flame fading into nothing but embers and lingering heat, revealing Mr King...

Who was completely unscathed.

His eyes were unfocused and hazy, but his mouth was as closed and rigid as ever. A moment passed as I stared him in the eye, my heart filling with despair and a thin sense of admiration. His eyes were glazed over and pale, but even so, I could tell that he knew my plans now. He knew what I wanted of him.

He would not open his mouth, not anymore.

Desperately, I searched his tank-like body in search of something, anything I could use to scorch his insides with. Finally, I laid eyes on his face. Or, more specifically, his nostrils. May god himself be damned if Mr King can close those suckers.

I just... need to get a bit closer. Then, I'll be able to send fiery flames down it, which will surely spell his doom! Yes, I am yet to be defeated!!

I flew at him once more, ignorantly ignoring his steeled, authoritative expression. I had stupidly assumed his momentary lack of sight would give me an advantage, that it would let me get closer. I was naïve.

Indeed, when I landed on his nose, already preparing a spell and a winning speech, I failed to notice his right foot rising.

The very next moment, a truck-sized palm smashed into my body, sending my reeling. Frantically, I flailed my limbs and wings, only to find the palm rising once more, ready to slam me square into the ground. Just that one strike had easily shaved off 27 of my 75 hp, so taking this hit would put me out of commission for good.

Panic activated my few insect instincts (a phrase that should mix well into a single word but sadly does not) and I performed a mid-air roll to the side, narrowly dodging the massive strike. Just the wind pressure flying past my little body sent me flying alongside it, but it was still preferable to getting entirely squished.

I crashed into the ground, the air forced out of me by default.

Skill (Fall Damage Resistance) has gained a level

Above me, yet another palm stretches out, far above me. And the next second, it falls upon me.

But the few seconds of rest I had were enough to pull myself together, and I flew out of the way, outside the range for air pressure to harm me somehow.

Skill (Advanced Flight) has gained a level

I need-, I need to go about this differently. What SRI said about Mr King before is what lead me here, so if I can just bring to memory something else, something that can help me, something to agonize this fat pile of lard.

Oh-, oh right!

I turn to the lackey with nothing but malicious thoughts in mind.

The lackey starts noticeably sweating.

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